Daniela Peak - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Wife Quentin Tarantino 2021



The Israeli singer and model of Daniela Peak became known to the general public in 2017, it was then the country learned about her engagement with a convinced Bachelor of Hollywood Quentin Tarantino. The relationship of the couple has long been discussed in the press, but few believed that they decide to legalize relations.

Childhood and youth

Daniela was born in the Israeli city of Ramat Ha-Sharon in the fall of 1983, its nationality is unknown. In the family brought up with sister Sharon.

The father of Zwick Peak was a musician and a singer in Israel, he was the author of a number of hives, including the composition of the International Diva, which won the Eurovision Music Competition in 1998. It is not surprising that the talent of the parent passed to her. Peak from childhood experienced a passion for music and then firmly decided that her biography would be associated with singing.


Music career Daniela began in 2000 with sister Sharon. The girls appeared on stage in a duet called The Pick Sister. A group of young actipers became famous for numerous hits, the list of which "Hashir Hazeh", "Zot Ahava", "Tel Barukh Tsafon" and others entered the list. In 2005, at the National Competition of Israeli songs, they presented the track "Hello Hello", but the victory did not observe.

In 2006, Daniela tried his hand in acting and starred in an episode for the "EXIT" series, and then, separating from the sister, began to work as a solo singer. The girl even recorded a pair of English-speaking songs, among which the songs "Love Me" and "More or Less", as well as the Dance Track "Yalla Yalla", which became a hit.

Personal life

Daniel's acquaintance with Quentin Tarantino took place in 2009, when the man flew to Israel to the premiere of his own film "Inchlastic bastards." And after 2 weeks, they appeared together on the carpet in the status of a couple. This union caused a lot of questions, people discussed a large difference at the age of a man and a woman, but this was not worried about lovers.

True, until 2016 in the personal life of Quentin and Daniel was not all smoothly, they diverged, they again appeared in public as a couple. According to the director, he initially saw the woman in the peak, with whom he wants to have a family. But at that time, in the first place, a man stood a quarry, which he was not ready to exchange something else.

Only in 2016, lovers resumed relations, and a year later, fans learned that Soon Daniela will be the wife of Quentin Tarantino - a man decided to make the proposal.

The wedding was played by the fall of 2018, only close relatives were invited to the solemn ceremony. In the summer of 2019, the couple stated through his agent that the peak was pregnant, and later this information appeared in the media. Probably a woman and herself before, before that he learned that she was waiting for a child.

The spouses at the beginning of August together flew to Rome at the premiere of the films of Tarantino "Once in Hollywood", on the singer there was a long attached dress, but none of the fans noticed a characteristic belly, which speaks a small gestation.

Daniela Peak now

Now Daniela is named Tarantino and under it registered in "Instagram", where regularly lay out personal photos and pictures with his beloved spouse.

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In the social network of singers, professional photos are presented, as well as frames made during her rest in nightclubs, on the beach in a swimsuit and in a circle of loved ones. Despite the "interesting position" until the woman intends to change the lifestyle, she still visits public events and premieres of his films with her husband.

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