Evgeny Komarovsky - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Books, Team Vladimir Zelensky 2021



The pediatrician of Evgenia Komarovsky is called Ukrainian Dr. Spock. The pages of the medicine popularizer in social network subscribers are larger than any of the politicians running into the presidents of Ukraine in the spring of 2019. Komarovsky jokes:"All contradictions between Ukraine and her Eastern neighbor would be allowed if Vladimir Putin married one of my fans."

Childhood and youth

Evgeny Olegovich was born in Kharkov in the fall of 1960. Like the President of Ukraine, Vladimir Zelensky, Komarovsky - Ukrainian-Jewish origin. The "non-mentioned" half of the nationality did not inherit from the mother.

The parents of the boy were far from medicine, each of them worked as an engineer at a factory producing a turbine, and Mom also had a library education and instilled his son a passion for books. The choice of the wife of the future profession was influenced by the birth of younger sister and anxiety for her health.

In 1977, the young man passed the entrance examinations to the medical institute of his native city into two fours (in physics and the composition) and two five (in chemistry and biology) and became a student of the Pediatric Faculty. The time of study Komarovsky recalls as years of hard work.

Medicine and books

In Hospitals, Eugene began to dudge on the 2nd course, and from the fourth he began to work with a nurse in intensive care. After graduating from the university, he worked in the Children's Infectious Hospital of Kharkov, first an ordinary pediatrician, and then the head of the department.

After a decade after the start of medical practice, the biography of the Komarovsky writer started. The first book of Yevgeny Olegovich had a scientific title "Viral croup in children" and was written by an academic, albeit clear language. In the publication of the monograph, grateful patients helped, and the author was awarded a scientific degree of a candidate of medical sciences without protection.

The subsequent books of Komarovsky are scientifically popular and have a catchy, attracting the reading audience of the name - "The beginning of the life of your child", "child's health and common sense of his relatives", "Handbook for Sensible Parents." In full compliance with the tips of marketers, the headlines of reference books written by the doctor often contain numerals - those "36 and 6 tips on temperature" and "365 councils for the first year of your child's life."

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The main postulates of Komarovsky books are reduced to the following:

  • Refusal of vaccinations is a step towards a natural selection, unacceptable in the 21st century, for which parents "decompositionists" should be punished;
  • Most children are born healthy, and excessive bugs with medicines, especially all sort of fuflomycins, undermines the health of the nation;
  • parenthood is not a feat, but happiness;
  • ORZ to sore for a child naturally, frequent cold - not a reason to think that the baby has bad immunity, overheating in the maternity hospital and kindergartens are destroyed for children.
  • Treatment of juvenile citizens injuries - outdated practice, almost always you can find other ways to introduce drugs.

In 2000, Evgeny Olegovich resigned from the hospital and began to conduct consultations in the private medical center. 6 years after the "divorce" with official medicine, the doctor founded the Komarovsky clinic - "Clinic". Since 2010, the doctor has become a media person, leads numerous radio and telecasts about health in both Ukrainian and Russian channels.

Political activity

Evgeny Olegovich in the autobiography says that 20,000 thousand letters of readers received 20 years after the publication of the first book. In 2010, the Masty Doctor became the laureate of the contest "The most beautiful man of Ukraine".

Political parties dreamed of attracting a charismatic popularizer of medicine under their banners. Komarovsky was also offered to run for the presidency of Ukraine, but Evgeny Olegovich refused to explain, explaining that he did not want to put under the strike of family members. As a result, the doctor was considered a member of the team of Vladimir Zelensky, although he sympathized not only to him, but also a candidate Igor.

Komarovsky's political statements often cause anger commentators. Speaking about Maidan, Evgeny Olegovich stated with sadness that his and millions of Ukrainians "divorced as Loch." Also, the doctor believes that Ukraine with Nishchensky salaries of doctors and teachers, fights in Rada, problems with the anesthesia of cancer and intolerance to the opinion of the opponent, unfortunately, is not moving to Europe, but in Africa.

Personal life

Komarovsky married in early youth and is still surprised, as he was lucky. Ekaterina Aleksandrovna's wife - the former classmate Yevgeny Olegovich, who chose the specialization of the eyepiece, presented the children's doctor of two sons to the CIS for the Syss, Dima and Andrei.
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They became fathers in 2013, and now the cottage of Komarovsky, on which there are no greenhouses and a bed, but there is a tennis table and a basketball ring, filled with a ringing of children's votes.

Evgeny Olegovich believes that the family is the main thing in the life of every person, and the one who cannot bring into account in personal life will not be able to improve life in the country.

"At first, agree with my wife, and then go to deal with the neighbor," says the doctor.

Komarovsky's hobby - reading, traveling to non-heated area (photo from traveling the doctor lays out in "Instagram"), in connection with this car prefers SUVs. The main passion of Eugene Olegovich is fishing. Komarovsky's words about Vladimir Putin are known: according to the doctor, he could agree with the Russian president if the Moscow leader went with him for night fishing.

Evgeny Komarovsky now

In an interview with Dmitry Gordon, a given in March 2019, Evgeny Olegovich said that he refuses to propose to become the Minister of Health of Ukraine, because it was not ready to "cut alive" and make dismissal, but will be happy to become a presidential adviser on medicine.

Komarovsky is ready to give the first person to clarify the dangers or usefulness of various medicines and medical initiatives, inform the society about the reaction of the president to the advice. The doctor advises politicians to reset the past, learn to negotiate and stop lying and stealing.

As for professional activities, Komarovsky believes that all the children's health advice has already been outlined in the books and will soon go to the recommendations for the prevention of diseases in adults. Evgeny Olegovich considers a huge misfortune for Ukraine to migrate abroad by doctors and the citizenship itself is not going to change.


  • 1993 - "Viral croup in children. Clinic, diagnosis, tactics of therapy "
  • 1996 - "The beginning of the life of your child"
  • 2000 - "The health of the child and the common sense of his relatives"
  • 2002 - "Disposable diapers. Popular User Guide »
  • 2008 - "ORZ: Guidelines for Sensible Parents"
  • 2008 - "Diaries. Our notes on our child "
  • 2008 - "Book from a cold: about children's cold for moms and dad"
  • 2008 - "Cough book: about children's cough for moms and dad"
  • 2008 - "36 and 6 questions about temperature. How to help your child with increasing body temperature "
  • 2009 - "Directory for Sensible Parents. Part One: Growth and Development. Analyzes and surveys. Vaccinations "
  • 2010 - "Directory for Sensible Parents. Part Two: Emergency Help »
  • 2012 - "Little fairy tales about hedgehogs"
  • 2012 - "Directory for Sensible Parents. Part Three: Medicines »

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