Rostislav Ishchenko - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Politics 2021



Until 2014, the Russian-Ukrainian political scientist and the browser Rostislav Ishchenko held posts in government organizations and rarely expressed his own opinion on the air and on the pages of printed publications.

After the state coup, known as Euromaidan, a man came out of the shadows and, having left the Motherland, became the frequent guest of Russian television channels and a permanent participant in the radio station of Media Radio VGTRK. Now the publicist and historian acts as the author and chief analyst of the Internet project "Rostislav Ishchenko about the main thing" and the opponent of the Ukrainian side in the Talk show Evgenia Satarnanovsky, Vladimir Solovyov, Armen Gasparyan and others.

Childhood and youth

Rostislav Vladimirovich Ishchenko was born on December 29, 1965 in Kiev, former at that time the capital of the Ukrainian SSR. The parents and early biography of the future political scientist of information are extremely small, it is only known that the boy graduated from a secondary school and went to Amy into the division of the rocket troops of the Soviet Republic of Belarus.

After demobilization, Rostislav returned to Kiev and decided to pay attention to academic education. He entered the Faculty of Historical Faculty of State University named after Taras Shevchenko and began to study politicalology, analytics, philosophy and foreign languages ​​with diligence.

Successful mastery of these and other subjects and high grades for final exams and the protection of thesis provided Ishchenko brilliant start of an adult career. In 1992, a young man was invited to the diplomatic service and enrolled in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.


At the field of diplomacy and civil service, Rostislav became rapidly moved along the career ladder and for 2 years with the post of attache and the 3rd secretary of the Department of Political Analysis and Planning, it was raised to the representative of the Office of the Council of Europe and the OSCE.

In order to improve the knowledge and skills of international negotiations, Ishchenko was in danger in Leeds, in one of the largest universities in Great Britain, and in parallel worked in the embassies of Ukraine in Belgium, Holland and Luxembourg. In 1994, Rostislav Vladimirovich became an employee of the Presidential Administration Leonid Danilovich Kuchma and performed the responsibilities of the Consultant of the Chief Department of Foreign Policy.

The leadership appreciated the international experience of the diplomat and regularly included him in the delegations accompanying the head of state during visits to Finland, Georgia, Greece and Italy. In addition, Ishchenko regularly provided the right to participate in negotiations on the organization of security and cooperation between European partners, held in Austria in the mid-1990s.

Despite the dense work schedule, Rostislav Vladimirovich found time for cooperation with public enterprises and for 5 years advised the participants in the Commonwealth Charitable Foundation for Press Relations and Issues of International Development. From the 2000th to the 2002th part-time diplomat, he worked as the editor of the political department of the publication "New Century", and then held the post of vice-president of the Ukrainian Center for Corporate Relations.

In 2006, when Viktor Andreevich Yushchenko became the Ukrainian leader, Rostislav Vladimirovich fell under the wing of the Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Tabachnikov and remained his adviser and consultant until the state coup in 2014.

The adoption of the new authority was prevented by political views and an innate sense of justice, besides, Ishchenko knew too much about the self-proclaimed rulers and had reason to fear for his own life.

In order to avoid fate, comprehended by the journalist Olesya Bузина and other patriots, a former diplomat moved to Russia and, refusing to Ukrainian citizenship, was able to openly express his own opinion on the situation close to the nature of the Civil War.

Moscow colleagues who knew Ishchenko at international work immediately provided a voting right to the exile, and in 2014 he began to lead a column on the RIA Nov online portal.

In published articles, Rostislav Vladimirovich analyzed the actions of the Ukrainian government and compared the life of the former fellow citizens in different periods of existence outside the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Thanks to the acute statements and criticism of Peter Alekseevich Poroshenko, Ishchenko began to invite to radio and television as a permanent guest Tok show "The Right of Voice" and "Formula of Meaning".

The most detailed presentation of the point of view of Ishchenko was the books "Crash Ukraine. Dismantling of the under-state, "Ukraine in Global Policy and Galicia against Novorossia, written in exile and published in 2015-2017.

In other numerous publications, speaking about the current stage of development of Ukraine, Rostislav Vladimirovich celebrated the complete incompetence of the president and the government and stressed the need for cooperation with Russia to avoid the economic and political collapse.

Personal life

Not much knows about the personal life of Rostislav Ishchenko. According to official information, he for many years is lawful marriage and, together with his wife, raises the only son of Arsenia. The family lives in Russia and, according to some reports, has its own real estate in Moscow.

Ishchenko seeks to protect close to unnecessary attention and does not imitate the bulk of public persons who publish a photo with children and homemade pets daily in Instagram. Diplomat does not have an open account on this resource, and all its contacts on the Internet occur through Facebook or the official website.

Rostislav Ishchenko now

Currently, Ishchenko, which has a phenomenal vision of the modern political situation, is the president of the Russian Center for Systemic Analysis and Forecasting, as well as an employee of the Internet edition "".

In 2019, continuing to cover the events in Ukraine, the political scientist could not pass by the current decisions of the new President of Vladimir Zelensky and made a number of public speeches relating to the armed conflict in the Donbas, language law and the end of partnerships with the European Union countries.

In an interview with the program "Rostislav Ishchenko on the main thing", the analyst voiced the opinion of the current state of the economy of Ukraine and predicted an independent power of the inevitable ruin, devaluation and subsequent default.

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