Jean Hackman - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Jean Hackman is an American film actor who became among the most popular and famous US artists in the 2nd half of the 20th century. The creative biography of Hememan consists of more than 100 roles in film polishes and telegraphs. After completing the artistic career, Jin Hackman tries himself at the writing field. The author has already released several books that can be purchased in different countries of the world.

Childhood and youth

The full name of the actor - Eugene Allen Hackmen. The boy was the city of San Bernardino, located in the United States. The future artist was born on January 30, 1930 in a difficult time for the country - the period of the Great Depression. Gina's parents often moved, so his childhood was filled with shifting landscapes and residence.

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One of the important stops of the family search took place in the house of the parents of Hayman's wife. Grandma never fifth warm feelings to his father, therefore contributed to the separation of the couple. Eugene was 13 years old when his parents parted.

Complex times have affected the child's life. He wanted to help the family, so I tried to work. Hisman's school education did not receive. But at the age of 16, he entered serve on the sea fleet, asking himself a couple of years. So he began independent existence. In the future, the images of the military often met in the cinematographic career of the artist, so the experience gained in youth was not in vain.

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After 4.5 years, the Eugene service was demobilized as a result of injury. He turned out to be the owner of a modest pension of the veteran and had the opportunity to get an education for free. Hacman became a student of an art school, and then entered the Radio Engineering College.

In 1953, the Eugene received the first television position. To do this, he had to leave Florida and then to Danville. The young man worked as an operator on the WDAN-TV channel. In parallel, he studied journalism at the University of Illinois. In 1955, turned out to be in New York. While in a creative search, Gin arranged his personal life, marrying. But he did not give rest to the desire for self-realization. Such a chance he brought acquaintance with Dustin Hoffman.

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Together with the new friend, Hacman was trained in Pasaden Playukhaus and decided to try himself as an actor. He moved to New York and became a student of George Morrison. In parallel with the receipt of new gin skills, he worked in the Long Island theater. There was a debut of a young artist.

3 years later, Dustin Hoffman arrived in New York. They decided that, working in Tandem, would succeed faster. It rallied them, putting the beginning of great friendship. But we are talking about the success for Gina Hackman did not go down to 1964.


Working in the theater, Hackman almost did not receive a salary. Partly, he performed the work of the mober, the artist in the light and the requisite. The first role was in the production of Grosbard Udule on the play Arthur Miller "View from the bridge." The director praised the artist, motivating him not to drop the scene.

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In 1964, Heckman managed to get a role on Broadway in the play "To any Wednesday". His partner became Sandy Dennis, who at first resisted to working with the actor. The play turned out to be very successful and has collected the full hall for 28 months. In the same period, Jin Hacman received a debut role in the cinema. Before that, he starred only in the episode of the film "The Mad Pie Call", and now he participated in the filming of the painting "Lilith".

In 1967, Gina was invited to work on the film "Graduate", where Hoffman was also involved, but the director soon refused the artist. But HEKMEN was free to start working in the project "Bonnie and Clyde". Having played the brother of the main character in Warren Bitti's painting, Jin became involved in the film, which received 10 Oscar nominations and 2 figurines.

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In the 1970s, the artist's filmography was replenished with the legendary picture "French Svyaznoye". She was removed by William Friedkin on the book of Robin Mura based on real events. The premiere brought Ginna Hackman recognition of experts and colleagues, as well as the Oscar statuette.

The next film, confirmed by the talent of the artist, turned out to be a triller "Talk", the scenario to which Francis Ford Coppola created in 1966. Hackman embodied on the screen hero named count. This image is considered one of the best in the artist's career. He gained the praise of critics and the public, but did not receive Hollywood awards.

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Since the 1970s, Jin Hacman quickly gained popularity in filmmakers. He began to offer high-budget projects, and the artist often agreed on cooperation for the sake of fees, without considering the creative aspect. He starred in the tapes "scarecrow", "Legionnaires", "The boat" Happy Lady "and others.

The highest paid work of Hememan in cinema was the role of Lex Luce in the film "Superman". This project was decisive for the actor, who realized that he had exhausted himself in the cinema. He was interested in the repertoire theater.

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In 1981, Jin Hackman played in the painting "All night long" in a duet with Barbara Streisand. The project failed at the box office, was nominated for the "Golden Malina", and only Hackman enlisted the support of critics. Then followed the film "Red", which received a nomination for Oscar. The 1980s were a successful period for the actor.

1991 brought shooting in the tape "Unbelled", in which Hacman played the sheriff. The artist received Oscar, Golden Globe and BAFTA Prize for this work, reminding the public about a long-time success in the "French Svyagnoye". Next, followed by shooting in several westerns, whose budget was extensive, and the acting was called starry.

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In 1995, Hacman starred in the "Baghrov", then in the "Firm", "Camera" and tape "Absolute Power". But much greater pleasure to the artist brought work on the comedies of those years, including "hearts" and "Family of the Thongbaum". The latter replenished the film in the second Golden Globe.

The actor announced the conclusion of a career in a movie in 2004. Finally, he starred in the tape "Welcome to the Elk Bay".


The creative biography of Gina Hackman was always associated with cinema and television production. After leaving a well-deserved rest, he decided to try the forces on the writing field and in 1999 published the first book of the Star Perdido.Embed from getty images

Above the creation of this work, a man worked at the company of the underwater researcher Daniel Lenihanan. Their creative tandem released another 2 publications in 2004 and 2008: "Justice for anyone" and "Escape from Andersonville".

Hackman works as an independent writer. He became the author of the book "Payback on the morning peak." In 2013, a presentation of the work "Pursuit" took place.

Personal life

The first wife of a young artist became Fei Maltiz. The girl worked as a cashier in a bank. Dating a couple took place on dancing. Together with the choices, the actor moved to New York, and there they built a personal life, accompanied by constant samples of her husband, Hoffman's visits and creative searches.

Wife gave birth to a gin of three children: Son and two daughters. At the peak of his own demand in the 1980s, he took a small pause to spend time with his relatives. Together with his wife, Jin Hackman was happy for 30 years.

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But even such an impressive period of living together was not weighty when the couple decided to part. In 1986, a divorce occurred.

1991 brought the actor a new novel. He officially announced a relationship with the Pianist Asian Nationality of Betsy Arakawa. Now Hackman lives with his wife in Santa Fe. He is fond of cycling and sick for the Jacksonville Jaguars football club. Male's growth is 188 cm, and the exact weight is unknown.

Jin Hackman now

In 2019, the former artist, held as a writer, leads a quiet and measured life.Embed from getty images

His photos no longer appear on the covers of magazines, and Hacman himself does not advertise his weekdays. The artist does not lead accounts on social networks and enjoys a life free of discussion by the public and outbreaks of the chambers of the paparazzi.


  • 1964 - "Lilith"
  • 1967 - "Bonnie and Clyde"
  • 1971 - "French Svyaznoy"
  • 1975 - "Nights"
  • 1978 - "Superman"
  • 1985 - "Target"
  • 1992 - "Disposable"
  • 1995 - "Get a short"
  • 1998 - "The enemy of the state"
  • 2001 - "Hearts"
  • 2004 - "Welcome to the Elk Bay"


  • 1999 - "Star Perdido"
  • 2004 - "Justice for anyone"
  • 2008 - "Escape from Andersonville"
  • 2011 - "Payback on the morning peak"
  • 2013 - "Pursuit"

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