Roma Kenga (Roma Kenga) - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



By June 2019, in the piggy bank of the once popular provocative singer Roma Kengi, the latter was latte with a 5-year old album - ON / OFF saw the light in 2014. But this does not mean that the performer sits without affairs or disappeared from sight. Together with the Bronze medalist of Tel Aviv "Eurovision" Sergey Lazarev (and 98 members of the jury), a man was seen as a judge of the music project "Well, all together!" On the TV channel "Russia-1".

Childhood and youth

Exactly in the middle of May, the Olympic 1980s in the resort town of Yeisk, located at the Azov coast, the Nutrigs had a replenishment - the son of Roma appeared on the world.

While as a preschooler, he could easily demonstrate their skills and abilities on the keyboard tool - piano. And since the young maestro did not take the floor to the floor, the chapter of the family Nikolai had to even attach a stand. Choosing the talent of the child Parents considered blasphemia, so the boy was given, in addition to the Middle Educational Institution, also to the music school.

Nostalging about the past, the singer subsequently said that it was the new year that he was associated with his childhood.

"I remember when I studied in the 1st grade, I could not wait for this holiday. In November, New Year's postcards began to sell, and I was already silent from the pre-New Year joy. In the air flowed out something magical. So in my childhood my new year lasted a couple of months, no one night, "he explained.

Interest in the performance did not pass and as we grow up, after school, the guy went to storm at first the current RCO in Rostov-on-Don. Then came the turn of the capital of Russia and the famous "Gnesinka".

On the personal page on the social network "Instagram" on May 9, 2019, the artist posted a photo of his favorite grandfather - Sergeant Efim Grigorievich, who made his contribution to the long-awaited victory.


In parallel with studying at the university, the novel did the first steps in show business, handling the arrangers from the famous producers of Max Fadeev and Evgenia Friedland and posting their own musical works on the Internet.

The experience with the masters of his case was not a gift - on the creations of a young composer in 2008, the general director of Universal Russia passed by chance and after 7 days he concluded a contract with him. On the comments, allegedly, the guy is incredibly lucky, Roma dislarously noticed that if the demoralism left much to be desired, they would not like a professional.

Career developed rapidly. In May, Roma Kenga held a presentation party in the local Moscow nightly institution "Vodka Bar", in June the world saw a debut clip. On the last summer month, the performer tried his hand in acting, starring in a short film "Where love". And at the end of the autumn he revealed the world a premiere plate with the same name, where the lyrical "this world without you got."

The next year also found himself for a pop star. Saturated. At the music event dedicated to the Moscow Eurovision, Kenga was surprised by all those present by the unusual sound of the Summer Night City Hit. His own version of the song The guy sent the authors to the legendary Swedish quartet of ABBA. The sent track was so delighted with stars that immediately after acquaintance with him, celebrities were signed by all documents that transmit full rights to use it.

Then, in collaboration with Agnia Ditkovsky, "aircraft" and the second studio album appeared. Proceedings brought their fruits - on the singer one after another fell premiums. However, in the wave of popularity, the artist did not picked up a dangerous star disease, but rather, on the contrary.

In 2010, the novel released two clips - "High" and "Look in the eye." The funds accepted from the "implementation" of a call hits, he decided to sacrifice to the charity organization Chulpan Hamaya and Dina Korzun. The help of those who needed did not end up - Kenga recorded a separate collection, which included both personal work and colleagues.

Candid rollers to singles - a peculiar "chip" Roma Kenga. Video and to the cake of the Hita "Abba", and to the "You will be happy" to the track, called such a resonance from the Puritan public, which had to create their censorship options, and a guy after the release of the latter - to fight off the accusations of the propaganda of same-sex love.

"I want to show love in this work without bills, with bare bodies and a broken heart - three men in love with one girl in love with a plan. Although if the video is pleased with the gays, I do not mind! " - He parried in 2012.

In the same year, he replenished with the discography of Ep Now or Never, again sending reversible funds to good goals, and made a European tour. Upon returning from tour, Roma was waiting for trouble.

"A letter came from MUZ-TV - they ask not to make translational movements at a concert on September 2, since, returning to the new Censorship law, this choreography may be regarded as a call for sex and violence (why are these 2 concepts together?!). And, as a result, this song will not go on the air ... "," Kenga shared on "Echo Moscow".

So far, Russian TV channels and experts dealt with what the essence is yes, the Roman himself reacted to the attacks to his side more than worthy - he recorded the latest single "Progressive Movements".

The artist's arsenal also has the experience of "cross" cooperation - "our fight is over" created a soloist "Vintage" for him, and he in turn gave the duet "Dance for the last time." In 2014, a double ON / OFF came out and was born "Sorry, my love." Moreover, only foreign songs contained in ON, Russian-speaking.

Personal life

Staying frank in creativity, Kenga is not in a hurry to share with journalists the details of such a section of the biography, as a personal life. It is understandable. After all, after the tandem with the Lithuanian beauty, Ditkovsky media attributed to them, in addition to official relations, also romantic. However, confirmations from young people did not follow. The same fate waited for the model with world name to Janunu, removed in the punch clip "Look in the eye."

It is not known for certain, whether the heart of the artist is employed now and has his beloved woman. But one clearly exactly exactly - the performer adores his dog Mabish, whose pictures are actively divided into social networks.

Roma Kanga now

In 2019, in addition to participating in a television vocal show, Roma decided to pamper fans a long-awaited track - from under the author's pen, "naked" came out.

Also, a man willingly participate in promotional photo shoots, often with a minimum of clothing. Fortunately, model appearance and sports body (according to some data, height 184 cm with weight 69 kg) allow.


  • 2008 - "Where love"
  • 2010 - "Look in the eye"
  • 2012 - NOW OR NEVER
  • 2014 - ON / OFF

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