Vladimir Konovalov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, "Voice" 2021



The speech of the participant of the project "Voice" Vladimir Konovalov on the "blind auditions" caused ambiguous assessments of both the members of the jury and the viewers. The roots of the expressive manner of singing lies in the biography of vocalist.

Childhood and youth

Konovalov was born on July 22, 1988 in the Transbaikal village of Lama. He was called Volodya in honor of the Father. Mother singer, often leaving comments on the signs of the son in Vkontakte, name Natalia.

The full namesake of the Russian president for the first time came to the scene in kindergarten. On the stage of the Volodya village club was supposed to read the poem. From excitement, the boy forgot the words and burst out. There were applause. Since then, Konovalov knows - emotionality for the artist plus, and not minus.

The first vocational education of Vladimir is not associated with music. In 2009, the guy graduated from the University of Chita in the specialty "English". Now Alma Mater Konovalova is called the Trans-Baikal State University.


A year after receiving a diploma Philologist Vladimir Vladimirovich became the head of the pop studio of the Chita Palace of Youth "Megapolis". To develop musical talent and get crusts, the corresponding positions, Konovalov graduated from the Novosibirsk Musical College named after A. F. Murov.

Having said to the microphone that he came from Transbaikal to the 8th season of "voices", the singer shouted slightly. Since 2018, Vladimir lives in Dzerzhinsky near Moscow and leads a circle in DC "Energetik".

In addition, the young teacher is a participant in the vocal team of Akapella Sunvoice. The photo of the possessing of Sunny Votes' possessors is posted on the pages of Konovalov in social networks.

"Fishka" performances "Akapella Sunvoice" is the saturation of simple songs, such as the "Lullaby Medoli" or "Kaba there was no winter", unexpected jazz inserts. The performances of the Konovalov group on the streets and squares decorated the May Day Gulyanya 2019.

Personal life

Vladimir does not advertise a personal life, and girls who have fallen for him on the "voice", jokingly calls a support group scored in the Tinder dating app.

A man reads a lot (including such non-European literature, as Roman Alexei Salikova "Petrov in a group and around him", awarded the "National Bestseller" award), lays out its reviews for read on social networks and writes poems.

Vladimir Konovalov now

In the show "Voice" Konovalov came for experience. It is curious that the singer, after the presentation, was included, according to Dmitry Nagiyev, in the thousand of the most influential people of Russian television, earlier on their pages "VKontakte" and "Instagram" called the TV "Zomboyer".

A broadcast broadcasted in August 2019, was released only on October 25. When the composition of Max Barsky "Fogs", Vladimir passed from a whisper on a cry, and only one mentor turned to Konovalov - singer Valery Sutkin. The decision of the ex-participant of the BRAVO group argued that the Zabaicalian's native demonstrated expression and range of votes.

Polina Gagarina and Sergey Shnurov were evaded from the unfolded evaluation of the singing of Konovalov. The most strict for the participant was the composer Konstantin Meladze, who called Vocal Vladimir male hysteria. In an interview, Konovalov agreed with the criticism of the Mother and explained the excessive emotionality of excitement.

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