Mikhail Lights - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Political Store 2021



Mikhail Lights from an early age was fond of the ideas of libertarianism. He managed to make a career in politics, become a readable blogger and not losing the confidence of supporters even after the prosecution of pedophilia.

Childhood and youth

Mikhail Vladimirovich Lights was born on January 4, 1985 in Moscow. Brought up in the family of doctors who adhered to liberal views. Their position was influenced by the formation of the Son.

When Misha studied in the 3rd grade, he was transferred to home learning. Later, the boy was sent to Canada, where he studied for a year at school and the boarding school and again continued to master objects alone. Parents did not require high-assessments from the young men, they knew that he could settle in life with the knowledge gained.

Thanks to the family, the future libertarian became interested in politics. He entered the Russian State Humanitarian University, where she mastered the profession of the political scientist. Then the young man was transferred to the University of Nottingham, where he continued to learn from the selected specialty.

For some time, Mikhail lived in Japan, where he studied the language. He witnessed the tragedy on Fukushima. Soon the guy became interested in cinema and entered the Academy in New Zealand. The lights won the scenarios contest, and his creation was shielded called Jackpot.

Politics and social activities

In the early stages of the biography, the young man began blogging on the Live Journal Platform. There, he first mentioned libertarianism. In 2010, the political scientist joined the Libertarian Party of Russia.

Lights supports the ideas of freedom of unions, non-interference, reducing the influence of the state for children, the right to storing weapons, drug use and abortion. He also advocates the prohibition of violent political correctness and freedom of speech, considers it important to traditional separation of roles in the family.

During political activities, Mikhail was repeatedly an observer in elections. He helped in conducting the election campaigns Andrei Shalnev and Faith Kichanova. A man seeks to spread the ideas of libertarianism, organized the "readings of Adam Smith" and helped Peter Getherra in the arrival. In 2019, the lights held a tour, in the course of which he read lectures in 29 cities in 29 days, despite the obstruction of the police and local authorities.

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In 2017, the blogger registered a channel on Yutiube, who called SVTV. He dedicated a video discussion of exciting topics and consecration of the ideas of libertarianism. Mikhail took an interview with Harry Kasparov, Rand Paul and Hans-Herman Hoppe, who support his views.

The lights participated in the rallies "for free Internet", against the blocking "Telegraph" and for the abolition of the pension reform. He advocated the liberation of the participants of the Moscow Court. In the summer of 2019, politician filed a request from the LPR to conduct a procession on the Lubyanskaya Square, but received a refusal and a proposal to take Sakharov Square. It was not arranged Libertarians and his allies.

Detention and accusations

At the end of July 2019, politics detained after negotiations in the Moscow City Hall. The reason was the facts from the personal life of the lightness, which were recognized by representatives of Roskomnadzor. In the old Profile of "Instagram" found a sexual photo, in which the blogger is captured next to a minor girl. Based on this, Mikhail account was included in the list of prohibited, and the man himself was accused of storing child pornography.

After that, the policy was searching in the apartment, as a result of which the data warehouse was seized. Law enforcement officers began investigating, in the process of which Mikhail appointed urological examination. Supporters of Lightov did not believe that their leader was engaged in pedophilia, and had single pickets in his support.

Personal life

In 2011, the blogger began to meet with Anastasia Starodubovskaya, the pictures with which eventually became the cause of his detention.

According to the girl, at that time she was full of 16 years, which is considered to be aged sexual agreement on the territory of the Russian Federation. The couple broke down, but they remained friends.

Mikhail Lights now

On November 3, I wrote a blogger on the "Twitter" page, which is no longer part of the Federal Committee of the LPR. This decision is due to the desire to write its own book, but it remains as part of the party.

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Now Mikhail continues to support the ideas of libertarianism. News from his life subscribers will learn on pages on social networks. On November 7, an interview with a politician appeared on the Medusa website, in which he revealed details of the detention and suggested that his political views became the cause.

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