Alexey Osipov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Lectures 2021



The biography of a native of the Tula region, Alexei Ilyich Osipov, was devoted to the study of the foundations of the Christian religion, and thanks to this he showed himself as an outstanding teacher, publicist and theologian. Writing the books "How to live today?" And the "way of mind in search of truth", the well-deserved professor of the Spiritual Academy became a member of a number of international church conferences and the famous figure in Russia and abroad.

Childhood and youth

Alexey Ilyich Osipov was born at the end of March 1938 in Beløve, and his childhood was held in a family of ordinary employees, together with her son who had moved to the city of Kozelsk. The boy studied at the middle school of the village of Optino of the Kaluga region, and in high schools attended the school Gzhatsk, which in 1968 in honor of the first cosmonaut was renamed Gagarin.

Alexey Osipov in youth

Having received a diploma who gave the right to enter Soviet universities, the young man refused to receive classical education and has studied theology for 3 years under the supervision of the Orthodox Sacredman Nikon, in 1956 he received Igumen San. Then, having received an authoritative recommendation, he entered the graduation class of the metropolitan spiritual seminary, at the end of which he became a listener of the theological branch of MDA.

In 1963, Alexey became the author of the work on the topic of comparing Russian and Greek religious systems and received a degree recognized in the structures of the ROC. This made it possible to enter the graduate school and become a teacher of the ideology of unity, called special term ecumenism.

Since 1965, Osipov began lectures on other popular courses and subjects, including the spiritual foundations of Russian philosophy, classical theology and foreign Protestantism.


In the mid-1960s, Alexey Ilyich's activities went beyond teaching, and he took part in creating Almanaci "Theological Works". After a decade, the scientist became a full member of the meeting on the problems of Christian unity under the organ of the ROC - the Holy Synod and was present at the Local Cathedral held in 1988.

Alexey Osipov and Pope Roman

During this period, Osipov was puzzled: representatives of various world religions believe in one of the ubiquitous God. And he came to the answer that the image of the father, created in a separate spiritual community, is personal and dispelled with the concept of a single God.

And arguing about the prophecies and mentoring, Alexey Ilyich recommends that with caution approach the problem of "jogging" and to begin to consider, experience and tempt. In no case insisting on their own views, theologians negatively reacted to the proposal to remove the work of F. M. Dostoevsky from the school program.

Becoming a member of the Presidium of the advisory body of the Moscow Patriarchate, wrote a tutorial printed by the Publishing House of the Sretensky Monastery. And on the pages entitled "The path of mind in search of truth," he presented the Orthodox view of the events of everyday human life and sections about apologetics, religion and the relationship of God and Being.

In the 2010, being a member of the Asians of the largest international ecumenical organizations, Osipov published a number of church-philosophical works called "Spirit's carriers", "How to live today?", God and "Why does a person live?", Where is close attention The need for enlightenment and sermons, which, on the basis of religion, will certainly give a useful fruit.

Personal life

About the personal life of Professor Alexei Osipov is not known, journalists and leading in an interview bypass this moment. And in the photo gallery presented on the official website of the scientist, there are a number of materials from an individual archive, but there are no pictures of parents, children or spouses on group frames.

Alexey Osipov now

Now the activities of the theologian covers all areas of human life and includes works on the themes of the sacrament of baptism, the beginning of the existence, immortal soul, love, family and marriage.

And in 2019, the written turned into audio and video tracks, the bibliography was replenished with the publicistic work "Life with the Gospel. Comments to the Gospel of Matthew "and the book-moralization" What did Jesus spoke about? ".


  • 2001 - "Orthodox understanding of the meaning of life"
  • 2008 - "How can you be indifferent to pray ..."
  • 2010 - "The path of mind in search of truth"
  • 2011 - "Vehicle carriers"
  • 2014 - "Why does a person live?"
  • 2015 - "Why did the elders disappeared? How not to make a mistake in the spiritual mentor "
  • 2017 - "From time to eternity: the posthumous life of the soul"
  • 2017 - "Love, Marriage and Family"
  • 2018 - "Spiritual Life"
  • 2019 - "The Sacrament of Baptism"
  • 2019 - "Life with the Gospel. Comments on the Gospel of Matthew "
  • 2019 - "What did Jesus talk about?"

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