Results of Euro - 2020, football, match, 2021, records, scandals, game, group, Russia, Cherchesov


On July 11, 2021, the next - 16th on account was completed - the European Football Championship. Behind the matches of the tournament, the fans with close attention followed for a month: one past the championship presented a chance to be happy for the success of his teams, another - only disappointment for the failures of national teams. New records were installed, the best players of Europe were revealed. And, like any such large-scale sports event, the contest was accompanied by a mass of injury, failures and scandals. The main results of the Euro 2020 are in material 24cm.

Why in 2021 - Euro-2020

To begin consideration of the main events associated with the chief European football tournament, it is worth clarifying the issue that fans have repeatedly asked about: why after transferring the championship because of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, the championship has retained the name - Euro-2020.

Considering a considerable confusion, UEFA's decision to leave the name of the tournament without changes is quite justified. After all, the European Championship in 2020 was to become a special - anniversary, because from the moment of the first euro, where, among other things, the Winner was the USSR national team, was exactly 60 years.

But as a result, the championship dedicated to this date had to be moved due to the increased risk of propagation of coronavirus infection. The last factor also introduced other adjustments, in addition to changing the timing. For example, a temporary permit for an increased number of replacements during a meeting (five) and the ability to specify in the application for participation of 26 players.

And the desire of the tournament's leadership to give the tribute to the memory of the 60-year anniversary of the existence of the championship led to the fact that Euro 2020 still took place. Let it be for a year later. And he became the first in the history of the football championship, whose matches were held in the territory of 10 European countries, including Russia - here the meeting of the participating team became Gazprom Arena. Formerly, European teams arranged battles at stadiums or one-sole state or two, but with general boundaries.

By the way, this tournament became the second after Euro 2016, where 24 teams participated in the final part, and not 16, as it was before.

Records championship

Speaking about the results of EURO 2020, it will not work around the parties to all sorts of records and achievements both positive and the negative sense, which the continental tournament began to delight journalists and fans at the group stage stage. Among positive:

  1. The author of the goal from the longest distance of 45.4 meters was the striker of the Czech Republic of Patrick Shik - the distance from which the ball, the goalkeeper fleet, was struck by Scotland's gate, became a record for the distance to the euro (counting since 1980, when they began to lead such statistics).
  2. The youngest player on the field in the history of the euro. Such was the midfielder of the Polish team Katzper Kozlovsky, who came to replace in the match with Spain. The birthday of the young Pole - October 16, and the meeting with the Spaniards took place on June 28. So at the time of the game midfielder team Poland was only 17 years and 246 days. Other "age recordsmen" at Euro 2020 became Jude Bellingem from the team of England and Yetro Willems from the national team of the Netherlands - athletes at the time of the debut was 17 years and 349 days and 18 years and 71 days, respectively. Bellingham turned out to be the most young player who fell into the playoffs.
  3. The first football player who played and scored on five European championships was the captain of the national team of Portugal Cristiano Ronaldo. Also, the player was able to beat the record of Michel Platini in the number of headed heads of the head of the heads, held since 1984. The Frenchman then recorded 9 goals on his account, flewing in the target of the opponent. Cristiano on the Euro "Podkometil" 14. True, it took the latter to achieve record indicators to try throughout all five championships in Europe, in which the Portuguese participated, while Platini coped in just one.
  4. The Italian team was noted the longest victorious series, throughout the time of the 16th European Championship, starting with a qualifying round, which started in March 2019, not losing a single match. The triumphal procession of the teams from Italy, a draw with Spain's football players, just showed themselves to the Euro 2020 - only a penalty helped the Italians to enter the final and fight for the main prize of the championship, a full-size copy of the Henri Delone Silver Cup, created in 1958.
  5. The real dynasty on the euro was given cornerily scored at an extra time in the match in Italy with Austria Federico Chiezo and his father Enrico. Once and Ciezo-Sr. lifted the ball into the opponent's gate in the final stage of the championship - it happened in 1996. Before the European tournament did not happen to such a European tournament so that, even in different years, the Father, and the Son were standing out.
  6. The record for possession of the ball on the continental championship during a meeting with Sweden broke the Spanish footballers - a sports projectile remained at the team for 85.1% of the match time.
  7. The results of the Euro 2020 are as follows: the last tournament today became the most productive in the history of the championship, almost reaching the goals to one and a half hundred. Prior to that, the greatest result should boast the European Championship of 2016 with its 108 kids, for 51 played balls. Moreover, the highest number of heads in 2021 was noted at the tournament on June 23 - thanks to 18 balls, which turned out to be at the gate, this gaming day became the most effective during the existence of the championship.


If you have a speech about negative achievements at Euro 2020, then the following should be attributed to them:
  1. A record has been established by the number of prescribed penalty and at the same time - an anti-record percentage of unrealized. Of the 17 appointed 11-meter players, they managed to score only ten, while before on tournaments of this level, never the number of unrealized penalty exceeded five.
  2. The Dutch received their fourth red card during participation in the European Championships, which became the worst indicator among all teams in the entire history of the existence of the championship. It is noteworthy that, as the last time, removed the national team players from the field only in matches with the Czech Republic (earlier - Czechoslovakia).
  3. The Russian national team as a result of the loss of Belgium was the first time the team at the European Championship, which lost on a home stadium with a difference in three missed balls.
  4. The Ukrainian national team has updated the record of the tournament in matches, in which the commands of the team hit opponents, - Ukrainians scored for 11 meetings in a row. Previously, the anti-robe belonged to the Romanian national team, which in 2021 per euro was not presented.


A separate graph in a conversation about the anti-advertised of the past Euro-2020 should withdraw a fantastic number of auto-heads. Already in the first game day, the defender of the Turkish national team Merih Demirral was distinguished, carelessly increased his bill in favor of the ITALY team. His example followed Poland players during a meeting with Slovakia and Germany, opposed France. As a result, by the end of the first round of the championship, the number of auto-goes has grown to three.

The situation only worsened. To the final stage of 1/4 finals, the number of headed by players into its own goal has increased to ten. The Spanish national team was especially lucky, whose opponents rolled three goals in their target: Switzerland distinguished themselves and already mentioned Slovakia, which noted at once two autogles in one match. However, the Spaniards themselves also allowed a similar slip during a meeting with Croats in the 1/8 finals - the latter, however, it did not help.

Fortune's second favorites after an annoyed mistake at the beginning of the group stage were Germany football players who gave glasses rivals in group F from Portugal, like Slovaks, twice hit their own gates. Also replenished the list of personal failures in autogol and players from Finland, who recorded him in favor of the Belgian national team.

The latter, already in the semifinals, scored athletes from Denmark, thanks to which the Russian national team could not get out of the group B and get into the playoffs, "Danes stood up in the game with England. This bloomed ball has become the ball once again at the euro-2020 eleventh, thereby putting an incredible anti-recorder - for all six decades of the existence of the continental tournament, until this year, it was clogged in the amount of all nine auto-drives.

There was a considerable excitement around this news, and the Memes began to actively spread in social networks, in which the autogol was called the "most efficient player" in the history of the championship.

Best players and national teams

At Euro 2020, the Best Player of the Championship was called the Football Player of the Italy national team, Golkaper Dzhanuluja Donanarummum, in the final confrontation with England who repelled two balls in the series of post-match dealers - this goalkeeper helped his team to snatch victory from the British. A draw in the main time and three scored 11-meter versus two of the opponents made the Italian national champions of Euro 2020.

The second place in the list of the best players of the tournament was taken by another Italian - Jharinho, becoming at the very best to interception in the history of the championship. Total 25 times capturing the ball in the Games of Euro 2020, Havbek team of Italy broke the record for the selection set in 1996 by Marsel Desaiyi - French selected the ball from the opponent only 24 times.

The best scorer of the championship was recognized by Cristiano Ronaldo, who renewed several personal records and equalized with the best player of past years in the number of scored in games for the national team heads - Iranian Ali Daia. Now both football players in a piggy bank of 109 goals, overcoming the target of the opponent's gate.

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The second in the ranking of the championship Bombardir was the striker-sniper of the Czech Republic Patrick Shik, who was already mentioned in connection with the establishment of a new record of the location of the scored ball. Third - Frenchman Karim Benzema.

By the way, the best player who failed at the Russian Championship of the Russian Championship was called Artem Juba - thanks to a successful penalty at the Gate of Denmark, heading in the game with Finland and the greatest number of victories in the fight for the ball in the air.

The best team in the championship tournament table for a number of parameters, including the total number of heads, the total number of shocks on the goal, the selections and returns to the ball of the ball became the team from Italy, whose victory in the game with the British Many fans considered absolutely fair. Spain, although he did not get to the final, demonstrated a good game - became the leader in the categories of "possession of the ball" and "accuracy of passes". According to the technique of the game, the England team, giving way to Italy in the struggle for the main award, will not be listed in the lists of leaders and can boast only the number of dry victories - the British has five of them.

Outsiders - the most unforgable mistakes of players

Departure from the championship, installed anti-advertord and dismissal coach team - Such is the price of a foul Matteis de Liguta, defender of the team of the Netherlands. The football player stopped the ball with his hand in the match with the Czech Republic, no time to develop the attack of the striker of opponents Patrick Shik. After the meeting with the video file of the Judge of the match, Sergey Karasev "awarded" the player who guessed the Red Card. After failure at the Euro-2020 coach of the Netherlands national team, Frank de Boer resigned.

Strong thirst who mutant Croata Yoshko Guardiola in the game against Spain, cost him a team of missed goal. The opponents did not wait for the rest of the water of the left defender of the left defender and, breaking through through the flank left without cover, they rolled the third for meeting the ball into the gate of the Croatian national team. After that, with a score of 3: 1 in favor of the opponent - and so lost the team under the control of Captain Luke Modria, there was no chance of correcting the situation.

Untime relevant "That's what the above-mentioned game with Spain distinguished another player of the Croatian national team, the flank striker Ante Rebić. Deciding to change the boots, the player left the defense in the minority than the Spaniards took advantage of, comparable, - before the annoying abroad, the rebuits of Croats led.

Well, it is impossible to leave the five players who are driven by goal - among other things - did not allow them to get their teams from the group: Slovaks Yurai Kutska and Martina Dubravka, Poleski Poleschi Pravdschny, Lukas Gradecksky from Finland and Turkish Defender Merich Demiral, who became the author of the first autogol to Euro 2020.


The Frenchmen distinguished themselves in the tournament, whose team today fastened the place in the list of the strongest: the second after the TRIUMP of 2000, the victory at the 2018 World Championships unequivocally attributed the team to the number of Favorites. The victory over Germany and an equal account in the group stage matches with Hungary and Portugal allowed the team to get to the playoffs, but the draw in the match with Switzerland and the subsequent series of penalty turned the situation not in favor of the France team. Thus, forced to leave the hope of entering the final.

Not pleased fans and players of the Portuguese national team, winner of the 2016 European Championship. The Portuguese team managed, despite the defeat from Germany, to get into the playoffs - helped win in Hungary. But in the 1/8 final stumbled on the Belgian football players, the national team, along with the winners of the past European Championship, before the start of the tournament was among the probable favorites.

The reason for the failure of Portugal, which did not show a particularly bright performance, experts call the decision of the head coach of the team to build the game "from the star", making emphasis on Cristiano Ronaldo. Although in the absence of captain, critics are confident, the team was able to show much more exciting and unpredictable football.

Among the failure performances at Euro 2020, it is worth noting the terrible game of the Turkish national team, which, according to a number of football critics, had a good chance of at least reaching one eighth.

This was pointed to this very strong team, which included players who speakers for well-known and titled European clubs - Juventus, Milan and Lille, the last of which became the winner of the France championship in the 2020/2021 championship. However, the impressive game did not come out: the national team, despite the hopes of the fans of the name - Demirlah, Chalhanoglu - and "Lille Troika" (Belik, Longagi, Yylmaz), did not get to the playoffs, and without providing decent resistance to opponents and losing all three Match group stage.

Did not receive good words from the fans and critics and the performance of Poland, whose team, in 2016 the finished to the quarterfinal, in 2021 she showed himself noticeably to the sick: two losses (one of which is frankly weak Slovakia) and one draw did not leave a chance to show themselves In the playoffs.

The failure of the Russian national team and its consequences

A separate line is the main tragedy for domestic football fans - the failure of the national team, not even in the 1/8 finals of the championship. The fact that as a result of the draw in one group with the Russian team, let and without any special difficulties of the last qualified, were of Belgium and Denmark, the level of which is noticeably higher (the first flew off only in one fourth, and the second and at all reached the semifinals), did not cool The dust of fans perturbed by the non-tech national team from the group.

Disapproval by quality demonstrated by Russian football players, the game resulted in numerous insults in social networks, addressed to both athletes and representatives of the coaching staff. Firewood, a press conference of the head coach of the Stanislav Cherchesov national team, a number of explanations of whose explanations regarding the speeches of the spectators were not arranged for the fire coach of the fanath indignation.

Especially criticized the application for the insufficient level of training of football players, referring to the fact that the Stanislav Salamovich, and therefore the fault lies on it in the team.

However, there were those who offered to look at the situation objectively: to choose simply not from anyone, since the system of training new players in Russia after the collapse of the USSR is in deplorable state and has long been restructuring, and therefore it is not necessary to expect high results on international football competitions. Especially since the current national team is visibly inferior to the 2008 team, not to mention earlier time when the players also demonstrated impressive results.

The meeting of the RFU technical committee on the results of the Euro 2020, held on June 30, 2021, recognized the game of the Russian team unsatisfactory. Subsequently, it was announced on the removal of the head coach from the post. Cherchesov himself in an interview, given after leaving the post, stated that there were no claims from the Russian Football Union to the coaching headquarters - the obligations were executed in the contract. Just at that time, the departure of Stanislav Salamovich seemed the most optimal output from the situation and for the national team, and for the RFU.

Although the ex-coach did not exist on the "optimality of solutions" and did not, there were experts who were supposed to care Cherchesov - an attempt to shift attention focus and help the national team to avoid excessive heita.

Just Stanislav Salamovich with his constant directness and desire to always defend her point of view, as in the event of the last press conference, football lovers were ready to endure while the team won. And after a series of failures self-confident, in the opinion of the majority, the coach turned into a stimulus, which preferred to remove, despite merit. In particular, the former "Spartak" player Evgeny Lovchev, who expressed the opinion that Cherchesov was fired primarily in order to not fit the irritation of fans.


A rare sports contest costs without injured participants. The European Championship 2021 is no exception. In the tournament matches, the following players received the most serious damage:
  1. Timothy Kastan is a Belgian football player, during a meeting with the Russian national team broke the eyeboard. Serious damage required the operation. According to the doctors, if the blow when a collision of Kastena, with the Russian midfielder, the Daller Kuzyaev fell on a couple of centimeters higher, then neuralgic damage would have set the cross on the Belgian sports career.
  2. The striker of the Ukrainian team Artem Rezen dropped out of the tournament application, damaging the knee bundles in the match against Sweden - faced Marcus Danielsson. In the next six months, the Forward of Kiev "Dynamo" will be restored.
  3. Not earlier than six months later, the Italians Leonardo Spinazzol will return to the field and defender, whose performance at Euro 2020 was interrupted after breaking the heel tendon in the match with the Belgian team.
  4. In the Russian team, a serious injury of the hip, I did not allow to continue participation in the championship, I received Yuri Zhirkov - it happened in the match with Belgium, which Russia lost with a score of 0: 3.

Separately, it is worth noting the happening at the match Denmark - Finland with Christian Eriksen. The 29-year-old Danish midfielder suddenly fell in the middle of the game. As it turned out later, the cause of the heart stopped. The player managed to reanimate and send to hospitalization. Doctors revealed the need for the installation of an implant-cardimuitator, which raised the further future of Havbek Denmark national team in football.

Scandals for Euro 2020

It does not seem to be surprising that the European Championship, which was still at the start of failures (and in another "moving" tournament for the whole year due to a coronavirus infection pandemic and not called), turned out to be rich and all sorts of scandals, most of which flared up The time of the group stage of the competition. Below are the most memorable of them:

  1. Ukrainian provocations to Russia. The Ukrainian team prepared a form for the championship, which could not not pay attention to - with nationalist slogans and the uncontrolled card, on which the Crimea Peninsula in the Crimea was included in the country as a result of the 2014 referendum. After the Ukrainians stunned, the Ukrainians stopped partially removed from T-shirts related to the word political slogans. Well, the organizers of the fan zone in Lviv during the match of Russia with Belgium marked the promise to pour beer for free for each missing goals.
  2. Picking Buzova and Governor. On the air channel "Match TV" after Russia's defeat from the Belgian national team, Dmitry Guberniev brought to Siele Olga Buzov. First, the TV presenter asked the star questions with a hint that the singer's career-building former participant "House-2" does not understand either in football or art. At the end of Guberniev asked whether the interlocutor stopped to use brandy in the morning, which provoked the hysteria in a woman who believed the "bottom" opponent and who left the tele-ester. Dmitry later apologized, but this Buzova did not respond.
  3. Flashmob with bottles. Cristiano Ronaldo, who has long adhered to the principles of healthy nutrition, was displeased at a press conference with the fact that there were sponsorship bottles with gas. The football player pushed them aside and stated that it was necessary to drink a simple water. Following Ronaldo, the products of the sponsors were removed from the tables Manuel Locatelli (Italy) and Paul (France) from the tables. And after Cherchesov discovered the bottle of one who provided by the sponsors and drank, thus breeding dozens of memes on the network, UEFA's leadership forbade the "promotional materials" at all.
  4. BLM and LGBT did not fit. The scandals ended attempted individual prefabs to support the BLM share and go down to the knee: for example, the Belgians have sewn Russian fans, and their fans have been unhappy with members of the British national team. In general, only six teams at the championship showed a desire to express solidarity with the movement in support of the rights of the black population, the rest preferred from such a honor to refuse. On the published bandage in the colors of LGBT captain of the German national team of the Neuter, the organizers of the tournament were already told, although they subsequently softened the position, but only slightly.
  5. Unfortunate parachutist. In injuries, several people ended the flight of the parachutist-extremal parcel over the Arena Munich stadium before the match of France and Germany. As a result, the unlucky pilot fell behind the chamber-spider and collapsed on the spectators - hospitalization took victim fans. While the Munich Ikar himself, which turned out to be an activist of the environmental organization, called out to abandon the oil (as evidenced by the inscription on the parachute), received a medical assistance in place, after detention.
  6. Defile in a swimsuit. During the meeting of prefabricated Belgium and Finland in St. Petersburg, a girl in a swimsuit with a printed name of some cryptocurrencies, which led to a match of the match jumped out in St. Petersburg. The conquering heart of foreign guests of the tournament model turned out to be a student of Medulisitte named Maria. A 20-year-old girl was blocked by a fan passport, so she will not be able to get to the stadium again.
  7. Marco Arnautovich insulted the fans. Austria striker, which is an ethnic serb, after the goal of Northern Macedonia scored on the gate of Northern Macedonia, rushed to the Tribunes and began to express themselves in the address of the fans of the opponent team. It also turned out that during the game Arnautovich constantly insulted the players of the Macedonian national team, Albanians by nationality, - Alzozhan Alioski and Egzona Batelaula. As a result, UEFA's UEFA's leadership disqualified.
  8. Nobel Arustamyan hardly left without accreditation. Representatives of Azerbaijan were blocked by the Russian sports commerce and journalist. They motivated their decision by the fact that Arustaman has repeatedly visited those who live in the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh, which official Azerbaijan continues to refer to "illegally occupied", relatives. Since in order to accredit, the approval of all host championships is required, Nobel Eduardovich could "fly" by the tournament. Russia's intervention corrected the situation.
  9. The judge drove the player. The referee of the football match between the teams of England and Ukraine Felix Bery during the break suddenly handed over a bottle of drinking water to the Ukrainian striker Roman Yaremchuk. The last of the proposed vessel scooped, after which she returned the water to the caring judge. The act of Bryha outdressed users of social networks, which for a long time perplexed, as such permissible in the conditions of a pandemic.
  10. Dubious penalty. The decision of the chief arbitrator of the semi-final match England is Denmark McKelli on the appointment of a penalty at the Scandinavian gates Football fans considered illegal. Experts who have studied repeat, stated that the touch in a dubious episode between the Danish Joachim Mel Pedersen and Rakhim Sterling during the fall did not have only simulation. Separately, the refereeing of the Penalie, that the drawing system VAR did not help correct the error - the video panel did not pay the attention of McKels at his miss, worthy of the release of the final.

Completing the conversation about the scandalous results of the euro held in 2021, it is worth adding that the situation with the match between Dania and England soon overtook new details. It turned out that the goalkeeper Danesan Casper Schmeyhech at the time of the 11-meter strike was blinded by British fans with a laser pointer. The last and prevented the goalkeeper to cope with the achievement, performed by Harry Kane, - Penalti Schmeikhel himself beat off. UEFA decided to start a trial about the behavior of English fans. The latter may have unpredictable consequences for the national team.

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