Valeria Mironova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, "Voice" 2021



The talented singer Valery Mironov has long conquered the Russian scene. She managed to break through their own, due to the natural gift, perseverance and character. The actress began to perform on small music venues, and in 2019 she stated loudly about himself in the head of the Russian Song Show of Russia. Valery and now actively stands up, every day increasing the number of fans of their creativity.

Childhood and youth

Valeria was born in 1988 in the Yakut village of Lower Kuranakh, which is located in the Alandan district. The music appeared in her biography early, the girl from 6 years old went to the local house of Metallurg culture, where the vocals studied, and later began to attend the school of arts. The talent of Mironova noted not only leaders, in regional and regional competitions, she did not even become the winner, more often acted with small musical compositions written on their own.

Soon at the invitation of the head of Choir Alena Petrukhina, Mironova fell into the vocal ensemble, which was engaged in DC Metallurg. After graduating from school, Valeria decided to continue learning music.

The girl moved to Novosibirsk, where he entered the college named after Askold Fedorovich Murova, on a pop-jazz branch. In parallel, performed with the collectives with a different repertoire, and one time was among the best students of the city and even received a premium from the mayor.


On a more professional level, the music entered the life of Mironova when she was still a student. It was then that the girl joined the group "A Capella Sunvoice", which went to conquer the capital.

The team of talented artists in 2017 took part in the competition "Moscow Spring and Cappella", where she took the 3rd place, and in 2019 he decided to present his creativity again there, and for the second time, luck smiled at them even more. Artists got the cherished 1st place. Now the musicians perform jazz works and pop hits in copyright arrangements.

The team is headed by a member of the 7th season of the show "Voice" Sergey Arkhipov. A man has long been on stage, jazz vocal studied from Larisa Valley, which later he helped to become the winner of Gnesin Jazz Voice 2018.

Also, the team includes Vladimir Konovalov (tenor), Boris Butakov (tenor-baritone) and Veronica Ivanova (soprano). The project "A Capella Sunvoice" is interesting and complicated by the fact that all songs are performed exclusively by the voices of singers, without the use of musical instruments and electronic devices.

Valeria and in Moscow did not stop learning, in the capital entered the State Music College of Jazz Art at the Academy of the name of Gnesins.

Personal life

Mironov prefers not to spread about the personal life of Mironov, it is only known that she is not married.

The artist leads a page in "Instagram", where regularly publishes fresh photos and notifies subscribers about the upcoming and past events related to its musical career.

Valery Mironova now

In the fall of 2019, the 8th season of the show "Voice" started, whose participant was Valery Mironova. Previously, the singer from Yakutia has already tried to apply for participation in the competition, but never waited for an answer. And in 2019 she was lucky, Mironov was noticed and invited to the qualifying stage "Blind drying".

For the speech on the first channel, Valeria chose the popular song of Lady Gaga Poker Face, which became the single of her debut album in 2008 and very quickly headed musical charts in different countries of the world. The performance passed perfectly, at once four members of the jury turned their chairs to Mironovaya, this meant that each of them wants to work with the artist.

Konstantin Meladze noted that the performer sang easily and comprehensively powerfully, but the most amazing man seemed to keep rhythm, which manages far from all vocalists. There were positive comments from other project mentors, as a result, Mironova chose the Meladze team.

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