Arina Holina - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading, Blog 2021



Arina Holina - Icon of Russian feminism, sex blogger, writer and columnist. In the articles and rollers laid out on YouTube, the lady does not avoid sharp assessments and is not abruptly abnormative.

Childhood and youth

Arina was born in the fall of 1974. The girl was called in honor of the mother, slightly changing the name of the woman. Irina Ostrovskaya decided to dry out a child, despite the fact that she was sick and died in childbirth. The biography of Father Arina Igor Kholina is worthy of the novel. The man visited the wisest and the prisoner, a children's writer and the waiter in the Metropolis, fought and was engaged in Farthary.

Up to 3 years, the girl brought up her grandmother, and then Arina took his father. The writer has the eldest sacred sister of Lyudmila, which she calls the "Estroid Manyachka", and a niece 8 years older than aunt.

Igor Sergeevich, despite the age, had many mistresses and daughter Arina raised in a liberal spirit. The illegal commerce of the father allowed Kholina fashionably dress, listen to the scarce plates and read half-missy books.

The girl replaced the 3 institutes: studied international journalism in MGIMO, the economy in the Russian State Humanitarian University and the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys. In his youth, Holina worked as a designer and freelance correspondent. Then she began to cooperate with glossy magazines and lead a column in the publication "Snob".


In the fiction choline debuted with small stories in magazines. Then came the turn of the novels. Most of the works of the writer are written in the genre of Shiklit, so in the West call books for glamorous ladies.

Arina believes that success in the literature has reached due to the creation of a mix of "Sex in the Big City" and "Ishenian witches". The heiress of the witchcraft may be reincarnated in its romance in ordinary townskens, and the magazine editor for girls to find out that she is a witch-exchanger. Two books - "Where to go sex" and "Not in tits happiness, or the whole truth about Cinderella" - are collections of Holina articles.

The writer's blog in the "Live Journal" is called Viva Vagina. Although Holina considers himself a feminist, in an interview, given in August 2019, Yutub - Kanalu "Color reproduction", Arina called the women's gloss "Clotter snakes, picking in shit" and told that he worked in male magazines with much greater pleasure.

Personal life

The personal life of Arina splashes on the pages of her blog and "YouTube" -canal. So, in the video with a provocative name "Abortion - this is normal" Holina not only argues a pressure that provides a society on a pregnant woman, but also reports that it categorically does not want children.

The first time Arina was married in his youth. Now the satellite of the blogger is the musician Pavel Galkin (Mutabor), whom a woman prefers to call not her husband, but a beloved man. The lady argues that many creative ideas come to her mind during sex practices.

The writer broke the relationship with blood relatives from both the mother and from the father, and calls not to communicate with people who deliberately causing evil. Holine does not like meat. Favorite city of the writer - Berlin. The blogger has a page in "Instagram", where a woman not only lays out a photo, but also discusses relations with relatives and female friendship with subscribers.

Arina Holina now

In May 2019, Arina and TV presenter Aurora launched a canal on YouTube. Weekly girlfriend are looking for answers to the question of how a woman for 30 enjoy the various aspects of life.


  • 2004 - "Too much blondes"
  • 2005 - "How to start enemies and bring men to a nervous breakdown"
  • 2006 - "Magic for every day"
  • 2006 - "Desktop Book of Speaker"
  • 2007 - "Meeting subscription"
  • 2008 - "When God was a woman"
  • 2009 - "Letters on the water"
  • 2016 - "Where to go sex"

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