Ksenia Milas - biography, personal life, photo, news, "audioral", "instagram", "Putsanka", attacked the girl 2021



Ksenia Milas never became a graduate of the Lady School. But she gained popularity in social networks, support for like-minded people and TV presenter's experience.

Childhood and youth

Ksenia Milas was born on November 30, 1995. In childhood, I was interested in sports, playing football on a par with the boys, but from the career in the selected sphere I had to abandon due to injury.

When the girl turned 14, the parents were driving. Soon the Father died, which became a new blow for the young Ksenia. She had a worse relationship with her mother, the girl closed in himself and soon began his independent life.

Milas got a job to work Second on the Elite Restaurant of Moscow. Then he got an increase and became the head of the security.


In August 2018, on the TV channel "Friday!" Began to show the 3rd season of the Realistic Show "Patzanka". The aim of the project was to help girls who were on the lower steps of the social staircase, believe in themselves and change their lives for the better. As a remuneration of the heroine, the status of a real lady and a cash prize was obtained.

Among the participants of the show was Ksenia. She came to shoot to find her "I", become feminine.

Anna Gorokhova and Ksenia Milas

Unlike many heroin show, Milas did not experience problems with finance and self-esteem, because of which he immediately felt superiority over rivals. Already in the 1st issue, this led to a fight with Anna Pea, with which Ksenia subsequently repeatedly occurred conflicts.

She kept separately and could not acquire the allies among the student of the Lady School. But this did not prevent a strong and volitional girl to be the leader of the test and go into the final.

Shortly before the filming of the decisive release, Milas suddenly escaped, as notified by the leadership of the Lady School through SMS. Later published the post in "Instagram", where he thanked for the support of the organizers of the show. The girl called participation in reality an important stage of the biography. As a result, the winner of the "Pazonok" became the main rival Milas Anna Gorokhov.


After the project "Patzanka", the girl became one of the most discussed participants of the season. It brought her fame in the network and attracted the attention of the leadership of the TV channel "Friday!". The star was offered to become the leading new season of the Revioral program, the shooting of which was started in August 2019.

Within the framework of the show Milas attended Russian public institutions to identify non-compliance with service and sanitation. Prior to that, the program was changed to three leaders, including Elena Banya, Olga Romanovskaya and Nastasya Samburskaya. The authors decided to play on a strong image of Ksenia as a tight, bold and fair leading and refreshing the concept with a new approach.

Milas I liked the idea, in an interview she confirmed that he wants to be twisted, to first be demolished. I did not have to wait long. On the shooting in Novorossiysk, the leading began with the employees of the dining room, which did not want to let television in establishment. While the girl took a blow to herself, the operators managed to rent a kitchen. Before entering the screens, the video was made by mounting, but the original frames spread quickly on the network.

Personal life

Star Realistic Show is not shy to share with fans of facts from personal life and does not hide what has unconventional sexual orientation. In the social network, she repeatedly laid out provocative photos with his girlfriend Jan Borodina.

With a height of 169 cm, the celebrity weighs now 59 kg. In addition, Milas tries to be more like a guy. Wears a short haircut, adheres to the male style of clothing and behavior. To achieve the goal, it suffered an operation, as a result of which the dairy glands removed.

The girl was so not always. In 2018, within the framework of Flashmob "10 years later, a reality star published a snapshot from time to study. It is captured on it in a school dress and long hair.

Ksenia Milas now

For the filming of the register "Audioralo" on the conditions of work of catering establishments during the Pandemic, Ksenia went to Gelendzhik, where her health was dangerous.

Another attempt to get into the kitchen, which, according to Milas, was kept in the unsanitary conditions, it was worth the girl breaking a cruciform ligament. The presenter admitted that it goes to extreme measures for the sake of people, in order to open their eyes to things that were secure from them. Even in such cases, Ksenia does not lose its face and does not pass borders.

The shocking news exploded the media in May 2021. The press said that Ksenia, being on holidays at a closed party with Jan Borodina and two girlfriends, attacked one of the girls with a knife, cut her arms and caused damage to the chest.

The scandal with a stabbing, whose participant became the lead, caused shock from the representatives of the channel, and therefore Milas removed from work. CEO "Friday!" Nikolay Cardosing frankly stated that he condemns any violence, but in solving the problem relies on impartial proceedings from the investigation.

A criminal case under Article 115 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Intentional causing easy harm to health took place against the lead. The very guilt of the hype published a post in the account, where he stated: "Your truth is very different from mine." Against the background of the excitement arising around Xenia, some publications suggested that Milas broke up with his girlfriend DJ.


  • 2018 - "Patzankas"
  • 2019 - "Auditorro"

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