Donato Carrisi - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



Donato Carrisi is one of the most readable modern Italian authors. The writer specializes in detectives and thrillers, which are published by thousands of essays and are transferred to dozens of languages. Popular plenty novels are distinguished by clarity and cinematicity, which allowed the Italian to start a script and director's career.

Childhood and youth

Donato was born on March 25, 1973 in the Italian commune of Martin-Frank, where his childhood and school years passed. The future master of detective received a useful profession for this genre: Carrisi is a certified criminal lawyer.

During his studies at the University, the writer became a specialist in behavioral sciences, which made it possible to subtly and accurately convey the psychology of criminals and their victims. The man defended his thesis dedicated to Montra Foligno - the serial killer Luigi Chiatti.

Student years by spent in Rome, where he lives and now, often unfolding the scenery of plots in the eternal city. In 19 years, the young man began to cooperate with the theater, creating comedy plays and scripts of musicals. Donato himself - a fan of detective and plentyful literature, and the master of the genre for him is Stephen King, Stig Larsson and Ken Follett.


Carrisi is a master of building plots that bring fear to extremes and constantly strengthen the reader's experience. The intense atmosphere does not allow to postpone the book aside until all the nodes are raised and all puzzles will not comply. The author's bibliography opened with Roman "Tip", which was released in 2009 and immediately became the laureate of the Literary Prize Banquarell. The mysterious story of the disappearance of five girls opened a series of books about the specialist in the abduction of Mile Vasquez.

Later, 3 more volumes were published in the cycle, among which the "theory of evil" and "girl in a labyrinth". Another popular series of steel novels about a detective pair, which was made up by the priest Marcus and the photographer-criminalist Sandra.

She began with the publication of "Lost Girls Rome" in 2011 and continued on the "shadow hunter" (2014) and "Maestro Shadows" (2016). Outside the cycles came out "Woman with paper flowers" and "girl in the fog".

Creativity Carrisi gained popularity outside Italy. The first book became a bestseller and was translated into 11 languages. The writer explains the choice of the genre that the thriller is a mirror of the soul, where everyone can dig out the nightmares that nest in the depths and until a certain time do not give themselves to detect.

The author is confident that there is not such a great difference between monsters and orders, and, learning the psychology of the criminal, you can unexpectedly discover that it is like you.

Personal life

A man does not apply to personal life and in social network profiles prefers to share the information of a professional nature, without touching the facts of biography.

In his "Facebook", Twitter and Instagram posted photos of workflows, meetings with colleagues and book covers. Information about the work of Donato readers also find on its official website.

Donato Carrisi now

Donato continues to create, he has enough time to write new books and work on films. The last novel "Il Gioco del Suggeritore" came out in 2018 and expects translation into Russian. Previous books from the series about Mil Vasquez used the Russian reader popularity.

In 2019, the film in the labyrinth thriller comes out, where Carrisi spoke director and script author.

The previous film Donato "The girl in the fog" came out 2 years earlier and told the story of the disappearance of the young Anna Lou, the traces of which wanted a famous maniac specialist and murderers. The main role in the tape was performed by Jean Reno.


  • 2009 - "Tip"
  • 2011 - "Lost Girls Rome"
  • 2012 - "Woman with paper flowers"
  • 2013 - "Theory of Evil"
  • 2014 - "Shadow Hunter"
  • 2015 - "Girl in the Fog"
  • 2016 - "Maestro Shadow"
  • 2017 - "Girl in Maze"
  • 2018 - «IL GIOCO Del Suggeritore»

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