Oleg Sokolov - biography, personal life, news, killing Anastasia Echechenko, photo, sentence 2021



In the predestrous twilight of St. Petersburg on November 9, 2019, the taxi driver, who passed on the sink embankment, saw the river-pulling in the human river and caused help. Surrected rescuers surprised the age of thin - 63 years and his biography. An invalid drowned, who received strong supercooling, was the world-famous scientist and fan of Bonaparta Oleg Sokolov, who received a reward from the hands of Jacques Chirac.

Childhood and youth

The historian was born in July 1956 in Leningrad in the family of teacher of primary classes Lyudmila Illarionna and a military engineer Valery. To both parents at the time of the appearance of Oleg on the light was 22 years old. Subsequently, the father of the historian was delivered to the title of colonel and the degree of candidate of technical sciences, and the mother is to the post of deputy director of the plant.

At 9 years old, the boy read the novel of Alexander Duma "Three Musketeers", and at 12 I saw a collection of engravings with the image of the Russian and French military starts of the 19th century. The shape and spirit of the knights conquered the heart of Oleg. At the age of 15, the teenager mastered the French language independently and considers him the second native. According to Lyudmila Sokolova, Oleg did not smoke and studied perfectly.

In the youth of Sokolov, like Galina Starovoitova, at the insistence of the defender's father entered the technical university. After graduating from the Physics and Mechanical Faculty of Polytech, Oleg in the same 1979 went to receive the second higher education. After 5 years, Sokolov with a red diploma released from the historical faculty of the University of Leningrad.


In 35 years, Oleg Valerievich defended his thesis. Bibliography Sokolova has 16 monographs. The scientific interests of the historian - the Napoleonic era, the relations of Russia and France on the threshold of the war of 1812. Oleg Valerievich lectured in Sorbonne, he Cavalier of the Order of the Honorary Legion.

Sokolov was famous not only as a researcher, but also as a popularizer of science. Klim Zhukov calls Oleg Valeryevich "Father of Russian Historical Reconstruction". In the 70s, Sokolov created the underground club of reconstructors, and in the years of restructuring stood at the origins of the Russian military-historical society.

The man spoke with lectures on the Belarusian television and in the Yutiub-Canal Dmitry Puchkov (Goblin), advised cinematographers and collectors of ancient weapon. Shortly before salvation from washing Sokolov won a civil lawsuit against Yevgeny Ponassenkov, who accused Oleg Valerevich in the plagiarism.

Personal life

Personal life of the Association of St. Petersburg State University was very violent - Oleg Valerevich's official marriage concluded three times, he has four children, all daughters. With the first wife, Olga Sokolov met when he was led by an Hermitage excursion. The marriage quickly collapsed due to the accusations of Oleg in the laccity. Olga now lives in Germany, and the eldest daughter of the historian is in France.

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The second love Anastasia, a man met, teachering in the French gymnasium. A pretty tenth grader spoke Oleg Valerevich's head, and when Nastya became adult, the lovers got married. At 30, the second spouse Sokolov died from brain cancer, who was opposed to a 7-year-old daughter. Now the second heiress Oleg Valerievich also lives in France, ends the University of Paris.

The third wife Sokolova Anna not only helped the historian in the upbringing of the second daughter, but also presented a spouse two more girls. They lived for 13 years, but divorced in the winter of 2018-2019. Family friends characterize Oleg Valerevich as a loving father, a welcoming owner, Balaguore and the Kompaniy man.

However, students and opponents of Sokolov characterize a man as a hot-tempered egoist. Not only the facts of the hotness and intolerance of Oleg Valeryevich are published in scientific disputes, but also rumors about his sexual harassment to university students, teenage girls who have learned in the forge of Ballerin - the Academy of Russian Ballet named after Agrippina Vaganova, where the man taught the history of St. Petersburg.

The ugly situation with a student floated to light, which allegedly beat the falcons 10 years ago. Oleg Valerevich also accuses the involuntary murder on the shooting at the beginning of the 80s of the film "Russia Young". The man allegedly insisted on the management of the vessel, did not cope with the route and the painting consultant was killed as a result of the crash. From the criminal punishment of Sokolov then saved the Father who held a high position. Are these accusations are valid, the court will figure out.

Killing Anastasia Echenko

Rescuers who pulled out Oleg Valerevich from washing experienced shock, discovering the terrible contents of the university's hand-made bag - unpacked upper limbs. Sokolov, delivered to the hospital, admitted that he killed and dismembered the cohabitant - by graduate student Anastasia Eschenko, and fell into the river, trying to push backpack from the shore with his hands.

In the apartment of the Association of St. Petersburg State University, located in a nearby house with investigative management, and at the bottom of the sink found other victims. Now, Oleg Valerevich's post is associated with a nickname of criminal authority Associate Professor from the film "Gentlemen of Good luck", and the passion of Sokolova Bonaparte - with the sarcastic rows of Alexander Pushkin "We are all looking at Napoleon ..."

Nastya fell in love with the odious teacher at the first lecture. Roman broke out when the girl studied at the 3rd course. The native of Kuban shared the passion of the associate professor to the Napoleonic era and soon became the right hand of the teacher and his co-author. It is curious that the participants of the group in Vkontakte, created to expose the scientific theories of Sokolov, often applied not to Oleg Valerevich, but to Anastasia Olegovna.

The man settled the beloved in his apartment, the value of which is 30 million rubles., And, according to the testimony of Mother Oleg Valeryevich, was going to marry a girl. The photos and videos from balls and techniques are preserved, on which Sokolov and Eschenko together walt and drink champagne. Oleg worked on the doctoral dissertation, and Nastya - above the candidate. Relationships, according to Sokolova, overtook only the jealousy of the girl to the juvenile dads.

On the last evening, Nastya returned from the Moscow business trip. In the capital of Russia, the girl studied archival documents. A quarrel broke out between the coarseners. The scandal heard a woman living in the next apartment. Sokolov called the beloved of the "ungrateful creature". Eschenko called his brother and spoke of the intention to part with an associate professor.

Sokolov claims that he killed Nastya in a state of affect. However, the words of a man contradict the murder way - the girl died from several shots from historical weapons, after each of which it was necessary to recharge. Does not testify to Affect and the further behavior of Sokolov, who the day after the death of Nastya in the neighboring room with the corpse took guests, and then bought a saw and started dismembering.

Oleg Valerievich, who, who, who, who, who, who, argued, also says that she was going to shoot at the Petropavlovsk fortress in Napoleon's costume. However, to commit suicide in front of tourists, it was not necessary to try to hide traces of the crime.

Oleg Sokolov Now

Oleg Valerievich was detained and was in the contrary insulator "Crosses". Sokolov said that the ceamer and police officers were treated correctly, but asked to bring his glasses and books.

Relatives of the deceased girl arrived in St. Petersburg (Mother Yeshchenko - Colonel MVD). Every day, it brings news about the circumstances of the death of graduate studies - according to expertise, Nastya was shot in a dream, which contradicts Sokolov's words about Affect. Meanwhile, the lawyer of the accused hinted that, perhaps, the killer was not Oleg Valerievich, but another person.

However, Vina Sokolova was proven. The final sentence was announced in December 2020: the historian received a sentence in the form of imprisonment for a period of 12 years and 6 months of a strict colony. It will serve it in a strict regime colony.

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