Oleg Stenyaev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Preach 2021



Archpriest Oleg Stenyaev serves as the benefit of the Lord, makes missionary, saves people from sectants, preaching Orthodoxy. His activity causes aggression from the followers of non-traditional religions, and more than once, Oleg turned out to be on the edge of the abyss. Not to fall to him helped the pure heart, with whom he equally openly appealed to Jehovah's Witnesses, and to Satanists, and to Krishnaitis.

Childhood and youth

Oleg Viktorovich Stenayaev was born on April 8, 1961 in the Orekhovo-Zuyevo of the Moscow Region. Grandmother Matrena Fedorovna Zhuravlev, who served in the temple, was engaged in spiritual education of the boy and believed the word "communist". Therefore, none of the 11 of her children became a Komsomol. He remained away from the party activity and Oleg Stenyaev, although the teachers tried to incline the boy to join the pioneers.

The religiosity of Oleg Stenyayev prevented only adults - the children understood him and supported. Once in kindergarten from the future Archpriest, the cross was crushed and thrown out, and at school attacked Zhuravlev's question "What does your child read?!", Pointing to the Bible. On the side of Oleg Stenyayev there was only a teacher of literature Stanislav Andreevich, who protected the desire of the student to understand God from ideologically tuned people.

After school, Steniaev went to the army. He served in Western Siberia. I wanted to become a policeman, but Grandma advised to devote the life to God. In 1981, the young man became a reader in the church, and in 1982 he entered the Moscow spiritual seminary.

Personal life

Before the studies of the seminary after the release, it is necessary to choose from: to marry and become a father or go to the monastery, adopting vows celibacy. Oleg Stenyaev met with a girl from Chervonograd, who, as he was sure, would have become his wife. But the event happened, turning the course of his biography.

In those years, the Grequocatolic Church was established in Ukraine. Her parishioners although they lived according to Orthodox customs, were Catholics. Parents of the beloved Stenheyev put a rigid condition: you want to marry your daughters - accept our faith. Archpriest refused, and a happy family personal life for him was inaccessible.

"Perhaps after that I had a special burdens in a controversy with nonsense. After all, it can be said to be a bride "," Oleg Father argues in an interview.


Oleg Stenyaev is a follower of the Russian Orthodox Church since 1993. He is not an opponent of progress, ready to instruct people on the path of true both through sermons in the temples and in conversations through television or the Internet.

Oleg Stenyaev is a speaker of the Priest's answer program on the channel "Savior", cooperates with the portal "Eksegeet.Ru", where the cycle of lectures on the apocalypse (or revelation) was released - the most mysterious book of the New Testament of the Apostle John the Bogoslov.

However, the main goal of Oleg Stenayaeyev is a preaching of Orthodoxy among novices of non-traditional religions, simply speaking, sectarians. He released several books on this subject ("Krishnaiti, who are they?", "Jehovah's Witnesses. Who are they?", Etc.).

In 1993, under the leadership of Oleg's father, the center of rehabilitation of victims of unconventional religions was opened. Thanks to this organization, hundreds of citizens appealed to Orthodoxy, dozens of sects were prohibited.

Oleg Stayaev - missionary. He baptized the children in India, addressed Muslims from Chechnya in Orthodoxy. But, according to some researchers, it did not quite right.

In July 2011, the video of the meeting of Oleg Stenyaev with Muslims appeared on Youtube. Among other things, Archpriest claimed that representatives of different religions honor one God. For the incorrect interpretation of the Gospel of the Father criticized the community Alexander Dalkin, researcher of sectarianism, noting:

"Stenheyev sets out the Orthodox faith so that neither of Orthodoxy, nor from in general Christianity in it remains."

Men entered the dispute, exchanged letters and photos, but did not come to consensus.

Oleg Stenyaev now

From July 5, 2004, Oleg Stenyayev is an arbitrary in the christmas church of John the Forerunner in Sokolniki. Now he serves as a liturgy on Saturdays and Sundays.

In January 2019, a message about collecting funds in support of Oleg Father appeared on the Temple website. From the news it follows that the clergyman lives in removable accommodation for many years, which pays donations from lectures and meetings.

"But, unfortunately, Oleg Father is seriously ill and will not be able to ride in the future with speeches on our temples, and then he will have to be completely tight," the site says.

While the temple did not inform about the acquisition of an apartment for Oleg Stenayaev.


  • 1996 - "Jehovah's Witnesses. Who are they?"
  • 1999 - "Man in the face of the temptations: conversations for the Holy Scripture"
  • 2002 - "Satanism. Biblical experience of understanding the problem "
  • 2004 - "Krishnaiti. Who are they?"
  • 2004 - "Dispan with Jehovah's Witnesses"
  • 2008 - "How do we shy away from the temptations today"
  • 2009 - "Conversations on the Gospel of Matthew"

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