Oda Nobunaga - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Japanese Ruler



An outstanding Samurai XVI century, the military-political leader of Japan, whose activity fell on the "era of the warring provinces" (period of Sengoku), he dedicated the lives to the association and strengthening the country. The nobunaga is famous as a brave warrior, a skillful strategist, a cunning politician, capable of cunning and multi-way combinations.

Portrait of ODD Nobunagi

On his press, Nobunag engraved the motto, which passed through his whole life: "The Empire rules power."

The main merit of Nobunagi is that the politician conducted reforms that have undermined the material base of those who want to separate the feudal. By this, he stopped the development of separatism and achieved the association of Japan.

Childhood and youth

The future ruler of Japan was born in 1534 in Nagoya Castle, which is in the province of Owar. He had happiness to grow in a wealthy family of a commander and a large feudal of Nobuhide. Ode is the first son of the commander born in a legitimate marriage. Therefore, Nobuhide looked at the boy as a successor and a successor of the family. The castle in which the Ode of Nagunaga was born, his father presented him in 5 years (according to other information - in 2).

As a child, the ODA has demonstrated individuality and non-standard behavior, which many seemed strange and eccentric. In his youth, the heir showed interest in wonder things, surprising and shocking relatives and servants. For his eyes, he was called "Big Fool of Owar" and was kept.

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In 1548, 2 years after the mining ceremony, Nobunaga made a political marriage. The 14-year-old Oda married the daughter of the Samurai Communion and the governor of the neighboring province, with whom Soon concluded the Union. The son-in-law was on the test, which carried the nickname of Vijuk for insidiousness and unpredictability, a painful impression. The insightful governor seemed to foresee that he would die from her husband's hands his own daughter.

In the middle of the 1550s, the father of Nobunagi died. 17-year-old Oda inherited title, but not power. Relatives still considered a guy strange, especially after inappropriate behavior at a farewell ceremony with her father. Biographers Nobunagi say that a friend of Oda after the funeral made a septo (ritual suicide), in order to wash off a shame from what he saw. Ranking, a friend's act and comrades, sober up a young man and made the behavior.

Board and hostilities

The image of "fool" stuck to Oda Nobunage for a long time, so the young feudal had to try to gain influence and power over the elders and nobles of the province of Owar. The elite moved to the side of the brother Nobunagi - Od Nobyuki. Only a few noble samurai, among which Mori Yoshinari, supported the legitimate heir.

Armor of ODD Nobunagi

Ten years old I fought for power, shedding blood rivers. He destroyed everyone who stood on the way, and achieved control over the province. Going to the goal, he suppressed the rebellion of the nobility, intrigued and killed, created situational unions and conspiracies, betrayed and acquired new allies. The cannon's cannisticians were remembered and remorse of each other without remorse. One of the uncle of OD, who joined the legal heir, killed the military governor of the province of Owar, learning that he did not support Nobunagu, and his younger brother.

Then the Ode of Nobunag, having learned that the son restored against his testing, introduced his troops to the province of mine. But the army suffered a defeat, and the father-in-law was killed.

Brother Od - Nobyuki, having received reinforcements from noble samurai, raised the uprising. In the bloody battle, with a young ruler and his troops won. Oda showed mercy and left his younger brother life. But Nobyuki did not accept and organized the second conspiracy on the overthrow of OD. The Allies of Nobyuki betrayed him, told about the plans to the eldest brother. This time the nobunaga did not forgive and gave an order to execute his brother.

Place of battle at Okhadzam at present

In the 1559th, the bloody crossbob ended with the victory of ODA and his full control over the province of Owar. But the ambitious feudal of this was not enough, because he aimed at power over all Japan. On the way to the goal, the powerful Imaagawa Esimoto, which controlled the province of Suruga. In 1560, he was invading the ownership of Nobunagi. Two armies came in the battle of Okhajam. But Esimoto's army, 5-10 times higher than Nobunagi's strength, was divided.

The cause of the defeat of Esimoto historians call the best armament of ODD troops. Feedale did not regret money and acquired European firearms for the army as soon as it appeared in the country. Nobunaga turned out to be the first of the military commander of the rising sun, who had units armed with muskets.

Progress in service gave Nobunage an advantage and helped become a winner in many internecine wars. But the soda was not only a skilled warlord, but also a talented manager, which competently used the trade and agricultural potentials of subjects to the needs of military campaigns.

Battle of Nagasino

In 1568, Samurai went with the army on Kyoto, intending to force and subjugate the metropolitan ruler Asicagu Esiaki. He managed to create a shaky union for 5 years, but in the 1573rd coalition collapsed. Nobunaga Svargov from the obedience of the segun, putting an end to the long-term government of the genus Asicag.

Oda Nobunage managed to consolidate supporters and keep power, while multiplying wealth due to the property captured from Buddhist monasteries. He generously divided the selected values ​​between the approximate samurai and to know, providing their devotion. Unlike Buddhists, the Oda killed European Jesuits, but Christians did not accept.

At the end of the 1575th Nobunaga handed over the title and the castle of Gifu heir, the son of Ode Nobutade. But the ruler levers left in his hands, as evidenced by the construction of a new castle with a 7-tier tower near Kyoto. Admitted castle is built on a hill, towering over the picturesque lake Biva. Gold plated ceilings and supports, black and red varnishes, fine wood carving hit the greatness and luxury. Admitted testified of his owner as the main ruler in the country.

Nobunaga is observing the duel of the chases

A year later, Nobutada began to gather clouds. Exclosed from Kyoto Esiaki gathered the second coalition of OD's enemies. Against the ruler, the head of the province of Tamba, the feudal of Khatano Hi -haru. For the suppression of the rebellion, the nobunagi army went to the province, but was defeated. Seeing the weakness of OD, the monks of Honghan Jzi moved against him. They broke the army and removed the long-term siege of the monastery.

Nobunaga rushed to save the situation. He headed the army and forced the monks to retreat, but in battle he was wounded in the thigh. The enemies of ODY did not sleep. The boundaries of the northern possessions of the ruler gathered the Force "Northern Tiger" Wesuga Kencin, sowing to defeat the Allied Nobunagi forces. Hearing that the army of OD tolerate defeat the defeat, the enemies were rebelled within the state. The rebellion managed to suppress, but the ruler's forces weakened. The enemy ring around him was narrowed.

In the spring of 1578, the worst enemy of ODD Nobunagi was unexpectedly died - Kencin. Soon the warlord-lost commander returned the lost positions on land and the sea, resumed the siege of the Honggan-Ji Monastery and broke the power of rebellious feudalists of Araki and Basso. The hostile coalition collapsed. Three more provinces joined the possessions of Nobunagi.

Monument of Ode Nobunage

The biography of the ruler of Japan ODD Nobunagi is not only bloody wars and the suppression of enemies. The Board of Feodal was marked by reforms in the army, taxation, financial sector and culture. Military reforms manifested themselves in the configuration of the army from representatives of the simpleness, in taking on armament of firearms, to use in battle of 5-6 meter peak against cavalry, the use of the world's first armored ships.

Nobunagi simplified taxes and customs outposts on the borders, canceled privileges for rich merchants and craft workshops, allowing to develop small entrepreneurs, allowed to open markets. Urban residents were delighted with the abolition of Nobunaga taxes for the receiving structures, and merchants - the elimination of the tax for the transportation of goods. The judicial system has become united in the country.

The identity of the emperor is very ambiguous, but in the history of the country and the memory of the Japanese Oda Nobunaga remained as a progressive politician, the wise ruler and the land collector. Interesting facts of his biography - he is a source of inspiration for Japanese and not only directors, writers and artists.

Oda Nobunaga - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Japanese Ruler 10532_8

In the cinema, the image of Nobunagi surfaced in 2009, when the Mamon fighter was released on the screens. Earlier, in 1992, a biographical film about the commander was removed the director of Sadao Nakadzima. A lot of books are written about the ruler. The most famous work of Russian authors is the novel "Association of Japan. Oda Nobunaga, Alexander Prasola, Orientalist, who wrote a doctoral dissertation on the history of Japanese culture. For the younger generation of Japan, Anime "Great Things of ODD Nobuny" was removed.

Personal life

The marriage of the young commander had a political subtext and was concluded in order to strengthen the world between her feudal parents, there was no speech on love. Personal life of ODD Nobunagi is covered with a centuries-old secret, and it is not possible to separate the legend from the truth. But historians write that the wife of Oda Nemichime turned out to be a beautiful and clever.

Portrait of ODU Nobunagi in Temkomi Temple

True, he loved not her, but the coincidence of Kitsuno, who gave birth to him. The firstborn, the son of Nobutad, became the successor of the Father. The legitimate spouse did not give birth to her husband of offspring, being fruitless.

What was an externally, it is difficult to understand. His portrait in Temkomi Temple gives a weak idea, as a commander looked like.


The cause of the death of the ruler was the ritual suicide - Septuk. In the spring of 1582, the Oda headed the army to allow the Mori Nobunagi rebulhant. But the warlord Aketi Mitsuhide, allegedly arriving for helping Kyoto Nobunage who stopped in one of the temples, betrayed the owner. He surrounded the castle and demanded to surrender. Oda preferred death defeat.

The grave of ODD Nobunagi

Septuk, he made in the metropolitan residence - Chonna-Ji Temple in Kyoto. There today is a stele dedicated to the famous samurai. Where the grave collector of Japanese lands is unknown. The successors of Nobunagi were military leaders and associates Toytoma Hideyashi and Tokugava Iseasu.


  • XVI century - Chronicle "Records of Prince Nobunaga"
  • 2012 - Lamers J. P. "Japanese Tiran: a new look at the Japanese commander Oda Nobunaga"
  • 2016 - Prasol A. F. "Japan Association: Nobunaga Ode"
  • 2015 - Rudakov N. E. "Great Disorder of Japan. Oda Nobunaga. Battle of Okhadzama
  • 1992 - Drama "Ode Nobunaga"
  • 2005 - Action "Special Forces against Samurai: Mission 1549"
  • 2009 - Action "Goemon" 2012 - Anime "Great Things of ODD Nobuny"
  • 2012 - Anime-series "Ambitions of ODD Nobuny"

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