Nicodemus Svyatogorets - photo, biography, cause of death, monk, live, books



Greek hermit, Nicod, Svyatogorets, who was called Nikolai Calvurcis to the world, was the theologian and interpreter of the rules of the Orthodox Church, adopted on the Universal and Local Councils in the period from I in the 9th century. In 1955, on the order of the Constantinople Patriarch, Athenagora, the power of the monk was placed in the monastery on Athos, and he himself was counted to the face of saints.

Childhood and youth

Nikolai Calvurcis, who accepted Monastic Tesh, under the name of Nicodemus Svyatogorets, was born in 1749 on the largest island of the Greek Archipelago of Cyclades in the family of unfortunate Christians whom Anthony and Anastasia were called. Under the influence of parents, the boy since childhood is imbued with the spirit of humility and religiosity and tried in a very young age to imitate the honorable elders and church saints.

Nikolai's primary education received in the parish monastery, located on the territory of the Naxos, and his first teacher was a priest who was distinguished from worldly problems. At the age of 15, the father and mother sent the Son to the Evangelical Educational Institution of the city of Smyrna, in order to comprehend the basics of theology and master the ancient Greek, Italian, Latin and French.

Natural abilities, enhanced by the purposefulness, consciousness and reluctance to disappoint their parents, allowed young Calvurcyss to succeed and perfectly master the necessary knowledge. Therefore, along with compulsory items, he became an expert in astronomy, medicine, philosophy and military sciences.

The noteworthy moment of the early biography of the future hermit was the fact that, undergoing whole paragraphs from the textbooks, he was in many ways ahead of the peers and most courses knew by heart.

When in 1770, the island of Naxos, among other Greek territories, underwent his oppression on the part of the Ottoman Empire, a gifted student returned to his homeland and became an assistant to the local Anthima clergyman. And in 1774 after a meeting with a famous collector of canonical works, Metropolitan Makarius Corinthsky decided to engage in the spread of the Holy Scriptures and, leaving relatives, moved to the island of Hydra.


In the mid-1770s, Nikolai realized that worldly life prevents work, and went to the Christian monastery Dionisiat, who was in Athos, where at the age of 26, he took endigree and monastic san.

In 1777, when a collection of holy manuscripts was discovered in an ancient watopyrian, the native of Naxos was instructed to edit these silent works, later published under the name "Dobryologiy". Nicodemus brilliantly coped with the work and supplemented the foundations found by the preface and the inhabitants of the authors, and then took up the revision of the old text "On the Permanent Divine Communion" and received recognition as an interpreter, a writer and theologians.

The personality of the monk was interested in many Greek clergymen, including the cleric of Constantinople Patriarchate Archimandrite Paisius, who was translated outstanding church works. On his advice, Nicodemus was transferred to the elder of the Arseny of Peloponnes and continued to work in the monastery of the Pantokrator.

The new mentor persuaded Nicodemus to bury the remnants of sinful thoughts and, following the Vote of Silence and especially strict ascetic rules, remain a recovery for 6 years to study Scripture and the patristic works.

And then, leaving the celia at the request of the former leader of Metropolitan Makaria, hermit was the author of the books "Invisible Brand", "Doctrine about confession", "On the storage of five feelings, imagination, mind and hearts" and the editor of the quotation and the checkouts that the writer "Hymn wrote "Simeon is a new theologian.


At the beginning of the 1800s, health no longer allowed Nicodera to independently engage in work related to editing and book publishing, so he asked for help from the icon painters of Stephen and Neophyte Skurgeev. And in July 1809, it was in their dwelling after the night, conducted in a grateful and silent prayer, the monk took death on unknown reasons now.

After the death of Nicodemus, its works, including the canon in the fame of the icons of the Virgin "Spear-Silver", continued to publish in Constantinople and Venice. In 1955, by decree of the Orthodox Patriarch of Athenagora, the author of these outstanding creations was canonized and entered into the catalog of Greek saints.

From this point on, on July 27, Christians around the world celebrate the day of his memory and read Kondak and the trophari St. Nicodemus Svyatogort, as well as akathist who approved the sacred synod.


  • "Doctrine about confession"
  • "Treveravia Christians"
  • "Dobryolism"
  • "New Caming of Saints"
  • "Interpretations of the Epistle of the Holy Apostle Paul"
  • "New Sinaksar"
  • "New Distribution, or Interpretation of 75 Power Speagne Steria"
  • "Invisible Brand"
  • "Pidalion"
  • "Vennets of Nestodel"

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