Gus Til - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Football, Spartak 2021



The Netherlands Footballer Gus Til is still very young, but a promising midfielder who managed to become a member of the Netherlands youth team. Russian fans learned about the young man after his transition in 2019 in the Moscow "Spartak". It does not have obvious weaknesses, mobile and movable, quickly rebuilding in position - this is how the football proficiency is characterized.

Childhood and youth

Gus was born in the city of Samfeja, Zambia, in the winter of 1997, the first years of his biography were held there. The nationality of the young man is exactly unknown. Because of the work of the Father, the family often changed the place of residence, the man was issued by the permission of military conflicts in the third world countries, therefore, except Zambia, Tili spent some time in Congo and Mozambique. In addition to the gus, three more children were brought up in the family - two boys and a girl.

Because of the frequent movements, the young man did not have time to acquire school friends. But he did not suffer from it, he often played on the street with the ball and almost did not do lessons. When he turned 12, the family was forever returned to the Netherlands, settled in Alkmar. Here Til has already been fully studied and for a while even drove football. And having received a diploma of excellent, dedicated himself to sports.


The footballer's career began with Tila from the Academy "Alkmar Zanstkk". At first he was engaged in great enthusiasm, but seeing the difference from other athletes (the guy was a little growth and had a thin physique), stopped believing in his own strength and even tried to leave a couple of times. However, coaches saw its potential, they were encouraged and put in the main structure.

In 2016, he graduated from the Academy and entered the Az reserve team, which was called "Yong Az". Having played there, in the 2016/2017 season, Til became the player of the main composition. In the Europa League, he debuted in the summer of 2016 in the match against Greek pass.

True, then he spent on the field not a complete game, but came out to replace another player in the 71st minute. And soon he was lucky to play in the Higher Football Netherlands League Ereditvizi, then the match was conducted against the Netherlands "Pek Zoll." In the 2018/2019 season, Gus became the captain of the team "Alkmar Zanstkk".

Due to the whole of the same thin body (height of 186 cm, the weight of 78 kg) to 18 years of the national team coaches did not pay attention to the player. And in 2017 it was waiting for the news about the challenge to the youth team of the Netherlands. As Tyl told in an interview, it became a surprise for him.

True, debut in the new part of the guy managed only in the spring of 2018, it was a friendly match against the Portuguese. He appeared at the stadium on the 12th minute, the coach put a football player on the right flank, in a scheme with three defenders.

Personal life

Not so much is known about the personal life of a talented football player. In a personal profile in "Instagram", a young man lay out a lot of photos from games and training, as well as other pictures dedicated to football.

Among them are photos where Til is captured in an embrace with a kind of girl, it is likely that it is his second half.

Gus Til now

Tyl and now trains and at every home match tries to postpone the most. In the summer of 2019, it became known that Gus moved to Spartak, the transfer amount was $ 18 million and became the highest in the entire history of the club. At the time of the transition, he was still the captain of the Football team "Alkmar" and a member of the youth national national team of the Netherlands.

The contract with Spartak was issued for a period of 4 years, there he protrudes at number 8, its position on the field - midfielder. The debut exit on the field in the new composition took place in early August 2019, the Akhmat club spoke against Muscovites.

Gus appeared in the main composition and stayed on the field the whole game, distinguished himself with two head gears. And the first goal scored at the end of August in the Guest match of the 7th round of the Russian Championship, the guy sent the ball to the Gate "Wings of the Soviets" from Samara, thereby bringing the team victory.


  • 2016/17 - Winner of the Second Division of the Netherlands ("Yong AZ")
  • 2017/18 - 3rd place in the Netherlands Championship (AZ)

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