Ruki Kuchica - Character Biography, Bleach, Quotes, Character, Photo


Character History

Character Anime and Manga "Bleach". A warrior girl from the afterlife, "Soul Guard". Patrols the world of living to protect people when evil spirits are attacked. Crosses with the main character of Anime Ichigo Kurosaki, and the circumstances make up so that the hands are forced to pass the Ichigo part of the "Explorer Soul". The heroine is losing the opportunity to fight with evil spirits on his own and asks Ichigo to help her.

History of creation

Ruki Kuchicks in school uniform

The Creator of Manga "Bleach" Town Cubo came up with a hand first among all numerous manga characters. The author wanted to portray the Sinigami in Kimono, and the plot of the future manga began to develop around this image. Later, this first sketch lay down the design of the hands.

True, in the first version, the sketch of the heroine wore a Japanese school uniform, which was different from the usual black color. The final version of the clothes - Kimono - was accepted by the author later. As a weapon of the heroine, according to the author's original designation, it was supposed to carry a braid with him, while the rest of the manga's characters had to use firearms. Later, the spit changed to Zanpakto (sword), and the design of the sword itself also changed.

Ruki Kuchicks in Manga

Tuto Cubo decided on the role of hands in the plot, but I realized that this character was not suitable for the role of the main character. Then Ichigo Kurosaki was invented, which at first was like a hand and also worn black hair. Then the mangaca decided that the appearance of Ichigo should be a contrast with the appearance of the hands and repainted the hair of the hero in a bright redhead color.

The weekly Japanese japanese journal of Manga "Shonen Jump" is the ratings of the characters, and the hands invariably occupy high lines, and among the characters "Bleach" remains the most popular female. The fans of the hands create cosplay and draw art with the image of the heroine, including portraying hand in a bathing suit. And companies produce various souvenirs with its image - figurines, key chains and plush toys.

Ruki Kuchick (Art)

The name of the hands of Kuchicks from the Japanese language is translated as "trumping wood." In this, for a long time, I was looking for meaning, but it turned out that the author called so heroin, because he liked how it sounds.

The hands wore various haircuts over the series, and at one time the heroine could be seen with long hair.

Anime "Bleach"

According to the plot, the hands died when was still a baby, together with the older sister. Both girls fell into the afterlife, which was called the Society Society. The conditions there were suspiciously similar to earthly - crime and poverty reigned outside the capital, and the inhabitants of the other space as well as people are forced to get food, so as not to die from hunger.

Renji Abarai and Ruki Kuchick

The elder sister left a small hand in the vicinity of the capital, and herself escaped because it was difficult to survive with a child. Hands found a friend, Renji Abara, and two children stuck food and survived, and after two, they did to study at the Academy of Handers of Souls.

Later, the heroine unexpectedly fascinated the Aristocratic Family of Kuchick, which was unheard of business. It turned out that the sister of the hands married a bony coupon, a shower conductor, and recently died, but before his death asked her husband to find a younger sister and about that taking care. Bianaci fulfilled the request of his wife and became the hands of the receiving brother, although the clan Kuchiki and opposed this decision.

Ruki Kuchick and Ichigo

Even before the end of the Academy, the Ruki entered the service of the Soul Conductor. Byakuya wanted to protect the admission sister from the dangers associated with this work, so for a long time opposed to the promotion of the heroine in service, using its own connections and influence. The personal relationship between the heroes was emphatically stressed, and Byakuya was not defiantly interested in the classes and feelings of the hands. Later, when the girl learned the truth about his own past, the relationship with the Bianca was better.

With Ichigo Kurosaki, the heroine faces when it catches the next empty. The evil spirit attacks the family of Ichigo, and the hand in the process of the fight transmits Ichigo part of his own strength. As a result, the weakened heroine can not return to the Society Society and hides in the house of Ichigo, waiting for the strength to restore. From the other world, in the meantime, in search of arms, the officers are sent by the officers of the Bony Cucician and Renji Abara. For the fact that the heroine handed the power to a person, she was sentenced to death, but Ichigo saves hands with friends, coming to the place of execution.

Bank of hand

The hands of the Kuchicks masterfully owns Kido - the magic of the conductors of the souls, with which it can attack and hold the opponent, and also treated. Zanpakto hands allows heroine to control ice and snow. In bank mode, when the sword is completely released, a white fog rises from weapons, which turns what happens to the ice.


"There are not those who do not fight to fight, and not those who have lost their strength, but those who have lost their determination." "Death is invisible for the human eye, only therefore a person is able to hope."

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