Project "Pregnant in 16" - photo, history of creation, project, reality show, issues, seasons 2021



Youth television channel "Yu" is interested in a visual audience in many respects due to the presence of interesting and exciting programs in the broadcast grid. At the end of 2019, the premiere of the debut release of the show "Pregnant in 16", which is analogous to the American and Ukrainian versions.

Screensaver program

This is the first Russian project, which tells about the life of minor girls, by the will of the fate of the pregnant women. The new series comes out once a week, in each of them the story of one heroine is told. Pilot episode caused a huge interest in the audience.

History of creation and essence of a reality show

According to official data of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, among 100 thousand women in the position of about 800 are minor girls. For this reason, the television channel "Yu" could not bypass the side of such interesting statistics and decided to launch the project in which he could tell about fate and the difficult choice of such heroines.
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Fortunately, most of them decided to leave the child, and a similar choice radically transformed their familiar life: henceforth they are not ordinary girls of adolescence, but young mothers. In each release, which is located about 1.5 hours, viewers get acquainted with one participant and the extraordinary history of her pregnancy:

  • For what reason, she hurried to become an adult;
  • How to responded her relatives, close, friends, classmates and teachers;
  • As the news perceived about two strips The future father of the child;
  • Whether the girl has found the strength to be worthy of passing through the tests that have fallen on her share and achieve happiness.

The project organizers visually demonstrated how the life of the participants at all stages of pregnancy changes and after the child appears. The number of young girls who learned about their "interesting situation" at such an early age, increased significantly in recent years. During each release, the show can be monitored how the familiar lifestyle of future young mothers changes, they face real problem situations of early pregnancy.

Realistic show spectators will learn about all the difficulties of choice: get rid of the future offspring or try to become a loving mother. Before completing the series, the audience shows the relationship between the newly minted mother and the baby. By tradition, everything goes without drama. Only those who really become pregnant took part in the TV shows "pregnant in 16", without reaching adulthood.

It happens that the occasion is invited to acting, which performs minor roles. After entering the screens, the project reached a good television rating, but a large percentage of people remained skeptical and reacted incredulously to the fact that the show is fully realistic.

Announcements of new issues can be viewed on the official page in the social network "Instagram", as well as learn more information about the fate of the participants beyond the project.

Project lead and team

Above the reality show "Pregnant in 16" is working a large team of real professionals - psychologists, operators - director, screenwriters and, of course, TV presenter. They are a well-known psychologist from Ukraine named Dmitry Karpachev.

He invites you to his studio already familiar to the viewers of girls who are divided by memories and bright events that have happened during pregnancy, and also talk about how their fate has developed after participating in the program and about the difficulties currently emerging and joy.

In the process of frank conversation of the leading television transfer with young mothers, the viewers learned, for example, that some of the heroines beloved left in a difficult situation, without even waiting for the appearance of a newborn, and the other supported the responsible and caring guy, taking her to his wife And adopting a non-rigid baby. In a conversation with guests, Dmitry Karpachev tries to find out how the relationship between new parents develops after the appearance of their offspring, it turned out to strengthen feelings to each other in difficult life circumstances.

The heroes of the television studio are also becoming close people of girls who participated in the reality show "Pregnant in 16" - their young spouses, close and distant relatives, colleagues, friends. With their help, the picture of the life of young mammies becomes more understandable and objective, minor participants complement the stories of girls with their own observations and share their reflections.

Dmitry Karpachev, together with the connoisseurs of television program, such as doctors, psychologists and star guests, trying to come to the aid of novice parents, find a solution in difficult family situations, re-establish relationships with native people - friends, parents, dads of newborn babies and finally believe In the ability to build a happy future.

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Each new episode of continuing the original show called "Pregnant in 16: Mother's daughters" is dedicated to a certain topic in which one of the problems understands, most often the couple occurring from the in love after delivery. These include sexual relations between teenagers, misunderstanding of close relatives, insufficient attention coming from the Father to the Infant, the emotional readiness of the teenage mother to be responsible for the newborn baby.

Dmitry Karpachev is a practicing psychologist who specializes in the direction of solving controversial issues of interpersonal relations and raising children. As a TV presenter and expert performed in such television programs, as "dear, we kill our children", "one for all", "Save our family," "Rules of Life", "Lie Detector".

Foreign analogs

Realistic shows "Pregnant in 16" is an analogue of the American project called 16 and Pregnant. He broadcast on the MTV music channel on June 11, 2009 to July 1, 2014 and was famous for his colossal success in television audience. For the program, thousands of local housewives carefully followed. A total of 5 seasons of transfer came out.

Following the United States of America, a similar project began to be implemented in Ukraine. The pilot edition of Vagіtna in 16 started at the local television channel STB in August 2012. Transmission participants became pregnant young girls whose age ranged from 13 to 17 years old. They were preparing to become mothers in such early years, turned out to be not ready to make independent decisions and encountered various difficulties directly before sightseeing camcorders. The project, as in America, has achieved high popularity in Ukraine and Russia.

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