Nikolay Kozlov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Psychologist, Books 2021



Nikolai Kozlov is a psychologist and writer whose books are well-deserved. Although a man is a candidate of philosophical and doctor of psychological sciences, he appreciates much higher theories.

Childhood and youth

The future psychologist was born in the summer of 1957 in the Ryazan region. Soon the family moved to the outskirts of Moscow. Kolya's parents at the time of the boy's appearance were mature, consisting of people with saturated biographies.

Nikolai Kozlov as a child

38-year-old Father Ivan Nikitovich, War Veteran, Directed at the Factory of Children's Toys. 37-year-old mother Tatiana Matveyevna, an accountant, managed to work along the "Inturist" line in Austria, where the carpets, crystal and fur coats bought and relatives. For a year and a half before the spouse gave birth to a daughter Marina.

Childhood goats recalls as happy. Parents did not drink and did not smoke. Summer holidays Family spent on the Black Sea, and in the winter it was chosen on the ski rides and went to museums. Ivan Nikitovich pretty quickly received a 3-bedroom apartment, and then he built a cottage in the mescheman, with a suspension by Konstantin Pause. The only thing that lacked the Senior Kozlov, in the memoirs of the Son, is diplomaticity in everyday life.

After graduating from school, Nikolai entered the psychological faculty of Moscow State University. Although Kozlov has a red diploma of the Chief Soviet University, a man admits that university textbooks, seminars and lectures did not give him anything as a psychologist.

Student years, the guy spent not on the cramp and the gouli, and on the development of the necessary skills - a twist, blind typewriter, the ability to dance and present thoughts on paper. Nikolai attended the Moscow logical circle of G. P. Shchedrovitsky, read and rethought many artistic and popular science books.

Psychology and books

As a psychologist-practitioner of Kozlov began to form thanks to Arkady Petrovich Egysess. Since 1982, Nikolai Ivanovich has been conducting trainings on personal growth. The psychologist is the founder and head of the Sinton Training Center. The name of the organization gave a Latin word meaning "consonance", "Harmony". Kozlov developed a step-by-step change system of habits, created the original ethical personality typology, according to which all people are divided into 4 categories: parasites, consumers, romance and creators.

In practical allowances for psychology, Nikolai Ivanovich often uses situations from their biography. Kozlov tells how, being the head of the aircraft model, cut off the circular saw fingers on his hand and was not confused or as he comforted the spouse that copied money to buy trendy glasses when funds had to spend on urgent repairs.

Psychologist Nikolay Kozlov

The writer recycles and develops its works. So, the book "Life with a pure sheet: how to find your way", written in 2009, became an integral part of the "simple right life", published in 2013. The motto of many works Kozlov:

"Life does not boil only to efficiency, as well as the usefulness of food is not limited to its calorie content."

When meeting the book "Philosophical Fairy Targets", the reader works out the interaction with the morality of Castsevaya and the Holy Vera Ivanovna.

Personal life

Psychologist is happy in his personal life. From the first wife of Alla in Nikolai Ivanovich, two sons - Shura and Vanya. The Union with the second wife Marina presented a goat three more children - Masha, Denis and Nastya. The first chosen one also found new love. Families not only communicate, but also friends. Family photos of goat can be seen on the personal site of the psychologist.

Nikolai Kozlov and his wife Marina

Since 40 years old, Nikolai Ivanovich is powered by vegetable food and seafood, and meat eats every few months on festive feasts to please friends and relatives. Now the writer is daily poured by icy water.

Nikolai Kozlov now

In the fall of 2019, several psychologist trainings took place. In October, the leadership 3-hour game "Ilya Muromets; Status and authority ", whose participants" pump "the skills of managing people.

2 weeks before the game wishes could take part in the film "Genghis Khan as a leader and a leader." And in November 2019, Nikolai Ivanovich holds 2-day training "Leadership and Guide: how to create a dream team."


  • "How to treat yourself and to people, or practical psychology for every day"
  • "True truth, or a textbook for a psychologist in life"
  • "Formula of the individual"
  • "The book for those who like to live, or the psychology of personal growth"
  • "Formula of success, or the philosophy of the life of an effective person"
  • "Seventeen moments of success: leadership strategies"
  • "Philosophical fairy tales for thinking live, or a cheerful book about freedom and morality"
  • "Simple right life"
  • "Psychologos. Encyclopedia of practical psychology "
  • "Easy right childhood: a book for smart and happy parents"
  • "On the wings of love, or how to make a family"

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