Porphyry Cavsocalivit - photo, biography, cause of death, Rev., Old man, Life, books



One of the most revered elders of the Elaladian Church Rev. Porphyra Kavsocalivitis is widely known in his homeland, and in the entire Orthodox world. The canonized monk, the righteous, the devotee, whose day of memory believers celebrate on December 2, became famous for the Christian feat and the selfless service of God, awarded the title of Reverend and ranked in the saints.

Childhood and youth

A boy with the worldly name of Evangelos Baitaris was born in February 1906 on the Greek Island of Eviemy in the Aegean Sea. Yeason of childhood and early youth passed in the village of Ayos-John. Evangelosa's parents are modest peasants.

Father and mother dreamed of giving a sibling education and a chance to break out of poverty, but in vain. Bairaktaris Jr. graduated from only 2 class of rustic school. All free time was selected by the housework. The boy passes the cattle, worked in the garden, stood behind the shopping counter, and at the age of 8 he went down to the mine.

In the young years, a book about the lives of the Christian St. John of Khuspist (Kalivita) fell into the hands of the evangelos. The story was so impressed by the boy that the only goal was to get to Athos and devote the life to the ministry to the Lord. The dream was carried out when the young Greek was 14 years old.


On the ship sailing toward the Holy Mountain, the teenager met Hieromona Panteleimon. A devotee, after hearing the reasoning of the young stranger, hesitated to him sympathy and became a patron. Upon arrival at Athos, Ieromonas highled that the boy would leave on the mountain, and settled in his own cell, issuing a nephew.

In the Kavsokalivia Skit, which consisted of 4 dozen huts, Nikita's novice - so ordered ink - lived 6 years. He worked a lot and prayed, lived in extremely ascetic conditions, slept on the floor, went bare even in winter. The young monk not only did not regret the renunciation of worldly life, but also did not think existence outside the Afona.

And yet he had to leave the holy mountain. In winter, Nikita fell ill with the inflammation of the lungs, which passed into the pleurisy. The elders sent the Inoca to the mainland. Recovery, the monk returned to Athos, but the island climate was adversely affected by his rapid health. Elders sent fellow back, without giving blessings to return.

In 1926, a 20-year-old monk met Archbishop Sinai Porphyria. He so admired the spiritual fortress and the purity of Nikita, which he dedicated him to San Presbyter and gave his name Porphyry.

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In 1940, Kavsocalivita was prescribed by the abbot of the temple with a clinic in Athens. In this position he served 33 years. Even by retirement in 1973, the priest did not leave the ministry. Having found an old abandoned church in Attika, resumed service in it and confessed to the flock.

After recovering from heart attack, the old man in 1979 founded the courtyard with the temple in Miles. Here a knitting workshop appeared, the chicken coop, made incense. In 1984, Porfiri Kavsocalivit learned that the cell was released in Athos, in which his monastic path began. The elder who dreamed of returning to the Holy Mount, asked the permission to return and received a blessing.


In 1991, Father Porphiri finally moved to Athos, where he dwells in the cell along with five students. The cause of the death of the elder was the oncological disease: cancer struck the pituitary. Hearing from doctors the diagnosis, the priest was delighted. He considered severe diseases of God's grace, the test of faith and love for the Lord.

Porfiry never asked for recovery prayers for himself, considering it immodest. Before the death, he was experiencing terrible pains that transfers courageously, not a rope and not taking painhing means.

Before death, the monk wrote a farewell letter and asked students to equip the burial place next to the casheli. He died on December 2, 1991 and was buried in Kavsocalivia, in Athos.


Porfiry Kavsocalivit did not compose books. All of his instructions are recorded by students or associates. In published after his death of the "Collaborance of the Soviets", they are collected by lifetime quotes with recommendations for all occasions. The monk is known for the renewings about the upbringing of children, envy and jealousy, about the attitude towards the disease and the causes of the ailments.

Paisius Svyatogorets, another famous Greek elder, spoke of Porphyry, implying spiritual gifts:

"He has a color TV, and I have only black and white."

The biography of the saint, canonized in November 2013, Sacred Synod of Constantinople Patriarchate, Pottit Miracles. He was heard in beggar, set the diagnoses of the patient and healed hopeless. At the icon of St. Porphyry Patients ask for healing and tips for all occasions.


  • "Memoirs about Stroke Porphyria" (Anastasiya Dzavara)
  • "Porfiry Kavsocalivit. Life and words "
  • "Colors of Soviets"
  • "The old man of Porphyry is a spiritual father and a mentor" (Georgy crowdallaki)
  • "The Divine Light, which was erected in my heart the old man Porphiri" (Monk Agapius)
  • "Near the elder Porphyria" (Johniki "Gerondikon" Jannitcy)
  • "The virtuous sake of God will be beloved ..." (Hieromona Damaskin)
  • "Old man of Porfiry" (John)
  • "Father Porfiry" (Anastasia Kaliatu)
  • "Old man of Porfiry" (Christodula Agioritis)
  • "The old man of Porphyry Kavsocalivit: life-in-law, instructions, miracles"

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