Alexander Pikalov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



The results of the Ukrainian presidential elections in 2019 stood not only the public, but also colleagues of the winning candidate. Ex-colleague in "Studio Quarter 95" Denis Manzhos was going to tell something important about Vladimir Zelensky, with whom he lasted a long-time conflict.

But as a result, the case took an unexpected turnover - a man's planned press conference canceled, after which it was allegedly received a proposal for his return to the humorous project. And Alexander Pikalov said that the policy was not marked, the path chosen by him to merry people completely satisfied.

Childhood and youth

In the penultimate day of January 1976, the first-mentioned Sasha's son was born in the Cervolorvoy, Sasha's son (Aquarius on the sign of the zodiac), who after 4 years the younger brother Valera appeared. On this occasion, the showman loves to joke that the grandmother still confuses the names of the grandchildren.

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On the official website of Studios Quarter 95 in a separate section, biographical information about the employee is provided. Thanks to her, it is known that at school time Alexander was a styling - wearing a trendy checkered jacket and a tie, combing her hair following the example of American handsome James Dina.

In childhood, the boy who dreamed of mastering the noble profession of the firefighter, to have a motorcycle and live by the sea, did not differ in the submissive character and exemplary behavior. He practically did not get out of the street and quickly addicted to smoking.

Predy nostalgia at the past Soviet times is not about him. It reluctantly remembering the junior years and his youth, Pikalov spoke in an interview that good, with the exception of love and care of adults, at that time there was little - bad ecology, a close apartment, divided into two more families.

After the graduate came with the middle education certificate, received in the 95th gymnasium, he filed documents to the local KTU, where "wrote down" a decade - the university, the guy threw it, he returned to him again. But not because of the thrust for engineering science - here it was attracted by student KVN and a guide with Stam.

KVN and television

The KVN, which began with the student team, led the talented and artistic ward to Krivoy Rog, then in the "Dnepropetrovsk national team", as a result, with the 1998th consolidated in the "95 quarter". At the ambitious guys, Alexander Maslyakov drew attention to the Sochi Festival - senior, inviting to the "tower." Their achievements in the club cheerful and resourceful - a pair of bright "kiwins" and the semifinals of the main league in the 2002 season.

Later, humorists created their own studio engaged in the organization of concerts and projects on television, perpetuating the name of their team. From under the pen of the authors, humorous programs "Good jokes", "Evening Quarter" and "Evening Kiev", "League of Laughter", the popular "Battle" of Komika laugh and many other programs. And also - those who loved the public 3 of the "love in the Big City", comedy multiserpic films "Svaty" and "servant of the people", where Pikalov appeared in the image of Ivan Skarik.

"If this post was offered in reality, I think it would agree. Although in the series I'm more on the family front I speak. And anyway, this is a fairy tale. By the way, I recently drove into a taxi, and I was not already called Viktor Fedorovich, but the Minister of Defense! ", Picalov told.


In addition to the role of the Minister of Defense, Alexander remember the audience for the "Three Musketeer" filmmakes of the 2004, which appeared after her "Militia Academy", the tapes "Very New Year's movie ..." and "As Cossacks ...".

In the creative biography there was a place and parody of the cult series with Benedict Cumberbetch "Sherlock", in the interpretation of Ukrainian comedians called "Sherloh". Here Picalov entrusted the role of assistant Moriarty - Frenchman Moran.

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"Of course, I love comic roles more. In the "Sherloha" I am clean creatin, and I found very many chips for the role. I want to play old men, homeless, funny people. There must be idiocy. I do not like beautiful people in movies. And Moran - Idiot. What is needed! " - testified actor.

March 21, 2019, with the participation of Picalov, the dance drama "Let's Dance" came to the rental, telling about the dreams of a certain Nikita, who came to a large-scale festival to demonstrate their choreographic abilities, and in the end met real love.

Personal life

2003 turned out to be important for Picalov not only due to the fact that he created his own studio with comrades to KVN. In privacy, too, joyful changes came - a man led an Irina girl under the crown. Familiarity of future spouses did not happen without the participation of Denis Manzhos.

It was he who once brought Ninth-graduate Iru to the rehearsal of the theater of student miniatures, which at that time he was heading Sasha, who wearing long hair, earring in the ear and red shoes. However, the novel twisted much later. If you believe the words of Alexander, his friend asked for a date with Irina instead. And the second meeting has already played a decisive role.

In the future, young people decided to live together, and then played a wedding. In the registry office, the bridegroom dressed up in leather pants, and the bride - in the dress in the style of 60s without Fata. Only close friends and relatives were invited to the celebration. The car on such a meaningful event was "Cadillac", like Kumira Picalova Elvis Presley.

After 3 years, the spouses were born the only son Mikhail. Boy happy parents dream of raising a football player.

"First, I love the old Soviet movie. I like the films "Garage", "Moscow does not believe in tears." I know all the actresses and actors of that time. After the painting "Island" with Mamonov, an indelible impression remained. Secondly, I love the films of Quentin Tarantino. In short, I feel high-quality films, "the pickles once admitted.

It is also known that Alexander is a biker and a collector of motorcycles with experience. In his piggy bank, a little less than 50 copies of this type of transport. The colorful body of a man (according to some data, its height is 174 cm with a weight of 76 kg), as it should be decorated with tattoos.

Alexander Pikalov Now

Alexander Viktorovich as part of the author's "Optimist and Pessimist" group and is now engaged in the Studio Quarter 95, at the end of May 2019, the 4th season of the Laga League launched. In the same month, under the leadership of the company began shooting the detective series "Mousetrap for a cat".

The project organizers, in addition to working information on the pages in "Instagram" and Facebook, do not forget about the personal holidays of their employees. January 30, 2019, this "fate" did not pass Rock-n-rigid Pikalov - under his photo there was a post with congratulations.


  • 2004 - "Three Musketeer"
  • 2005 - "Militia Academy"
  • 2007 - "Very New Year's Cinema, or Night in the Museum"
  • 2009 - "How Cossacks ..."
  • 2015-2019 - "Server of the People"
  • 2018 - "I, you, he, she"
  • 2019 - "Let's dance"

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