Petya Rostov - character biography, image in the novel, film adaptation, photo


Character History

Petya Rostov is a secondary character of the novel Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy "War and Peace". The story of this hero is given by the author to brightly depict the horrors and tragedies of the war. Humanist Tolstoy in the colors showed how cruel people, not experiencing pity, going to the front not in the name of the Motherland, but to bring a discord to someone else's land.

History of character creation

The image of Petit Rostov, like other members of his family, was created by a writer inspired by his own relatives. Under the growth, he meant thick along the Father's line, and the old graph is the namesake of the grandfather of Leo Nikolayevich.

Writer Leo Tolstoy

The description of the rotation of the Hero of Roman coincides with the characteristic, which was awarded close old old Tolstoy. The famous collector Mzda, he, Kazan Governor, was not a good-natured official. The embezzlement from the treasury of a huge amount of money was the cause of the resignation of a thick-senior.

Nikolay Tolstoy served as a prototype Nikolay Rostov. He was a hussar during the war with Napoleon in 1812. Literary criticians believe that the descriptions of the war given in the novel are taken by the author from the stories and memories of the Father.

It is logical that among the children of Tolstoy could be the one who served as a prototype for Petit Rostov. Perhaps it turned out to be young Lion Tolstoy. Like Petya, love and warmth surrounded him in the family.

Gusar Nikolay Rostov

Love for life, faith in human kindness and an important role of debt in a person's life, the victim in the name of the dream was characteristic of the writer. The ability to appreciate these things he awarded the young Petya Rostov.

Roman "War and Peace"

Petya Rostov - character biography, image in the novel, film adaptation, photo 1048_3

Petya was not a stupid boy, but also did not feed a zeal for learning sciences. Himself and fidget, he had difficulty when it was necessary to focus, so reading became a real flour. The youngest of children of growth, mother's favorite, Petya possessed a lot of positive qualities.

From the young age, he was dreaming about the accomplishment of the feat. He saw himself in war, although his mother was against it, went to intelligence in his fantasies and waited for a chance to show courage.

Tsar Alexander I.

Patriot Peter adored Alexander I. Together with the youthful maximalism, the reverent attitude towards the king and his orders was the cause of the death of a young man. Romantic in the soul, he saw war through pink glasses. He rushed to the forefare, wanted to be in the thick of the events, help Denisov.

Petya Rostov repeatedly appears in the novel. The reader has the opportunity to monitor its consideration and personal development. Having become acquainted with Petya, when he was a child, the public dislike him and watches how the deputy hero is developing in the boy.

Fear and excitement for Petya covers when it becomes clear that he firmly decided to go to war and built his own plan of his future.

Petya Rostov in the partisan detachment

The decision to go to the front was a real blow for petty native. They considered him too young. The stubbornness and inflexibility of the hero took the top. He threatened to escape from the house, if you do not let go of fighting. Rostovs tried to provide the young man with a warm place, but he was eager to be in the epicenter of the battle and made it his goal.

Pet managed to be on the front. Serving in the partisan detachment Denisov, he cheerfully and enthusiasm oversees what is happening. Being almost a child, he does not notice ridiculous colleagues. Hot gusts tear the soldiers and officers who try to protect the mountain-warrior.

Death of Petit Rostov (illustration)

Pet was forbidden to go to the attack with Dolohov and Denisov, but he was bursting. The night before the battle was the test in anticipation of the battle. In the morning, an inexperienced fighter, barely coming out on the field of Brahi, got a bullet. Death quickly overtook the hero. The news of his death became a terrible blow for the family of growth.

The most positive character of the novel, he combined kindness, sincerity, mercy and enthusiasm.

The image of Petit Rostov

The reader meets Petya when the boy was barely 9 years old. Full little boyfriend, he caused the taste of the whole family. The next mention of the character refers to the period when it was 13 years old. He pulled up and began to manifest himself as a patriot.

Portrait of Petit Rostov

By the age of 15, he externally resembled sister Natasha with bright black eyes and a blush on the cheeks. War changed the boy. He matured noticeably. Despite all the horses and horrors of battles, his eyes did not lose the past.

The hero plays an episodic role in the novel. His life was interrupted at the moment of heyday. Therefore, the character's biography is described superficially. The author pays great attention to children when the boy was a chalown, fidget, sweet and a large activist. Cheerful and cheerful,

Rostov Jr did not scare difficulties. His kindness and responsiveness manifest themselves in the situation with the prisoner of a French drummer boy who sincerely sympathizes.

Illustration to the novel Tolstoy

The young man does not accidentally drive to the White Church before going to the front. The topic of religion and God plays a big role in the work of Tolstoy, and with the help of Rostov-younger, he makes an additional emphasis on the importance of these aspects in a person's life. Promotion, faith in fate and divine providence are characterized by Petya.

He wants to seek adults as soon as possible, but the complexity of the new life is not able to evaluate the hero. He wants to end jokes over his age, and leads quite reasonable arguments to become a military personnel.

The main idea that Tolstoy wanted to convey to the reader, working on the way in the Petit, is as follows: the positive features of the character and the good manifestations of the soul do not depend on the material condition. They are cultivated inside a warm and loving family, where the child is caught care of the neighbor, tenderness and ability to empathize.


Nikolai Kodin and Sergey Yermilov in the role of Petit Rostov

The image of Petit Rostov is often omitted by directors working on the screening of the novel "War and Peace". The most detailed mention of the character is present in the project of Sergey Bondarchuk 1965. Petya Rostov (in different years of life) Nikolai Kodin and Sergey Yermilov played in the film. Rufus Frempton portrayed young Rostov in the 1972 television series, shot by John Davis for the Air Force channel.

Yozobas Bagdonas embodied the image of a small petition in the 2007 International Draft Draft 2007, created by Robert Dornhelm. Actor Keith Connor played Rostov in Tomeria Tom Harper, released on screens in 2016.

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