Alexandra Grant - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Keanu Reeves 2021



Alexandra Grant is an American artist who is distinguished by an unusual appearance, striking talent and the toastfulness of the mind. In November 2019, the actor Keanu Reeves presented her to the world as his chief. This, by the way, happened for the first time in 20 years.

Childhood and youth

Alexander Grant was born in Fairview Park, Ohio, in 1973. The exact date of birth or at least the sign of the zodiac artist does not declassify even its official website.

Alexandra and Sister Florence brought up in an intelligent family: a native of Scotland, a professor of geology, and Father is a professor of political science, an American diplomat. They met on the educational program in Africa. A stormy novel led to the wedding, then to common children. However, marriage, praising on the first serious crisis, quickly collapsed.

After the divorce of the parents, Alexander remained with his mother. They settled in Mexico City, the capital of Mexico. Basic education The girl began to receive in a Mexican school, which united children of different nationalities: Japanese, Canadians, Germans, Indonesians and her - half an Englishman, half an American.

At 11, Alexander Grant went to the evening Thomas Jefferson School, which is in St. Louis, Missouri. Diploma she got already in Paris.

Alexandra Grant in his youth often traveled. Thanks to this now she speaks English, Spanish and French.

In 1994, the artist released from Southmore College Bakalavrom in the field of history and art. In 2000, he received a master of the Master of Arts in the field of drawing and painting in the California College of Arts.

Career and creativity

Debut exhibition Alexandra Grant took place in 2007 at the Museum of Contemporary Art (Moca) in Los Angeles, California. The exposition was not only its paintings, but Elene Six Essa, which inspired the artist to enter the light. Such is the "chip" of the creativity of Alexandra Grant. She herself calls this direction "radical cooperation": exposures are the result of interaction with the texts and artworks of other writers and artists.
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The most fruitful "radical collaboration" was a duet with Michael Joyce, the progenitor of hypertext literature. The sculptures and paintings of Alexandra Grant, inspired by the texts of the writer, amounted to 3 exposures: "Ladder Quartet" (2007), "Six Portals" (2008), "Body" (2010).

Among the best works, the grant artist criticism is celebrated by the exposition "Antigone 3000". It is inspired by the tragedy of Sofokla, where Antigone utters a sacred phrase: "I am born to love, do not hate." For this cycle in 2015, Grant was awarded Cola - the highest award of Los Angeles in the field of modern art.

Fine art is not the only passion of Alexandra Grant. Once she tried herself as a director, removing the documentary Taking Lena Home (2015). Since 2009, the artist reads lectures in US and Africa universities. At the same time, Grant met Keanu Rivz.

At first Alexander Grant perceived Keanu Rivza as an object for "radical cooperation". Together they released "ODU of happiness" (2011) - a collection of actor poems with artist's illustrations and organized the exhibition "Shadows" (2016). Its basis was made up of reflections of the rivza about what a shadow is, and his photos made by Grant.

Understanding how many common among them, in 2017, Grant and Reeves opened the X Artists' Books publishing house, or short Xab.

"Our books are works of art, portals in imaginary worlds, cherished satellites. In them, we love everything that loves friends: generosity, openness, mind, mystery, style. They bring to the existence and change realities. They can break your heart, "it is written on the official website of XAB.

Personal life

In early November 2019, Alexander Grant first appeared in public as a girl Keanu Rivza. After a few weeks, the press appeared information that Grant and Reeves were engaged. Official confirmations have not yet been received.

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Alexandra Grant is the first woman who managed to interest Kian Reeves. Previously, the personal life of the actor was not easy formed: in 1999, Jennifer Saim gave birth to him a stillborn daughter, and in 2011 he died in a car accident.

Were grant in biographies a serious relationship is unknown. Perhaps for the artist, as for the actor, the upcoming marriage will be the first, despite the mature age. Grant for 9 years younger bridegroom and, interestingly, one of the growth with him is 186 cm. Weighs the artist 66 kg.

Alexandra Grant now

The last news about the work of Alexander Grant is divided into "Instagram". For example, in November 2019, she presented the 14th job of the "Antigone 3000" cycle.

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