Bronisal Wansovich - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



To be a wizard, it is not necessary to own magic or even believe in it. Such a point of view adheres to the writer Bronisal Wansovich - the creator of the mysterious world of Rikaine. From her works, everyone can learn the futsal truth: a person, attaching a tolik effort, can make a miracle and without magical abilities.

Childhood and youth

The pseudonym Bronislav Vonovich writer took in honor of his grandmother - "ethnic polka, a little stinging and very vitality." Despite the complex biography, the woman has always been looking for a positive in people and events, did not lose the presence of the spirit until the last days.

The author loved the relative, because he decided to perpetuate her name. In an interview with the Illustrated Weekly "Art Mosaic" Bronislav Vonovich so explained its motives:

"A man lives while he remembers about him, so let him about the grandmother, not even guessing this, people remember, even who did not know her."

In fact, the writer is Natalia, she was born on April 5 in Novosibirsk, where he lives now. He graduated from the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Novosibirsk State University, having mastered the profession of cytologist-genetics with profiling on mathematical biology.


Bronislav Vonovich claims that he did not plan to become a writer, the case and excitement was ordered for it. Once, the author made a bet, according to which 3 novel was put on the "Samizdat" portal and assemble at least 100 estimates under each of them. By that time, Won Konsich had already finished the book "Skeletons in the Royal Cabinets" in the fantasy genre - the first in the Rikain series. It had to be crushed into several parts and lay out on the Internet.

The debut essay was not easy for a woman, because before that she wrote the texts of an exclusively scientific focus. The specifics of the literary language Vonovich studies so far, including through the reviews and advice of readers. By the time the victory in the bet became undeniable, Won Konsich mired into the independently created Literary World Ricina.

Initially, the writer planned to restrict 3 novels, one for each country - Turan, Loria, Garm, but the plots turned out to be much more. Wansovich failed to accept their loss and continued to expand the world of Rikaine. Now the cycle bibliography consists of more than 15 works.

Bronislav Wansovich is not Stephen King: Unlike the famous fiction masters and Horror, the writer knows exactly how the next book will start and end. In the process, minor parts can be added, chronology, but the outcome of the story is predetermined in advance.

Most of the works of Wansovich published only on the Internet. On the shelves of bookstores, you can find paper versions of novels written by her in collaboration with Tina Lukyanova. This is a frinsstad cycle. The story of Lisandre Berlisensiis was conceived by two writers as a parody story, but eventually resulted in a full-fledged work about the new world.

Personal life

About the personal life of Bronislav Vonovich prefers not to spread. It is known that she has a husband who is skeptical about the hobby of the spouse.

"He says it's enough to see me every day. If you also read, it may not be survived, "the writer is joking in an interview.

Wansovich plays Bridge, embroiders with a cross and fond of oriental dances. Do not leave a woman indifferent and multiplayer computer games like World of Warcraft and Lineage, but there is often time for them.

The writer fluently owns Ukrainian, likes to read the national lyrics, her library half consists of books in this language. I wanted to explore Polish to get closer to your beloved grandmother, but the absence of a linguistic environment. However, several Polish expressions crashed into the memory of Wonovich, she uses them even in communication.

Bronisal Wansovich now

About updates in the works of Bronislava Vonovich helps to recognize her group in Vkontakte.

So, in August 2019, the writer completed the book "Roses on the wall" and began a new "two sides of reflection", which will become the 17th in the cycle about the world of Rikaine. Wonovich has already presented a photo that will decorate the cover of the future work.


Ricina cycle:

  • "Skeletons in royal cabinets"
  • "Erna Stern and two of her marriage"
  • "Vendetta"
  • "Lori Hydra"
  • "Testament of the Inour Brinqueffe"
  • "Flying over the Owerie steppes"
  • "Fogs Unert"
  • "When kings die"
  • "The art of hunting for noble game"
  • "Poppy flower"
  • "Payment for loneliness"
  • "Fee for naivety"
  • "List"
  • "Players"
  • "Soft paws of fate"
  • "Roses on the wall"

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