Sergey Russkin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Sergey Russkin - Actor Theater and Cinema. TV viewers remember him on roles in detective TV projects, as well as in the picture "Features of the National Hunting". Theatrical public knows Russian as an artist of state theaters and entrepreneurship scenic sites.

Working in St. Petersburg, he plays the main and secondary roles in the performances of the comedy theater. N. Akimova, theater of Artypuriza them. A. Mironova and "Comedian". Now the Honored Artist of Russia is engaged mainly in television production. He is also engaged in voice acting kinocartin and books.

Childhood and youth

Motherland Sergei Russkina is a small Polish town called Legnica. He was born on August 22, 1955 and became the firstborn, so parents pumped him and surrounded care. Little Serge had many relatives who participated in his upbringing. The baby's life was carefree. The mother fence him away from any trouble, and the son studied well, became October, then the chairman of the pioneer squad and even the secretary of the Komsomol organization. Russian could be proud and put it as an example.

The creative tenders of the young man were obvious. He read a lot, participated in artistic amateur and walked music. Sergey demonstrated progress and in the exact sciences. In school he really liked mathematics. Moreover, he even planned to tie his biography with her and physics. The career of the scientist attracted it, and there was no speech about the artistic future.

An annoying mistake in the Russian language did not give Russian to get the cherished perfectly, separated him from the gold medal. So plans for admission to the Moscow FTU hopelessly collapsed. But the graduate was welcome in the Nikolaev shipbuilding institute.

Having moved from Rodney and settling in the university dormitory, the young man understood that it was life outside of parental care. It has 3 demobilized guys, who plunged the young man into everyday details of everyday life. Sergey met cigarettes, alcohol and started the first romantic connections.

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The big advantage of studies in Nikolaev was part of the production of the People's Theater. Here Russkin first thought about the career of the artist. The scene saved him from a bad company, dubious addictions and gave hope for the future. A beginner actor decided to move to Leningrad.

Here, Russian managed to settle in the youth theater on the Fontanka, who was in finding young giving. Speaking on a professional scene, the artist felt: he lacks the knowledge base. He entered LIGITMIK and became a student of the course Georgy Tovstonogov. Russkina is incredulously lucky to learn from one of the Matters of the Soviet Directory and get a classic humanitarian education in the field of dramatic art.


The creative piggy bank of the actor is rich in various images in the theater and cinema. Now he cooperates at once with several Petersburg theatrical platforms. After leaving the comedy theater. N. Akimova Viktor Sukhukova Sergey Russkin replaced the artist in the production of the "Cherry Sadik" and "left the old man from the old woman."

Today, he is playing Nushich in the formulation of the "Doctor of Philosophy", the shadow in the eponymous play on the work of Eugene Schwartz, Kuchumov in "Madoney". The artist is busy mainly in the performances of the classic repertoire.

The actor also performs on the stage of the theater of the Antspurza them. A. Mironova. The first performances here for him were the drama "Oh, the jester, I am going crazy!", "The continuation of the" idiot "" and others. On the stage of the theater "Comedians", Russkin went out in the form of Kochkarev from Gogol "marriage", de Gisha from Sirano de Bergerac for Edmond Rostan, Chugunov from the play "Wolves and Sheep" Alexander Ostrovsky. Russkin also became the director of the time stop of the "Stop of Time" based on the work of COBO ABE.


Sergey Russkin was also in demand in cinema. His first work was the comic image of Igor from the film "Sentimental Journey to Potatoes". Then followed the role in the picture "It" and the project of novice Moscow directories "Cruel Age".

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Sergey Russkin prefers to film with an accurate genre definition and is an actor capable of working with the role of any format. The artist starred in the film "The feat of Odessa", "Running August", "Spirit Day", "Choknutoye", "I - Ivan, you are Abram." He also participated in the creation of films "Ghir" and "The body was betrayed by the Earth, and Senior Michman will sing."

Despite the demand for cinema and rapid replenishment filmography with new ribbons, Russkin did not enter the list of recognizable artists. He used the sympathies of a relatively small audience. But thanks to the director Alexander Rogozhkin, the situation has changed. The director invited the actor to the voicing of the tape "Chekist", and then specifically prescribed the character line of the character "Features of the National Hunt".

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Contrary to the presentation of the low quality of the Russian TV series, Russkin perceives work in them as part of the profession. The artist is more like a game in the theater, but as a professional Sergey does not refuse alternative projects. The series bring additional income, help to try yourself in a new role and feel the global difference between the work in front of the viewer and in the film of the film.

Among the TV projects, where Sergey Russkina can be seen: "National Security Agent", "Secrets of the Consequence", "Streets of broken lanterns."

Personal life

Sergey Russkin was married. His spouse Nadezhda Abramova worked on television. She is the author and leading program "Corner of France". Sergey took into account the interests and hobbies of his wife, pleased with pleasant surprises and scream in this inspiration. But the personal life of spouses was not cloudless, as it often happens in the unions of creative people. Sergey and Nadezhda broke up. About that, there is now the artist family and children are unknown.

Contrary to the screen image created in the "peculiarities of the national hunting", the artist is not a supporter of the killing of animals for entertainment. Therefore, fishing and hunting bypass and prefers vegetarianism. Despite the refusal of meat, the artist has a large physique. Its growth is 180 cm, and the weight is 95 kg. Sergey does not feel complexes regarding the figure and does not plan changes to the wave of fashion trends.

Sergey Russkin is interested in bhakti yoga and studied Srimad Bhagavatam.

Sergey Russkin now

In 2019, the actor continues to work in the theater and cinema. Among the projects with the participation of Russians lately - the film "Donbass", in which he played the role of Chapany.

The premiere of the tape took place in 2018. At the Cannes Film Festival, the picture became the winner in the nomination "Special Vision".

Personal photos of Sergey Russkina fans will find on a personal page in Vkontakte.


  • 1985 - "Angel Day"
  • 1985 - "Feat Odessa"
  • 1986 - "Sentimental Journey to Potatoes"
  • 1993 - "I - Ivan, you - Abram"
  • 1995 - "Features of the National Hunt"
  • 1998 - "Features of national fishing"
  • 1998 - "The body will be betrayed by the Earth, and the Senior Michman will sing"
  • 1998 - "Crustale, Machine!"
  • 2003 - "Features of the National Policy"
  • 2007 - "Features of national finished fishing, or a separation of complete"
  • 2008 - "Alexander. Nevskaya battle
  • 2011 - "Peter First. Will"
  • 2018 - Donbass

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