Regimantas Adomaytis - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Regimantas Adomaytis graduated from the Physics and Mathematics, but soon realized that this was not his calling. He devoted all his life to acting and remained demanded even after 80 years.

Childhood and youth

Regumantas Vaitkowovich Adomaytis was born on January 31, 1937 in Schäulya, Lithuania. By nationality, he is Lithuanian. The boy's father was an engineer who hoped that her son would go along his footsteps and would win the exact science.

After release from school, Regumantas entered the University of Vilnius, where he studied at the Physics and Mathematics Faculty. But in the last year, the guy became interested in amateur artism and began playing the scene of the student theater. As a result, Adomaytis decided to submit documents to the Lithuanian state conservatory on the acting course.


When the study ended, the young man came across the distribution in the capsupus dramatic theater, where he served a year until he was transferred to the Taroupe of the Kaunas Dramaater. From this the stage career of the future star began. He participated in the productions of "humiliated and offended" Fedor Dostoevsky, "King Lire" William Shakespeare and "Lady with Camellia" Alexander Duma.

Soon the talented artist was invited to the National Academic Theater of Lithuania. He played in the Pieces "Price", "Island of the Chest", "Under the Summer Sky" and "Cross Duckling". Regimantas remember the role of Franz in the production of Altonian herds, based on the work of Jean-Field of Sartre.


Already in 1963, Adomaytis debuted into the cinema - starred in the image of the pilot in the film "Chronicle of one day". The plot was based on the dispute between the old communist Rimsche and the young scientist Venetsus. The picture successfully reached in Lithuanian and Russian cinemas, and the young actor received an important experience.

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After 2 years, Regumantas again appeared on the screens, but already in the lead role. In the brutal drama "no one wanted to die" he embodied the image of the Son, blowing his father's death. His colleagues in the site were the Lithuanian actors Yozus Bruditis, Algimantas Masulis and Bruno Oya. The tape was awarded the main prize of the All-Union Festival, which was held in Kiev.

In subsequent years, the actor offered mainly the main roles. The filmography was replenished with the pictures of "Feelings", "The whole truth about Columbus", "This is a sweet word - freedom!", "Damn Bride" and "Lost". The man was able to conquer not only Lithuanian, but also Russian spectators, and already in 1985 he was awarded the title of People's Artist of the USSR.

Regimantas began to shoot at Mosfilm, he performed the main hero of the Melodrama "Carousel in the Basason Square". The plot of the paintings tells about the former front line, which accidentally knocked down a woman and was forced to take responsibility for the fate of her daughters.

After the collapse of the USSR, a man did not stay without work, he was still invited to participate in the cinema and playing in the theater, but the health of the artist began to lead. Adomaytis starred in Lithuania, Russia, Italy, Norway and Ukraine, embodying state and charismatic heroes, but became less likely to appear in the theater.

Over the years, the actor changed the image on the elderly intellectual, but did not want to say goodbye to the cinema, even when his age crossed the mark of 80 years.

Personal life

Personal life stars have never been a secret. With his only wife, the actress and singer Eggyenia Baoritis - a man met in his youth.

Choir gave birth to Regimantas three children - Vitautas, Gediminas and Mindaugas. Spouses lived in marriage for more than 40 years, until the death of Baorita.

Regimantas Adomaytis now

In 2019, Anton film was released on the screens, in which the artist fulfilled the main role. Now the Master continues to delight fans with their work. Fans are followed by the successes of the idol on the Internet, where you can find news and photos.


  • 1963 - "Chronicle of one day"
  • 1968 - "Feelings"
  • 1973 - "Volz - the life and transformation of one German anarchist"
  • 1979 - "Face for a target"
  • 1983 - "Green van"
  • 1989 - "It's hard to be God"
  • 1993 - "Method Method"
  • 1999 - "Men"
  • 2003 - "Sunday as it is"
  • 2008 - "Women lgut better"
  • 2013 - "The Berega of My Dream"
  • 2019 - "Anton"

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