Dmitry Seikov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, "House-2" 2021



Dmitry Girl traveled a lot, but was able to find his happiness only in Russia. Thanks to charm and bright appearance, he conquered fans of the Dom-2 project and the heart of Irina Penguin.

Childhood and youth

Dmitry Chaikov was born on February 23, 1993 in the city of Gomel, Belarus. By the sign of the zodiac he is a fish. On early biography and family of participant knows little. Before becoming a star of television, the young man often traveled, visited Italy and China.

After arriving in Russia, Dmitry got a bartender. In parallel, the guy was engaged in sports and soon began to develop a page in "Instagram", where he laid out a photo from training. Bright appearance Chaikov attracted the attention of photographers, and he was offered a part-time job as a model.

"House 2"

Dimin arrival at the project took place on May 13, 2019. He was among the lucky ones who passed casting in honor of the 15-year anniversary of the telestroy. The guy became a member of the "House-2" to conquer the heart of Anastasia Stretch. As a gift, Girls gave her a black dress that perfectly came to the Girl on the style and size. The choice of surprise conquered the leading Olga Buzov, who praised a young man.
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Dmitry allowed to stay in the show. He wanted to change Nastya, making it softer and feminine, but in the end I could not build a relationship with the girl. Sympathy Chaikov became Irina Pingvinova, with which his novel soon began. The girl was dedicated to the beloved post in "Instagram," where he said that he found "his man."

However, the path to happiness in personal life was not for the participant simple. Soon, conflicts and disagreements began between him and Irina, as a result of which they decided to part. The guy had the opportunity to start a relationship with Milena Bezboro or Natalia Sharonovoy, but he returned to penguin.

To help a couple to establish relationships, the presenters decided to send them to the Seychelles, where the headings "Island of Love" take place. But the hopes of the organizers were not justified, and even in the romantic setting of the island, young people could not reconcile. Their inaction in relation to each other led to dissatisfaction with the fans of the project, which called Chaikov and Penguin boring and uninteresting. As a result, Irina accused Dima in misinterpretation and once again decided to part.

After that, Gulls began to flirt with Anastasia Ivanova, and Penguinova openly showed interest in Ilya Yabbarov. But I could not forget the beloved guy, because of what he declared his intention to leave the project. The girl did not want to let go of the participant and after returning from the Seychelles they reunited in the glade.

In an attempt to demonstrate the selected, the seriousness of the intentions of Dmitry introduced her with his parents. Irina was satisfied with the ride and began to build joint plans with a guy. Soon they were again sent to the Seychelles so that they could strengthen the feelings. But the happiness of the pair decided to prevent Yana Zakharov, who declared his sympathy for Girl and the desire to start with him a relationship.

The situation was aggravated when Pinvinov learned that the sake of participation in the contest "Man of the Year" she would have to go to Moscow and leave the beloved alone with Jan on the "Island of Love". But Dima suffered provocations from Zakharova, and after returning Irina, they continued to relationships.

Personal life

During work in Italy, the novel began a novel with a girl with which he lived for 3 years. The feels of the couple did not pass the distance check, so the lovers broke up.

Dmitry Chaikov Now

Now Dima continues to keep in touch with fans in Vkontakte and in "Instagram", sharing new photos and news.

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