Group "Replant" - Photo, History of creation, Composition, News, songs 2021



The "Prontock" music group led by vocalist Gennady Grishchenko broke into the world of Russian chanson in 2009 and since then it occupies a solid position in this niche. The highlight of the collective is the sound of songs: in addition to the traditional violin and accordion, electron sounds have been added to it. Artists still continue to work, their creativity is in demand among the lovers of the "Blouth" song.

The history of creation and composition

The history of the creation of the "Prontock" group has a background. It all started with Alexander Secheny, who worked as the director of "Butyrki". Once he learned that the Voronezh producer left his own team "Far Light", and decided to reanimate the project. With a soloist Igor Izmailov, a man started writing a new album by replacing the name on Magadan.

Secheny gathered a great material, but after recording 2 Izmaili songs got into alcohol, because of this, the work had to stop. In search of a new vocalist, the producer met with the 31-year-old Voronezh Teacher of singing, which had a high height, a strong physique and a voice like Mikhail Croge. Listening convinced the producer to start working with him. This man was Boris Novichikhin.

Since the work for a long time did not bring any income group, Novichikhin decided to leave and took up the solo career. With a new soloist Alexander Kuznetsov, the group made a number of tour.

But in 2012, the team was waiting for a new casting, Vocalist Gennady Grishchenko came. During the conversation, the producer found out about the difficult fate of the musician, it also turned out that he would come from the Voronezh region, but for many years he lives in Moscow. Talking, men found a lot in common in their views and music and soon decided to unite, now they work together.


The first songs The "Prontock" group recorded in the spring of 2009. Due to the lack of tour, the incidence of the team did not actually brought, because of this, a replacement occurred. In a new form, they recorded songs to the album, removed the clip on the "Golden years" track, and then went to tour in the cities of Russia. Siberia was visited, and then went to corporate in Kamchatka.

In 2012, the release of the debut album of the "Prontock" group took place. The disk called "Golden years" included 12 tracks. Among them, the composition of the same name, which has been a real hit among the chanson lovers, as well as the songs of the "memory of friends", the "Stolypinsky car", "and the boys are all waiting for", "prohibition" and others. This was followed by concerts in different cities of Russia.

The discography of the musicians was replenished only in 2014 by the album "released". Most of the songs are dedicated to camps and people who leave for punishment, for example, songs "And on the stage I am to the north of ration", "Korean, meet", "and I am so thorough" and "Spring". But there were also tracks dedicated to parents of such people, "the mother-old woman" and "Father".

Also, the musicians tried to cooperate with other representatives of the genre, one of these examples - the song "We will all be", created with Irma Brikk. In 2015, the "prohibitions" musicians removed the clip on the "Fly Soul" track and "released".

The third studio album "The Arrest Fate" team released in 2016. More than the rest of the listeners appreciated the compositions "A Metoll track notice", "for you", "Eh, Sibir-Camps" and "Gorky Tears". In 2018, the fans of "prohibitions" waited for another surprise in the form of a video for the song "Our fate." According to the writer in the song, he shares memories with the models, telling them about the past life.

"Prontock" group now

Although in recent years, the activity of the "prohibition" has been very difficult, yet the team is trying to periodically release new songs. In the spring of 2019, the musicians submitted to the listeners track "Oh you."

In the winter of the same year, lovers of live music appreciated the performance of the group at the Moscow restaurant "Gladiator", where they presented the new album "Our Fate." In April, the team performed in the "Nevsky Stars" in St. Petersburg, and in June sang on a motor ship in Moscow as part of the program "Music on Water". Then the "prohibition" gave a concert in the city of Liski Voronezh region, the poster with a photo of a man decorated the building of the local house of culture long before this event.


  • 2012 - "Golden years"
  • 2014 - "Released"
  • 2016 - "Arrest Fate"
  • 2019 - "Our fate"


  • 2012 - "Golden years"
  • 2013 - "In the yard"
  • 2013 - "Memory of Friends"
  • 2014 - "Mother-old woman"
  • 2015 - "Fly Soul"
  • 2015 - "Released"
  • 2018 - "Our fate"

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