Sergey Volly - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs, Chanson 2021



Sergey Volly - popular author and performer of musical compositions in the genre of pop chanson. Artist's songs are allowed to broadcast radio stations, and the most free invite to participate in festivals. The name of the vocalist is little known in Russia, but among the colleagues about the work of Sergey knew a long time ago. Starting a creative career in the 1980s in DC Mei, who gave a successful start to Vladimir Markin and Sergei Minaev, who decided to realize in business activities. For a while he left the music to return to the stage in 2013.

Childhood and youth

This singer's surname - Shysterov. Sergey Alexandrovich Wolly justifies the change of the name on the pseudonym by the fact that the favorite maiden name of the mother turned out to be very close to him in spirit. The artist was born in the city of Voskresensk, located in the Moscow region, March 12, 1963. His parents are teachers. At the age of 6, he was given to the children's choir, and then to the music school on the Bayan class.

In adolescence, Sergey, like most young guys, mastered the guitar. Together with the comrades, he heard the songs of the Time Machine, independently selecting chords on the instrument. Having served 2 years, the singer returned "to the Citizen" and became a student of the Electromechanical Faculty of MEI. He moved to Moscow.

When the singer got a choice - to continue creative biography or think about the urgent and doing business, he preferred the second. Commerce seemed to him a more stable option to ensure the future, rather than a bridal trail of musical creativity.


To try again on the creative field, Sergey Volly decided only in 2013, when the financial situation of his family was already stable. He took a pseudonym and appealed to the material accumulated in recent years. The debut album of the artist has become a record called "for the mood." A friend of Sergey, musician and composer Dmitry Dubinsky took part in her work.

With the assistance of the musician, the light saw the songs of free "why", "for the mood", "you are the most" and others. In a duet with Anastasia Kovaleva, an ex-vocalist team "Arrows", the tracks "Lover" and "Late Love" were recorded. The feature of Sergei Free Creativity is the fact that every story described in his songs has a real population.

Starting in the genre of Chanson, the artist began to participate in festivals and mass events. In 2014 and 2015, he became the winner of the international festival "Jurmala Chanson" and performed at the concerts of Arcadia North.

In 2015, it appeared at the International Music Festival of the author's and pop song "Berega", held in Israel. In the same period, the first solo concert of the artist took place. As a site, the Golden Ring Theater of Hope Kadysheva was chosen.

Gradually, not only romantic compositions began to appear in the vocalist repertoire, but also songs with a comic story. The performances of the artist also did not take place without additional effects. In the final of the event, Sergey loved to demonstrate his strength, breaking the rubber warmer on the stage as a joke. So he justified the name of the album "for mood."

In 2016, together with the performer, Katerina Golitsyn Sergey Volya arranged a tour of the Krasnodar Territory, and then participated in the "Chanson over Volga" festival. In the same year, the composition of the free "million (iPhone)" turned out to be a taught anthem of the new gadget of this brand. The author himself and the performer became a member of the Hunt show on the NTV channel.

In 2017, the musician's discography was replenished with a two-mood record. The list of new songs entered the "not split", "tomorrow will be better" and others.

Personal life

Sergey Wolly twice was married. The first marriage union was not the most successful. A pleasant reminder of this experience left Alexander's daughter. After a divorce with his wife, the artist decided not to forget about his personal life and again fell in love. He married the second time. Now in the family raise two children: daughter Anna and Son Nikita.

In addition to music, Sergey has other hobbies. He feeds a passion for a motorcycle ride, at his disposal its own Narley Davidson. In addition, the musician prefers truly men's entertainment in the form of hunting and archery, which owns on a professional level.

Sergey Volly now

Today, the songs of the vocalist sound on the air of radio stations "Chanson", Radio Dacha, "Good FM". Among the last top compositions - "To the village" and "I apologize." In 2019, the light saw the Single "Former".

For news about the creative life of the musician, fans can follow his official website. Sergey also has an account in "Instagram", where he publishes a photo from performances, joint pictures with colleagues, as well as images describing his weekdays outside the scene.

Periodically, Sergey cooperates with Chanson artists and becomes an invited star of radio stations. In 2019, he visited the flight of the "Star breakfast" on Radio Chanson. A man often goes to joint tour with colleagues.


  • 2015 - "For mood"
  • 2017 - "Two Moods"

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