Valentin Kurasyak - biography, personal life, photo, news, Ekaterina Tyshkevich, actor, filmography, "instagram", films 2021



Before appearing on the television screens, the Ukrainian actor Valentin Kurasak shines for a long time on different theatrical scenes of the native country. He managed to reincarnate in different images, over time this talent was useful on the set.

Childhood and youth

Valentine was born in the Ukrainian city of Yellow Water of the Dnipropetrovsk region in January 1983. In childhood, his biography did not differ from the life of peers. In the hometown in 2000, he trausyak graduated from school, he studied well, already then showed himself at various events in the walls of the school. It is finally understood that he wants to shoot in the cinema, they helped the dances, which he began to study in the 4th grade.

Although his parents were engineers, they understood with the choice of the Son. Along the way, the family supported Valentine. To continue studying, the future artist left the yellow waters and entered Kiev University of Theater, Cinema and Television named after I. K. Karpenko-Karoy. Since he could not get to the budget department, the parents sold the apartment, moved to Kiev and helped their son to pay for the university.

After graduating from the University in 2004, he was playing the theater for a long time. In the whole career, he managed to embody different images. At first, he served in the Kiev Tyuze on Lipki, played Lucindo in the "Loving Fatifier", Lukasha in the "Forest Song", a risk in the "Koshkin House" and different heroes in the "Fair Rare".

Some time spoke on the scene "SUZRY" ("Perfect Charlie", "What the French is hidden" and in other productions). Then was invited to the theater on the left bank of the Dnieper, where Azalan played in "Hazardous Relations" and Belyaev in the "Higher Good in Light".


The debut of the artist on the television screens took place in 2004, it was the film "The Sky of Peas", where he pecks an episodic role. He played another character in 2006 in the painting "Old Friend". As the main hero, Valentin first appeared in a short ribbon "hug me", where I reincarnated in a guy named Maxim.

Valentine received the first laurels of Glory after work in the melodrame "Only love", in which for 100 episodes appeared in the lead role of Paul. No less noticeable was his work in the paintings "Vera. Hope. Love "," Kostoprav "," 1941 "," List of Waiting "and in other ribbons. And in 2015, a man appeared in the form of the chief character of Igor Panin in the Misenary Tape "Immorter".

In 2017, Mikhail Ermakov Police Lieutenant, which is known as an honest and incorruptible minister of the femis, got a peasakia. Among his colleagues, he gained fame with his approach to work and indifference to alcoholic beverages.

The principle of a man served as a reason for translating from the capital to a distant village, where he was settled in the house to Anastasia, the first beauty in the village. Evgeny Nohrina, Semyon Strugachev, Tatyana Orlova, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and Svetlana Permyakov played the other major characters.

2019 turned out to be no less productive for the actor than past years. At the end of February, the StB channel started showing the costume Drama "Ustrogen" with Valentine's participation, and in March - the series "with wolves live."

In November 2019, on the first channel, the show of the love saga "Nothing happens twice" was launched. " The romantic plot is mixed with drama, tragic deaths, unexpected meetings, treasures and crime of the dashing 90s.

Valentina got the main role, and the main female character played his wife Katerina Tyshkevich. It is noteworthy that in the picture they played a couple of newlyweds.

Personal life

In the personal life of Valentin prefers stability. In his youth for the six years, he met a girl who had no relation to the cinema. But these relationships did not lead a couple to marriage. But for his novel with Ekaterina Tyshkevich watched the whole country. With her, he met on the set of the series "Immorter", and later, together worked in ambulance.

In winter, 2019, Catherine officially became his wife Valentine. There are no children at the pair yet, but in an interview the actor admitted that he is extremely ready for his fatherhood.

In an interview, the actor's spouse said that it was difficult for her joint shooting with the chosen one. In the frame, Valentina often has to shout on his wife, which in ordinary life does not happen. Catherine also emphasized the difference in temperaments. She has an explosive character that is equalized by the judicial and calm type of her husband's personality.

Valentine is registered in "Instagram", where it periodically publishes fresh photos, including with his wife. The female part of Valentine's subscribers marks his slim figure: although the weight of the actor is unknown, with a height of 183 cm peasaky looks sports.

Valentin Kurasyak now

At the beginning of 2021, the mini-series "Draw me Mamu" with the participation of Valentina Haracter, started. In an interview with the role of a fraudster, he said that he had to play an actor. A person with bad motives wishing fraudulently to get an apartment at the gullible woman.

In this project, the actor worked with Hellographer, a famous Ukrainian artist. The shooting was conducted on the scene of the University named after I. K. Karpenko-Karoy, which allowed the native of the city of yellow waters to recall the times of his youth.

In the TV series "Flowering therapy of love", Haurasek again worked with the director Oksana Bayrak. In the tape he got an interesting character - Major Prosecutor's Office Andrei. In a detective picture there was a place for the romantic line between the Hero of Valentine and the main heroine Alexander (Natalie Starynevich).


  • 2004 - "Pea Sky"
  • 2005-2006 - Lesya Plus Roma
  • 2008 - "House, Cute House!"
  • 2010 - "Vera, Hope, Love"
  • 2011 - "Return of Mukhtara - 7"
  • 2012 - "Female Doctor"
  • 2014 - "Beach"
  • 2016 - "Fairy Tale of an Old Melnik"
  • 2017 - "Warning"
  • 2018 - "Nothing happens twice"
  • 2018 - "Beauty requires victims"
  • 2018 - "Other I"
  • 2019 - "Upper"
  • 2019 - "Live with wolves"
  • 2019 - "Nothing happens twice"
  • 2021 - "Draw me Mom"
  • 2021 - "Love color therapy"

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