Alexander Dolgopolov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Comedian 2021



Russian comedian Alexander Dolgopolov is known as Standap-Artist, who performs at the Stand-Up Club # 1 Moscow Club. Being a personally versatile, he also appears regularly in the videos on Yutubeub, independently leads the channel and participates in filming with other humorists. Despite popularity, Sasha continues to develop on a humorous field and gain more and more new fans of his creativity.

Childhood and youth

Sasha was born in November 1994 in the city of Pavlovsk, Voronezh region, on the sign of Zodiac Scorpio. His childhood did not differ from the life of peers, he, like everything, went to school and did not suspect that in the future it would become famous as a humorist.

Since 2012, he studied at Voronezh State University, planned to receive a profession in the field of international relations. The first course he was made easily, but in the second year of training, the guy realized that he was not interested in the selected specialty, and threw the university.


Having left the university, Dolgopolov clearly understood that now it does not prevent him from tieting a biography with a benadap. But not everything turned out so simple, the guy was looking for himself in humor for a long time, tried to invent jokes, analyzed each chosen theme. The first time speeches did not bring any income to Alexander, and his monologues were not always accompanied by a laugh of the hall.

Then he met another humorist who offered him to unite the strength and open his own standap club in Voronezh. For some time he performed there, but then I realized that in his hometown he was not waiting for great prospects. Then Dolgopolov decides to move to Moscow. At first, the audience did not want to accept a humorist, his jokes did not enjoy success.

It was decided to gain experience and get rid of constraint on open microphones, where everyone would try his hand in humor. Despite the failure of the failure, Alexander did not lower his arms. He met Alexey Kvashonkin, Idraq Mirzalis and Garico Yoganisyan, soon began to perform in the show at the "Yutubee" Stand-Up Club # 1, which was called "Birazzz's Rights".

The transfer to "Youtyuba" with four humorists was something like a humorous show "ProjectorParisHilton", which went out on the first channel over the years. Leading also in humorous form discusses the events recently. Previously, she came out once a week, but then the frequency of releases decreased. Show comedians gained many views, which spoke about the success of the project.

Despite the first success, Alexander decided not to stop and recorded the first solo concert, called the "Hour of Jokes of Alexander Dolgopolov". In the first week, the video scored more than 2 million views, which became an excellent start for the career of the Voronezh humorist.

Personal life

Although Alexander does not like his personal life, because of his publicity, fans are known that a couple of years he built relations with Maya Chesnock, which later became his official wife. They produced a joint podcast "I love you", and before that Maya worked as Manager Sasha.

The relationship of garlic and Dolgopolov lasted for a short time, in the summer of 2019 the subscribers became aware of the parting a couple, after which Maya went to St. Petersburg. At the same time, Alexander remained in Moscow, where he immediately began to live with Liza, she was his girlfriend before the wedding with garlic, and all this time young people supported relations.

Alexander tells subscribers about their lives in "Instagram", where it periodically publishes photos and posts. The growth and weight of the humorist is unknown, but his fans note that the guy looks slightly, and its nontrivial appearance gives the image of recognition.

Alexander Dolgopolis now

Alexander and is now developing as a humorist. In 2019, he recorded the second solo concert "New Hour of Jokes Alexander Dolpolov", which was perceived by the audience positively. In addition, it regularly appears in new projects from Stand-Up Club # 1, drives towards the country and continues to conquer fans.

In November 2019, Alexander gave an interview to Yuri Dudu, where he spoke about his childhood, how came to humor, and answered other interviewer questions.

And in January 2020 it became known that Dolgopol had to leave the country. The fact is that law enforcement agencies were interested in the work of a humorist seriously. The comedian himself is confident that such attention is caused by political jokes. Also, Alexander stressed that he was seriously frightened and did not heal for the fact that this story will end for him safely. The artist does not disclose their current location.

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