Masyanya - character biography, "In full Africa", appearance and character, quotes, photos


Character History

The main heroine of the animation web series "Masyany". Cheerful Peter Maiden with anarchism and Panca, dressed in a blue mini skirt and red top. At the beginning of the series, a shrouded student is shown, over time, it is cooled and will acquire two children.

History of character creation

Artist Oleg Kuvaev

Masyany invented, painted and voiced Petersburg artist Oleg Kuvaev. The first short flash cartoons began to be published in 2001. The first three or four cartoon Kuvaev did for friends and posted on a personal site. Flash technology then only appeared, the Internet of the beginning of the 2000s was mainly the text, and the voiced flash animation looked fresh and attracted attention.

In addition, Masyany became for the Russian-speaking audience "his" maiden, who spoke in Russian youth slang and left a "cool" impression.

Frame from episode

In the same 2001, Kuvaev registered a separate domain for the project, and "hooligan" optimistic cartoons about Masyany began to go out regularly. An animated series, which began as an amateur project, quickly collected a huge audience and became known in the country.

At this stage, Kuvaev had to face the problem of piracy, since the image of Masyani began to replicate in the form of all sorts of arts and goods without permission. Some TV channels also "borrowed" Masyany, without notifying Oleg Kuvaeva about it. For example, on the TV channel "MUZ-TV" came out the transfer of "Visiting Masyani".

Frame from Leonid Parfenova

The legally new series "Masyani" was broadcast on the TV channel "NTV" in the program of Leonid Parfenova "Naming". As part of this program, the animated series was broadcast weekly, everything came out about twenty episodes. Later, the show "Masyani" on NTV ceased due to problems with financing.

Since 2013, the Masyany project has exists with the support of fans. New series exit thanks to the crowdfunding.

Appearance and nature


Masyanya, like other cartoon characters, is drawn peculiar. The heroine has an oval head, like a rugby ball, the hair is marked with six-sticking black lines, the character's eyebrows hang in the air, mouth stretches to the ears, and the body with thin handles and legs depicted conditionally.

The appearance of the heroine is constantly the same - red top and blue skirt. The cartoon is drawn deliberately primitively, the graphics change over time and becomes more accurate, but the overall style remains the same.

In the first series, Masyany appears a young girl's girl with a rich biography and a rich life, but the heroine does not freeze at this age, and "grows" along with the audience, growing up and with time will acquire family and children.

Masyany drinks with friends

This affects the character of the heroine, which initially was inclined to smoke, drink and use narcotic substances, but over time it was cooled, acquired by children and even began to prohibit her boyfriend to use the mat.

About the bad habits, which heroine indulged, can be found in the Amster series, where Masyany tells how to go to Amsterdam. And a complete list of what Masyany loved to "abuse", the heroine herself sets out a "birthday" episode.

Frame from episode

Throw drinking and smoking and start holding a healthy lifestyle Masyany for the first time trying in the episode "Health", but then this idea was not crowned with success.

Masyanya is an optimist, she has a cheerful character and a sharp sense of humor, the heroine loves sarcasm and does not miss the opportunity to swallow over other characters. Masyany belongs to life frivolous, often expressed sharply and loves to make fun, but in some episodes they fall into depression, such as, for example, in the "Depressed" series.

Masyany cartoon series

Masyanya and her musical group

The characters of the animated series live in St. Petersburg and basically all events occur there, but in some series Masyany turns out in Moscow, abroad, and later moves to Israel. In the capital, Masyany comes in the fifteenth series "Moscow" to meet with a girlfriend.

On the road, in the train, it becomes a witness of the conversation of two elderly unles about Soviet times, and Moscow itself meets the heroine unfriendly. In the episode "Baghdad Banana", Khryundel alone goes to Israel on vacation, and in several other episodes the life of the entire family there is shown.

Masyanya and Khurundel

Masyani has a guy nicknamed Khurundel and a friend whom both called shaggy. All these are nicknames, the heroes have real names. Masyany is called Maria, Hrundel - Alexander, and Lochmalo - Anton. Khurundel played a punk group on the electric guitar, and the shaggy - on the drums.

With Hrundel, the heroine half a year was married, which the characters concluded secretly, without informing it even to the best friend to Shagliant. Behind the marriage was followed by a cheerful divorce, but Masyany and Khurundel continued to live together, and later they even had a son named Uncle Badi and Churchhan's daughter. In several series you can see Masyanya pregnant. These are the episodes of "their own strangers", the "core explosion", "Budapest" and others.

Masyani Humanization

Shaggy, the best friend of Masyani and Hrundel, has a habit of going with a backpack everywhere. In one episode, Masyany jokes for the sake of a backpack with him and the shaggy immediately flows into panic. This hero lives in an apartment along with a cat named Semyonch, well versed in computers and is unusually naive in character.

Interesting Facts

Computer game
  • The world of Masyani created several computer games. In Quest "Masyany under the yellow press", the heroine acts as a journalist and collects materials for the yellow press, finding out if vampires did not start in Moscow. Later arcade "Masyany and Beach Tamats" appeared. The heroine went to Hawaii and lost money and documents there. Now Masyana will have to organize a beach business.
  • Then another quest was released - "Masyanya in complete Africa". Here the heroine examines the diamond mines of Namibia and is looking for treasures there. In 2011, the game "Masyanya. Eurotour, "where the heroine travels in Europe and at every step finds an adventure. There are some more small games, for example, Masyany DJ.


"Everything, the hat, dreamed! No more disco! Only ballet and ceramics! "" Circle of war, death, stupidity ... And we drink here. "" Khrundel: - It doesn't seem to you that something is wrong? Masyanya: - This is normal. Human. . I forgot something. Massania: - Khrundel, are you sure that you are Russian? Thirty-horse degrees on the street, and he barefoot. Where is your instinct of boots? "" Hello! Who is this? Director? Yes, you went to the ass, director ... not before you right now ... "" And you are not, the worship, he slipped the woven yesterday, eh? And still mushrooms, eh? "

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