Eric Cartman - character history, South Park, appearance, quotes, photos


Character History

Rough and provocative animated series "South Park" entered the screens in 1997. He immediately called a wave of criticism and requests for the closure of the project. Thematic branded products were prohibited in schools, and the broadcast of the cartoon was carried out in the evening and night time to avoid popularization among the children's audience.

It did not reduce the popularity of the project among young people, on the contrary, influenced the growth of interest in the heroes. In force, the children were the vital expenses of which were permissiveness. Eric Cartman became a teenage cumier.

Appearance and nature

Eric Cartman without cap

The full name of the hero - Eric Theodore Cartman. This is a nine-year spoiled boy, characterized by egoism, narcissism and the complete lack of external attractiveness.

They took pleasants teased by him, and Eric called and mocked in response. He has an unpleasant character and disgusting behavior manner: the child is constantly expressed constantly, demonstrates a tendency to racism and ridicules others.

The prototypes of the hero were chosen by the German pilot Erich Hartmann, the character of the Archi banner and a familiar Trei Parker, one of the creators of the project, is Matt Karpman.

Cartman and Kyle

Cartman is an anti-Semit and a hippinenavitaler. Master of humiliation, he is constantly mocking over Kyle Broflovski due to the fact that the Jew, and Kenny rises because of poverty. Flagsonok Clyde is the only one, whom Eric considers something to be another. The authors explain the nature and behavior of Eric with family problems: the mother's mother was a porn actress.

In the course of action it becomes known that his father is Jack Toman, hero, killed by Eric. Awareness that he himself destroyed his parents was not easy to Erika. Although a much larger disorder he brought the fact that everything in his family was red. Genetics affected not only on appearance, but also in the bad character of the character.

Flags Clyde

Cartman wears a red jacket, blue hat with yellow pompon, yellow mittens and brown pants. In some episodes, a green jacket looks from the jacket. Eric's brown hair replaces the black chapels at the moments when it depicts a soumers or Hitler's wrestler. The boy has a rare blood group. Favorite food guy - cheese snacks, cookies, shaver, fried chicken and chocolate.

Cartman - a character undergoing negative changes in the plot of the series. Showing intolerance and egoism, the child demonstrates terrible education, trick, aggression and cruelty. Over time, it begins to manipulate others, as it turns out, is not deprived of intelligence.

The boy is important for the boy, and he bowes before those who are endowed with her. The splashes of the child's aggression fall on opposite antics and sloe. He does not know how to fight. Certificate of this - scuffle with Kyle, Wendy Testaburger and other guys.

Eric Cartman and Bad Kisa

Throughout the series, the oddities of the cartmann associated with the psychological disorders of the guy are revealed. He has a typical complex of inferiority. Self-affirmingly, the child hits a cat with a scream: "Bad kisa!" The song "Come Sail Away" of the Music Group "Styx" causes an intrusive idea.

The boy is satisfied with the feast with dolls, disguises in women's clothing, making cosplay on Britney Spears, and sometimes writes in bed. The guy is able to generate interesting ideas and plans, the breakdown of which always causes laughter. The main goal of the child is to earn $ 10 million, but he dreams and become a pirate.

Series "South Park"

Eric Cartman and his mother

The biography of the pocket causes sympathy. His unreliable lien mother spoiled a boy. Once, having decided to take up the mind, she stopped plowing him. Eric began to learn well, lost and supposed, but stopped being her friend, so the mother did not allow such changes.

Cartman does not like relatives, their arrows to the house - the most unpleasant thing that can happen. But the gifts brought for Christmas are able to smooth out the bitter feelings.

Eric Cartman with friends

Best Friends Guy - Kyle, Stan and Kenny - perform antagonists. The guys hate each other, but continue to communicate. Actions Eric are aimed at appearing in the advantageous light. Despite the presence of irreconcilable disagreements and constant humiliation, in difficult situations, the boys turn to resourceful Eric for help and advice.

In the plot of the cartooner Cartman, he became a victim of pedophiles twice and disseminately talks about women. He is sure: girls are needed solely to fulfill household duties. At the same time, sometimes he needs caress and attention.

Eric Cartam and Bibi

Kiss with Wendy Dastaburger in front of the whole city becomes an event in the life of a boy. His girl briefly cherished love and went to Stan. Cardman fell in love with a classmate named Bibi. Later the boy liked Patty Nelson.

Teddy frog is the best friend of the hero. They are close so much that Eric cries when it comes to part with a frog Clyde, amazing, but to a soulless toy, the boy shows more attention and tenderness than to live people. This is another proof of mental problems and solitude of the character.

Interesting Facts

Eric Cartman (ART)
  • Artist Three Parker gave the voice of Eric Kartman. The actor also voiced Stan, Mr. Harrison and other characters. In Russian adaptation, the hero was voiced by Evgeny Fishov.
  • This character of the South Park animated series is dedicated to an online game that can be downloaded for Apad.
Eric Cartman in raccoon
  • In 130 episode, Cartman got nickname raccoon. In one of the episodes of the 13th season, he became a superhero and went on a deal with the villain - Professor Chaos.
  • Eric's birthday celebrates July 1.
  • During the broadcast of the animated series, the characters were so popular that fans did tattoos with their images.


Art-fan fiction and cartmann quotes are published on the Internet. Among his quotes most popular phrase:

"Elegantly!" "Dude, my mother is so poor that when she is angry, she cannot afford to fly from the coils, so she has to go with the coils on the bus." "Probably the only thing that does not change in life - this is that everything changes ... "" Hate can only be opposed to even greater hatred! These are not us freaks, these are all the other freaks! "

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