Konstantin Bezkov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Football, Coach



Konstantin Bezkov began playing football on the street. Thanks to persistence and excellent technique, he was able to become a star of sports and a legendary coach.

Childhood and youth

Konstantin Bezkov was born on November 18, 1920 in Moscow. By nationality he is Russian. Athlete grew in the family of a simple worker of the plant Ivan Grigorievich and his wife Anna Mikhailovna.

Interest in Football Beslekov, Uncle, who took him with him to the match. The little Kostya was so carried away by sports that the parents had to buy him the first ball. He began to play with the same guys from the courtyard, arranging competitions with boys from the neighboring street. The future star was able to stand out on the background of peers, and soon he was called playing the team of the plant No. 205.

Parallel, the young man honed the skills, studying hockey with the ball. Soon he joined the club of the local Children's Park, and then became his captain. Already in 1936, the team won the championship of Moscow, it was a success for a young football player.


Professional career Beskov began in the team "Sickle and Hammer", where he played throughout the year. Then he moved to Metallurg, whose coach was Boris Arkadyev. In the youth, Konstantin could boast of excellent small and speed, he did not even stop him a relatively small height (168 cm). He showed himself as a talented player when a victorious goal of the opponent scored on the match against Spartak. By the end of the season, the guy entered the six of the best football players of the trade union.

However, the career had to be interrupted due to a call to the army, an athlete was determined in border troops. After the service, he joined the Moscow Dynamo, but he stayed in the team for a long time, since the Great Patriotic War began. The guy sent to serve in a motorized rifle brigade.

Only in 1944, Beskov managed to resume training. Together with Dynamo, he won at the USSR Championship, and then showed an excellent game during a trip to the UK. The young man made 4 outless programs and scored 5 heads. Another achievement of the footballer was to participate in the Olympic Games.

In 1954, Konstantin announced the departure from the field. By this time, he completed his studies at the Institute of Physical Education and planned to begin scientific activities, but due to the low scholarship returned to the sport as a coach. He began working, training the USSR national team, and then took up the preparation of the Moscow Torpedo. Behind the ships stayed for a long time, because I wanted to get rid of the team from the "veterans", which caused dissatisfaction with the leadership and fans.

In subsequent years, the man consistently trained CSKA, "Zara", "Lokomotiv" and "Dynamo", but nowhere was delayed for a long time. In the mid-1970s, the Besnow was instructed by the preparation of the USSR Olympic team, so she reached the final of the tournament in Montreal. Soon after that, the star of football was appointed by the Spartak coach.

During the games under the guidance of Konstantin Ivanovich, the team won 186 victories, the athletes have repeatedly honored the ranks of gold, silver and bronze medals. Yuri Gavrilov, Sergey Schavlo and Georgy Yartsev joined the club. Many players began to engage in Spartak at a young age and became champions.

In the late 80s, the coach was removed from office by retirement. An interesting fact that during this period a man was on vacation, because he refused voluntarily. But Konstantin Ivanovich was not desperate, for some time he held the post in the Federation of Football, then he was preparing the players of Asmarala. In recent years, the work of the Bezkov coached the club "Dynamo", which with him won the Russian Cup. On this, his career officially ended.

Personal life

The personal life of the coach was not secret. In 1946, he married his beloved Valeria. The pair was born daughter Lyubov Konstantinovna.

Free time, a man dedicted books writing books, the publication "My life in football" he devoted his sports biography.


The coach died on May 6, 2006, a long-term disease became the cause of death. In late years, he rarely gave an interview and posed for a photo. In the last conversation with the representative of the Championship, a man shared memories of the past and the vision of post-Soviet football.

Konstantin Ivanovich buried on the Vagankovsky cemetery, a month later, a monument was established on the grave, created by the sculptor Alexander Muchvishnikov.


In 2009, in memory of the athlete, the Central Bank of Russia issued a coin of 2 rubles with its image in the amount of 3 thousand pieces. Also on the football player house installed a memorial plaque.

On November 28, 2019, the film "Lev Yashin was released on the screens. Goalkeeper of my dreams, "telling about the" Dynamo "player. The role of Beskov, who was a comrade Yashin on the team, played actor Alexander Bukharov.


As a player

As part of Metallurg (Moscow):

  • 1938 - Bronze medalist of the USSR Championship »

As part of Dynamo (Moscow)

  • 1945 - Champion of the USSR
  • 1949 - Finalist of the USSR Cup
  • 1950 - Silver Veritor of the USSR Championship
  • 1952 - Bronze medalist of the USSR Championship
  • 1953 - Winner of the USSR Cup

As coach

In the USSR national team:

  • 1964 - Silver Championship winner of the European Championship

In Dynamo (Moscow)

  • 1970 - Winner of the USSR Cup
  • 1970 - Silver Championship winner of the USSR Championship: 1967, 1970
  • 1994 - Silver winner of the Russian Championship: 1994

In Spartak (Moscow)

  • 1977 - Winner of the First League of the USSR
  • 1985 - Silver winner of the USSR Championship
  • 1987 - Champion of the USSR
  • 1987 - Winner of the Cup of the Federation of Football of the USSR

In "Asmaral" (Moscow)

  • 1991 - Winner of the Second League of the USSR

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