Joe Lynn Turner - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



Joe Lynn Tverner is an American rock musician and singer. The artist was a member of the Rainbow teams, Deep Purple, Mother's Army and others, performed with the Over The Rainbow team and collaborated with solo performers. The discography of the musician consists of the names of the plates of several commands. He was equally successful in solo and collective work.

In 2016, Joe Linna Trinner was mentioned in the Rock and Roll Glory Hall as part of the Deep Purple team. Among the compositions, according to which the artist, even those who are not related to rock music, SMoke On The Water song are recognized.

Childhood and youth

Joe was born in the American city of Hakensak in New Jersey on August 2, 1951. Father was an Italian emigrant, so the child in accordance with traditions was given the name of Joseph (Giuseppe) Arthur Mark. Joe's parents wore Lincquito surname. The houses were customary to speak Italian, so today the artist can spoil to him.

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The boy learned well and immediately showed the deposit of humanities. Mathematics was not given to him, but it was not observed with the rest of the subjects, so Joe was fascinated by music in high schools. He knew how to play the accordion, and the features of the playing guitar began to study, inspiring the creativity of the idols. Among them were Otis Redding, Leslie West, Paul Rogers and Jimmy Hendrix.

In addition to creative inclinations, Joe demonstrated both sporting progress. As a high school student, he played a junior baseball league in the role of the feeding and catcher. He was also interested in athletics, read a lot and plunged into everything that attracted his interest.

The music turned out to be in the first place, although the young man could be realized in any direction, and a large role in this was playing with Mark Wexler, a novice musician and future manager.

In the youth, Joe took part in creating several musical teams, but the most important project was EzRa, named after the American poet. Externally, Joe was distinguished from his classmates, so the care of music was for a timid guy who holds the hippie movement, a serious change in life. The popularity that music could be brought was one of Joe's goals, but he did not decrease for the future.

Higher education The musician received in college with a literary bias. He studied well not only for Knowledge. At that time, a massive set in the army was mastered, and Joe did not dream of participation in the War in Vietnam. Successfully completing training, Linquito sometimes replaced the college teachers, and his candidacy was submitted for consideration to highlight a constant rate.

But the young man wondered about another kind of activity. He decided to go close to music. Italian musician show business would have been resting with difficulty, so Joe changed the surname, taking a pseudonym, and gathered a group called Fandango.


Having behind the shoulders experience in EzRa, who performed the author's songs and cavities, with the new team Tverner made a bet on rhythm-n-blues, pop, jazz, lyrical rock and even country. A young man performed a vocalist and playing a guitar. The team participated in tour tours of popular teams, including The Marshall Tucker Band, The Beach Boys, The Allman Brothers.

Fandango has released 4 albums, after which there was a decay. But Törsner remained alone for a short time. Richie Blackmorm, Guitarist of the Deep Purple group, also contacted him, and offered cooperation. So Joe hit the Blackmore listening and entered the Rainbow team.

The Rock Group was extremely successful in Europe and Asia countries, but in the United States did not use much popular. With the arrival of a guitarist in the repertoire of the team began to appear songs in the genre of pop, on which the fans fans emphasized. Perhaps this was the reason for her take-off in America.

In the 1980s, during their stay in the Turner group, Rainbow records entered the top 20 music charts. Joe participated in the recording of 3 albums: "DiffiCult to Cure", "Straight Between The Eyes" and "Bent Out of Shape". In 1984, the group broke up, and Turner worked on the solo record called "Rescue You". The disk producer became Roy Thomas Baker, who was cooperating with the legendary Queen. Most of the compositions were written by Joe in Creaters with El Greenwood. Success was obvious, so a tour was held.

1988 Brought Turner Invitation to the Music Group Rising Force, the frontman of which was inguv Malmstine, and participating in the record of the Odyssey record. And already a year later, the artist became a member of Deep Purple, taking the place of Ian Gillan.

The musician was immersially met new colleagues and after a short tritist of Turner accepted the team. In an interview, the musician characterized this period in biography as a dream fulfillment. As part of the team in 1990, he recorded the album "Slaves & Masters". Critics were evaluated by its contradiction, seeing the echoes of Rainbow music.

The musician participated in the shooting of clips and records of new compositions like King of Dreams. But the relationship between Turner and other team members were tense, and it became apparent when recording a new record in 1991. Some believed that the artist wants to send Deep Purple on the path of Hevi-Metal and were against. The album was not ready for the time when the recording company was waiting for the results of the work. The reason was seen in the disagreement inside the team, Turner fired.

It was an unpleasant moment in Joe's life, but did not destroy his career. The artist was carried away by work on its own projects, including the Hughes Turner Project. He even became an invited member of the Rock Opera Nikola Kotzva and presented 3 albums as part of Mother's Army.

In the early 2000s, Joe Turnner collaborated with Akiro Kajiyamo and released the Fire Wort Flame plate, and also presented the public project "Sunstorm". Talent and vocals Artist demonstrated, becoming invited by the singer The Voices of Classic Rock Shows. In 2005, he participated in the record record "The Village Lanterne" commands of the Blackmore's Night.

Personal life

Rock musicians enjoy the interest of the interest on the part of representatives of the weak gender, there are legends. Joe Törner is among the artists whose popularity has never been faded. The girls attracted the features of his face, lush hair, who were considered a wig, fame and creative potential. The personal life of the musician has always accompanied by stormy novels. With the first spouse, who gave birth to his daughter, Joe broke up, after which he often appeared in the company of Russian girls.

He did not resist the head of the Belarusian beauty of Maya Czyreva, who became his second official wife. The couple became acquainted after one of the concerts of the musician. Maya was married at that time, but it did not become an obstacle. As it turned out, the girl dreamed of Turner from his youth, a dreaming marriage. Despite the seeming absurdity of the idea, her dream was fulfilled. The chosen moved to the United States. Children in the family have not yet appeared.

In 2018, Turner suffered a heart attack while in a tour tour. After a concert in Belarus, he was hospitalized, but the state of health improved due to the concerns of his wife. Today, the artist keeps himself in good physical form, although his height and weight remain secret.

Joe Lynn Turnner now

In 2019, Joe Lynn Tverner leads an active lifestyle and is divided into confirmation with fans of the photo on the official website and in "Instagram".

The artist often visits Russia with concerts. In April 2019, he spoke in Vladimir, fulfilling the most famous hits, and in July he became a member of the traditional "Slavic Bazaar" in Vitebsk.


  • 1977 - "Fandango"
  • 1978 - "ONE NIGHT STAND"
  • 1979 - "Last Kiss"
  • 1980 - "Cadillac"
  • 1981 - "Difficult to Cure"
  • 1982 - "Straight Between The Eyes"
  • 1983 - "Bent Out of Shape"
  • 1985 - "Rescue You"
  • 1990 - "Slaves and Masters"
  • 2000 - "HOLY MAN"
  • 2005 - "The USUAL SUSPECTS"
  • 2008 - "LIVE IN GERMANY"

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