Sergey Trubetskoy - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Decembrist



Sergey Trubetskaya could make a brilliant military career, to become famous as an excellent fighter and a member of Napoleonic Wars. However, the idea of ​​the reformity was convinced by the mind of the prince, which made him the organizer of the infamous rebellion of the Decembrists.

Childhood and youth

Sergey Petrovich Trubetskaya was born on August 29 (September 9) of 1790 in Nizhny Novgorod. The boy was a descendant of the noble family and appeared from the first marriage of his father with the prince Darya Georgian. He had three younger brothers and sister.

Sergey Trubetskoy in youth

Parents left the Son on home training, local and foreign teachers were invited to him. Little Sergei from an early age studied English, German and French. Later, the young man was sent to continue studying Moscow, and then to Paris.

Military Service and Decembrists Movement

Like other famous representatives of the genus Trubetsky, Sergey passed military service. He began his career by the subpenser and was soon improved to the ensign, and then became a suborpecus. The young man well shifted himself in battle, participated in the Borodino battle and battles with Lutzen and Bauzen. For courage, he was awarded the orders of St. Anne (3rd degree) and St. Vladimir (4th degree).

After returning to his homeland in 1816, the officer joined the "Three Virtues" society, whose honorable member was over the next years. At the same time, he thought about creating his own secret brotherhood. Together with Sergey Muravyov-Apostol, Ivan Yakushkina, Pavel Pestel and other like-minded people, he organized the "Union of Salvation", the purpose of which was to serve for the benefit of Fatherland.

A year later, the Brotherhood was renamed the "Union of Benencies", and the charter was changed. Among the rules of the organization there was a loyal attitude towards serf peasants, care for their health and enlightenment. In subsequent years, the young prince was a recruitment of community members, and Nicholas Turgenev soon joined him.

Then Sergey was forced to leave to France, and during this time a split on the "Northern" and "Southern" took place in the "Union of Benencies". After his return, in the rank of Colonel, the prince was elected Chairman of the Northern Brotherhood, the South Pavl headed by Pavel. The latter believed that the state system could be changed only by murdering the emperor. Trubetskoy was a supporter of less radical measures, but agreed with the inevitability and necessity of the uprising.

Decembrists on Senate Square

On December 8, 1825, a man engaged in the development of a plan for the upcoming revolution, which was discussed with Gabriel Bathnyakov. Prince understood that they lack military resources, but it was counted that, after the first regiment denies the oath to the emperor, he will encourage the rest to start the uprising.

2 days before the implementation of the Evgeny Obolensky plan passed a member of the community by the order of the dictator to bring subordinate soldiers to the Senate Square, where the main action will unfold. He also spoke out of the need for violence over Nikolai I, but Sergey hoped that the emperor would agree to peace negotiations. Among the requirements of the conspirators were the appointment of a temporary government, reducing the term of military service and the abolition of serfdom.

Personal life

The personal life of the colonel was not secret. While staying in Paris, he marked with the daughter of French emigrants Catherine Laval.

Ekaterina Trubetskaya (Catherine Laval)

The wife could not become pregnant for a long time, because of what was forced to be treated from infertility abroad. As a result, eight children were born in the pair - five daughters and three sons, but only four reached maturity.

Decembrist uprising and link

In recent days, in front of the reite of Sergey, doubts about the need for such radical actions. As a result, on December 14, a man did not appear on the Senate Square and did not join the movement of the Decembrists. The act caused a negative response of community supporters who accused Trubetskoy in cowardice. But many approximate prince got up on his defense, refuting the speculation of the guilt in the breakdown of the conspiracy.

After Nicholas I learned about the participation of Sergei in the development of a rebellion plan, he ordered to deliver a man to the Winter Palace, where he appealed to the conscience of the Colonel and threatened "terrible fate." Next, the prince was sent to the caasemate and subjected to interrogations, following which he was sentenced to death.

However, the sovereign was settled and replaced the sentence with life female workshops. As a result, the term was reduced to 13 years, but the subsequent years before the death of Sergey had to be held in Siberia. Ekaterina Trubetskaya expressed a desire to go after her husband, soon her for example was followed by other decami wives.

Sergey Trubetskaya in recent years

When the deadline for serving the cortie approached the end, the Trubetskoy settled in the Siberian village of Oek. He occasionally visited his wife and children who settled in Irkutsk. In 1842, the emperor issued a decree that the descendants of the rebellion of the organizers of the uprising will be able to study at the palace, but will be forced to abandon the names of fathers. The former colonel responded to the offer to the refusal, daughter and son graduated from the Irkutsk Institute.

In 1856, the prince waited for amnesty, by that time his wife had already died. The man was restored in noble rights, but deprived titles that only his children were able to enjoy. He moved to Kiev and settled at the senior daughter Alexandra.

Last years and death

The last years of life, the Decembrist held in Moscow, where he died on November 22 (December 4), 1860, the cause of death was weakened health. Men's grave is located near the Novodevichi Monastery.


After the death of Prince Rod Trubetsky continued its existence. Among the famous representatives are writers, diplomats and whitvents.

Sergey Trubetskoy - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Decembrist 10386_5

In memory of the famous Decembrist, old photos and descriptions of contemporaries remained. The image of a man was used in the book of Yuri Tynyanov "Kühl", based on the biography of the poet Wilhelm Kuhehelbecker, who also participated in the uprising on the Senate Square. The prince is the hero of films "Decembrists" and "Star of captivating happiness."

In 2019, the Military Drama "Union of Salvation" was released on the screens, telling about the underground movement of the Decembrists. The role of Trubetsky performed the Russian actor Maxim Matveyev.

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