Stella Ilnitskaya - Biography, Personal Life, News, Photo, Films, Actress, Daughter Lyanka Gryu 2021



In filmography of the Soviet and Russian actress Stella Ilinsky a little major roles, but she managed to find her niche and gain popularity. And also - to educate the celebrity of the Russian cinema Lyanka Gryu, giving her acting genes.

Childhood and youth

The star of the series "Pregnancy Test" was born in December 1964 in the family, where parents had no direct attitude to art. Father was a SanEpidemistant doctor, and Mom managed the store. Parents gave the daughters of the sonor of Stella, from which "imagined" artistry and glory. But the girl grew a quiet and modest "Turgenev lady" and did not rush to the stage, but she studied perfectly in a special school, where French had deeply studied.

Stella Ilnitskaya - Biography, Personal Life, News, Photo, Films, Actress, Daughter Lyanka Gryu 2021 10385_1

In the future, when the actress found himself in a huge Moscow without means of existence and with a small child in her arms, knowledge of the language greatly helped: Stella gave paid lessons and nights of Corpela over translations.

Only in high school classes Ilnitskaya realized that the scene was the only thing that dreams of. She entered the Chisinau Conservatory, choosing the Faculty of Music Comedy. But Stella Manila Moscow, where the best theatrical universities in the country were concentrated.

In Chisina, a student met with his handsome George Gryu, Moldovan by nationality, who also dreamed of admission to the Theater Institute. Soon the lovers played a wedding. For exams in Vgik, they went together and arrived from the first attempt: the couple had to do with examiners, and the spouses were credited to the 2nd course of the workshop of Anatoly Romashina. In 1991, Stella Ilnitskaya became a graduate actress.


The creative biography of the young artist was not easy. Even the Matrah Theater and Cinema had to be embarrassed in the dashing 90s, what to talk about anyone not a famous girl, yesterday's student.

Debut in the movie took place in 1998. Stelle Ilnitskaya got a secondary role, but in the picture, which was filmed by a talented director Valery of acceptors, who collected the color of the Russian cinema film on the set. In the lead role, which the beginners of Arthur Smolyaninov and Evgeny Krainov were divided with him, accepted himself. Appeared in the picture and the young daughter of Stella Vladimirovna Lyanka Gryu.

Stella Ilnitskaya (frame from the test for pregnancy test)

In 2000, Ilnitskaya was not lost, in 2002 appeared immediately in two projects: the paintings "Main roles" and "adventures of the magician". After 2 years, the actress was called in the series "Jackpot for Cinderella", where Mary Golubank and Alexey Kravchenko played key heroes. The first major role Stelle Ilnitskoy got in 2011 in the multi-metering melodrama "Hello, Mom!", Filmed on the Ukrainian film studio.

Bright and rating films with the participation of artist, the audience saw in the second decade of the 2000s. In the rating project about the golden youth, Mama Lyanka Gryu again went to the platform with a daughter, which went out one of the main roles of the series "Golden".

Fans Stella Ilnitski found out the favorite in the sensational projects "Freud" method with Ivan Okhlobystin and Natalie Antonova, the "Pregnancy test" melodrama (in 2019 the continuation of the series ") and" about love "Anna Melikyan.

Personal life

In early youth, the personal life of Stella Ilinsky did not work out: the first love, as a result of which the daughter of Lyanka appeared on the world, failed. The talented handsome-husband George, whose career began to take off sharply, could not resist before temptations, satellites of glory.

George left the family when the baby was half a year. The mature daughter was not able to forgive the father's care in the most difficult period for the mother. Career George went to not, when the addiction to alcohol won the artist.

For the second time, Stella Vladimirovna tried happiness with the Writer Oleg Kazantsev, who accepted Lianka's daughter. Spouses lived happily, but not long. Grief came unexpectedly: the heart stopped at Kazantsev.

The personal life of the celebrity has been married to Mikhail's entrepreneur. Spouses live in the suburbs.

The actress looks great, with an increase of 1.65 m, judging by the films, it has perfect parameters. Tennis and interest in life help themselves in the form of Stelle Ilnitsky: she is interested in photography, drawing and studying psychology.

Stella Ilnitskaya now

Stella Vladimirovna in May 2021 decided to tell about his difficult story in the transfer of the "Fate of Man". In a conversation with Boris Korchevnikov, the actress reiterated the most tragic moments of the biography - starting with an unsuccessful marriage with George Gryu, the death of Kazantsev, ending with a difficult period when her daughter found out who her biological father.

In an interview, Ilnitskaya admitted that he did not go to the funeral of the stepfather of Lyanka, because he was formally married at that time. Also told about how she did not want to allow her daughter's meeting with George, about his feelings of resentment at the first husband for what he did with the child.


  • 1998 - "Who, if not we"
  • 2002 - "Adventure Maga"
  • 2002 - "Main roles"
  • 2004 - "Jack Pot for Cinderella"
  • 2005 - "Hunt for the Island"
  • 2008 - "Open, Police"
  • 2008 - "Two in the rain"
  • 2010 - "Invisible"
  • 2011 - "Golden"
  • 2011 - "Hello, Mom!"
  • 2012 - "Freud Method"
  • 2014-2019 - "Pregnancy Test"
  • 2015 - "About love"

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