John Forbes Nash - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Game Theory



Mathematical genius, who managed after a 30-year-old fight against schizophrenia, return to scientific activity and get the Nobel Prize. One of the most respected and talented mathematicians, whose biography was based on the Kinobestseller "Mind Games" by Oscars.

John Forbes Nash - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Game Theory 10373_1

John Forbes Nash is a strong person with a paradoxical mind. Its scientific research in the field of differential geometry and game theory are valued all over the world. He managed to extract lessons even from his mysterious disease, stating that "the relationship between creativity of thinking and abnormality exists." And sadly summed up:

"The sound mind limits the submission of a scientist about his connection with space."

Childhood and youth

The genius of mathematics and paradoxical conclusions in the town of Blofield, in the American state of Western Virginia, in the summer of 1928 were born. By the sign of the zodiac twin. John was brought up and rose in the family of Protestants, where a strict atmosphere and religious traditions reigned.
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A future scientist with world name was studied middle, and math up to 14 years old caused his sowing: in school, the subject was taught boring. Parents are an electrician engineer and a teacher of English - they were upset by the lack of dfframpority and purposefulness of the Son. But it was not quite so. Young Nash Ropod read and, closing in his room, conducted chemical experiments.

At the age of 14 in the hands of John Forbes Nash, the younger fell fascinating work Erik Temple Bella "Great Mathematics", the reading of which opened acute interest in the accurate science in the adolescent. It was so carried away by mathematical calculations that surprised teachers, with ease of providing a small farm theorem. But in high school classes, the future Nobel laureate has not yet decided on the profession.

The science

For the open mathematical talent, the young man was awarded a scholarship for training at the university. After graduating from school, he entered the Carnegie Polytechnic Institute, where he initially undertook to study chemistry. Quickly realizing that the interest in the subject was gone, signed up for the international economy. But here I did not stay long ago, making sure that mathematics was home among the sciences.

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In 1948, yesterday, the student left the institute walls with two diplomas in her hand - bachelor and master. But interest in further study did not disappear: John went to Princeton's Research University in New Jersey. A recommendation letter from the teacher of Richard Duffhin, with whom a graduate arrived at the university, consisted of three words "he mathematical genius".

Nash did not indulge teachers and classmates to their presence in class: believed that collective learning reduces its originality as a researcher. In Princeton, the guy first heard about the formulated neiman and a morong shelter mathematical method, called the "game theory". The method struck the imagination of a 20-year-old Nash and influenced the further biography of the scientist. He created a teaching, which was later widely used in the economy.

At 21, a young mathematician with brilliance defended his thesis, the main provisions of which will be called "Nesha's equilibrium". After 44 years, this work was developed and made a scientist Nobel laureate in economics. After 10 years, John Nash made a furyor in science, posing 4 works on a non-opoperative game.

Scientist John Nash

In the early 1950s, the mathematician settled at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he soon gained respect for colleagues and high assessment of the scientific world. But in the mid-1950s, Nash began problems with the psyche. He had previously walked eccentric and confronted people. In the collectives, where he worked, it was difficult to get along with colleagues. A separate and arrogant scientist got closed more in himself.

He returned to the scientific community and work only 30 years later, cooping with his illness and self-escaped from a gloomy state.

In 66, in 1994, the American mathematician received the Nobel award. But they did not allow the traditional lecture for the laureate in Stockholm University, fearing for the fragile health of the scientist. Instead, Nash was allowed to the audience of the oldest University of Sweden - Uppsalsky, where John Forbes made a lecture on cosmology.

In 2001, the Nobel laureate returned to his office in Princeton University, where he dreamed of his beloved mathematics again.

In 2008, the "brilliant schizophrenic", as Nesha called the eyes, saw and heard in Russia. At the International Conference, held in the walls of the University of St. Petersburg, he made a lecture on ideal and asymptotic money.

And in 2015, the scientist became the first in the world, and Nobel, and Abelian awards were in whose piggy bank for his contribution to science. The last Nash was presented for the development of the theory of nonlinear differential equations.

The works of ingenious mathematics are studying around the world. His books are the fundamental works "The Problem of Trading" and "Neooperative Games" - desktop for mathematicians and economists of America, Europe and Asia. Starting from the 1970s, John Nash game theory is recognized as the basis for the experimental economy. And the quotes are as wiser as paradoxical.

From the scientific achievements of the genius of mathematical thought, two were most valuable: the theory of games, widely used in the economy, political science and social sciences, and the equilibrium formula, following which, participants will lose if one of them unilaterally changes the decision.

A biographical search for the truth and the dramatic struggle of the Nobel laureate with the disease wrote a journalist Silvia Nazar. Her book was shielded by Hollywood director Ron Howard, who called the movie "Mind Games". Nash in the film Played Russell Crow.

Personal life

The first experience of love relationship, which happened to Nash in his youth, was bitter. The 30-year-old Nurse Leonor Styra became pregnant from 25-year-old John. But Nash, having learned about the immediate emergence of the child, refused to give him his name and stated that the woman would not wait for financial support, nor the custody over the baby.Embed from getty images

Firstborn - Son John David - appeared in 1953. The last name Mother gave his child - Styr. The childhood of the boy passed in the shelter, since Leonor was extremely constrained in the means.

Repeat attempt to establish a personal life turned out to be more successful. In 1957, mathematician married a physics student from Salvador Alicia Lard. Two years later, the son was born, who was given by John Charles Martin. Of the two children only he got the last name of the Father. The second offspring went in the footsteps of parents-scientists by choosing mathematics from all sciences.

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However, the legative son of ingenious mathematics did not have a happy childhood. Because of the person's manifested disease, he was not given a name - the wife waited for the return of her husband from psychiatric hospital. When a lawyer made an extract, the spouses left for Europe, leaving a tiny son with a grandmother.

In the early 1961, the exhausted Alicia broke up with her husband, without having trouble and the trick. Son raised herself. Unfortunately, the father's disease was transferred to him. In the 1970s, a woman, tormented by remorse and considered that he betrayed a sick husband, returned to John. More they never parted.

Disease and death

For the first time, the disease declared itself when mathematics turned 30. Doctors set a disappointing diagnosis - paranoid schizophrenia. A wife hid for some time from friends and familiar family tragedy, trying to save the career of the spouse, but the ailment progressed, and she had to force John to the Boston private clinic. In the same 1959th Nash, which was called the ascending star of mathematics, lost its work.

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After 50 days of compulsory treatment and exit from the clinic, the spouses left the country. John Nash tried to receive the status of a political refugee in Europe, but the US authorities have achieved his deportation to their homeland. In America, the disease manifested itself with a new force. The scientist was tormented by fears and auditory hallucinations, he called him acquaintances and colleagues, annoying time talk about politics and numerology.

In the early 1960s, the mathematician passed a course of treatment, but there was no effect. Colleagues paid Nash sessions in a psychiatrist, and he discharged the patient. Temporary improvement was replaced by regress when John stopped taking pills, fearing harm to mental work.

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Noticeable improvement in the genius colleagues noted in the 1980s. The scientist independently managed to overcome the symptoms and returned to work. Later he wrote:

"I think, if you wish to get rid of the mental illness, we must, no one hoping, put yourself a serious goal for yourself. Psychiatrists want to stay in business. "

Mathematics died in the spring of 2015 at the age of 86. The cause of his death and his wife Alicia became a car accident, in which the spouses got into New Jersey. They drove into a taxi without fastening the seat belts. When collision flew out of the car. Doctors left to state death.


"Good scientific ideas would not come to my mind if I thought as a normal people." "It seems to me when people are unhappy, they become mentally ill. No one goes crazy when wins in the lottery. It happens when you do not win it. "" Something can be considered incredible and unrealized, but everything is possible. "" My main scientific achievement is that I have been doing things that I really interest me, and never spent on the day The occupation of all the chyshe "." In mathematics, it is important not so much the ability to strain the brain as the skill to relax. I think it can be a decident from one hundred, no more. In my youth, this is why it is better. "

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