Stephen Kovi - Photo, Biography, Consultant, Writer, Bibliography, Books, Personal Life, Death



Stephen Kovi is an American writer, speaker, teacher and organizational management consultant. In the work, a man sought to reveal the secrets of business efficiency, teach society to competently dispose of resources. The book "Seven skills of highly efficient people" is recognized as one of the iconic works on business subjects.

Childhood and youth

Caovi was born on October 24, 1932 in Salt Lake City. Boy's mother Irene Louise Richards influenced the formation of son's religious views. She was born in the family of Mormons and raised Stephen in accordance with the doctrine of the community. The grandfather of the future writer Stephen Mak Kovei had a job - a hotel located in Wyoming. The child is rolling, loved to play sports.

However, hip injury forced the boy to forget about the professional sports career. Then Stephen seriously engaged in study, entered the school discussion club and externally passed the exams. Then the young man entered the University of Utah, where he received a bachelor's degree in business management. Also, the guy graduated from Harvard, and later received the title of Doctor of Philosophy at the University of Brigam Yang.


Religion accompanied man throughout the biography. So, 2 years of Covei from the Mormon Church was engaged in missionary in England. In 1962, Steven was elected president of Mormon Mission in Ireland. Religious activities did not interfere with the Americans to engage in loved business.

In 1985, a man created a consulting company STEPHEN R. Covey and Associates. After 2 years, the company was renamed, and after 10 years she merged with Franklin Quest. The company provided professional services to the population, as well as growth training and labor productivity courses for legal entities and individuals.

Theoretical knowledge gained over the years of work in the field of business, Stephen decided to embody in the book "Seven skills of highly efficient people." The essay created by Kovi in ​​1996, in a short time became a bestseller. The publication translated into many languages ​​was popular in states and Europe.

Later on the Wave of Success Bestseller, the business consultant published a few more books. In them, the writer affected the issues of competent management and management. Works "Main attention to the main things", "Focus. Achieving priority goals "and others also diverged large circulations.

Starting with new technologies, the entrepreneur in March 2008 created an Internet resource. The site served as a manual for beginner and experienced businessmen. The resource pages contained online courses Stephen. Here, the man expressed his thoughts on the development of the industry, management, represented new developments and other things.

Stephen Cori and his wife Sandra

A year later, the American has released a cycle of webinars associated with the problems of career development. The series has become popular, as many used the lessons of Covi as a leadership during the economic crisis. The network appeared a photo on which the speaker was captured during performances, seminars, meetings with politicians.

In winter, 2010, the entrepreneur invited to take the position of professor at the school of business. J. Huntsman. On the basis of the institution, Stephen lectured, launched educational projects. According to the results of these projects, the author subsequently released the book "Leader in Me". The writer was interested in the issues of the education crisis, which he raised in the composition. Also, a man performed as a lecturer at Harvard and Princeton Universities.

Personal life

Stephen lived in a happy marriage with his wife Sandra. Nine children were born in the family. Subsequently, Kovi became a grandfather 52 grandchildren.


Business consultant loved to ride a bike. In April 2012, in one of such bicycle walks, Kovi lost its equilibrium. As a result of the fall, the man got a strong head blow, also damaged the rib and light.

Doctors did everything possible, but on July 16, 2012, Stephen died. The cause of death has become complications from injuries obtained during fall.


  • 2009 - "7 skills of highly efficient families"
  • 2010 - "4 Rules of an effective leader in uncertainty"
  • 2011 - "Main attention to the main things. Live, love, learn and leave heritage »
  • 2011 - "Eighth Skill: From Efficiency to Majesty"
  • 2011 - "Super work. Super Career "
  • 2011 - "Focus. Achieving priority goals "
  • 2011 - "Leadership based on Principles"
  • 2011 - "Live, using 7 skills. History of courage and inspiration "
  • 2012 - "Seven skills of effective managers. Self-organization, leadership, disclosure of potential "
  • 2012 - "Seven high-performance people skills: powerful personal development tools"
  • 2013 - "Four Rules of Successful Leader"
  • 2013 - "Third Alternative. The solution of the most difficult life problems "
  • 2014 - "Important"

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