Group Lacrimosa - Photo, History Composition, Now, News, Songs 2021



Lacrimosa is a Swiss group that performs compositions in German, English and Finnish. In some songs there are chorus or couplets in Spanish, Russian and Latin. Artists are recognized leaders of the musical direction, called Gothic. The main characters of the team are Tilo Wolff and Anna Nurmi. Vocalists invited session musicians to cooperate, but in recent years they give concerts of the composition.

The history of creation and composition

The team appeared on the musical arena thanks to his leader Tiloff. He still realized that he wants to devote himself to music. By 17 years old, a young man has accumulated such a number of literary material that he began to learn the game on the piano to turn poems in the song. Using the synthesizer, Tilo recorded its first cassette, which called "Clamor". There were only 2 songs on it, later they entered the debut album Lacrimosa.

The guy did not attract the interest of producers, so finding a label that would have engaged in promoting the musician, it was not easy. Then Wolff went along the path of the least resistance and decided on a risky step. He opened his own sound recording studio Hall of Sermon, which to this day is known in the profile sphere. So the light saw the first disc Wolff "Angst". His sound would surprise many recent team fans, as Tilo preferred electronic music and calm lyrical vocals.

The debut plate was sold by a circulation of 1 thousand copies for the year, which became a good indicator for a beginner artist. After a year and a half, instead of the vinyl record on the shelves, a disk disk appeared. The name of the project was concerned on his cover. His Tilo came up with the work of Mozart's work. Such a name was a composer requiem, which inspired vocalist.

The soloist was displeased with his debut, so in the following compositions, the instrumental part and arrangements worked, inviting the sessional musicians to the creation. The first colleague was the bassist Schaleno Diamantopoulos. Being a designer, he created covers for the releases of the group. Squareo led Roland Talera. Then the team was replenished with violinist Eric Phantom and the keyboard player Philip Alois. Together they recorded the disk "Einsamkeit". So the history of the creation of a team began.


In 1993, the group presented the "Satura" album. Only Alois remained from the previous one in the team, but Wolff adhered to him an interesting musical genre. Gradually, he became a popular artist, and the records began to sell better. The first live concert of the musician was held in Leipzig. He independently accompanied himself and sang. He managed to attract the attention of the public in Germany and Switzerland. About the project wrote ORKUS and ZILLO magazines, publishing a photo of soloist and the facts of his biography.

Like any creative person, Tilo did not be satisfied with what he had, but sought to recognize. The path to it was going through the changes. A fateful acquaintance with the Finnish executor Anne Nurmi was held, who used to perform in the Two Witch team. The group broke up, and fortunately Wolff, the artist agreed to become his partner. It was not possible to avoid the romantic relations arising between young people, but the artists diligently hid them from the media.

The collective drummer became Eisi, a former participant in Running Wild. Mignon Schakal, and the Inferno plate struck the fans of the group with new orchestral sound, alive shock and melodies of the electric guitar. Tilo performed with compositions in German, but star-speaking songs appeared with the arrival of Anna in the repertoire.

Gothic design of plates, harlequin in the form of a logo, unique scenic costumes became a corporate name of the group image. The musicians released the album "Stille", which the public accepted ambiguously. The disk broke the fans for 2 camps. Some rejoiced about changes, while others hinted on the prevalence of commercial interests and simplifying the sound of Lacrimosa. Nevertheless, the release of the record turned out to be the most profitable in this period of development of the project, although they aroused the controversy of Vocal Anna and reasoning about new faces in the group.

For the presentation of the record followed the touring tour. Returning, the artists plunged into work in the studio, creating a material for the album "Elodia". He was recorded with the participation of the London Symphony Orchestra, but the teams worked in different studios. 187 soloists and musicians took part in creating a disc. In parallel with the work on a new plate Tilo became a party to third-party projects. He was invited to cooperate the participants of the Kreator teams, as well as SAMAEL.

The 2001th was marked for Lacrimosa output at once 2 plates that replenished the team discography: "Der Morgen Danach" and "Fassade". Cooperation with academic instruments in the person of the Philharmonic Orchestra and the German orchestra of Babelsberg was again held. Romantic mood, lyrics describing the entire spectrum of feelings and emotions, attracted new fans. And in 2003, Echos album came out.

The new record approved the position of Tilo Wolff as a talented soloist, and immediately several songs from it became hits. All compositions closely intertwined with each other in a storyline.

In 2005, a presentation of the "Lichtgestalt" disk was held, which had a heavier sound than previous albums. Love Lyrics took place here. In support of the record, tour took place. The team visited several countries and even in Russia. The tour was the longest for the entire concert path of Lacrimosa at that time.

Almost immediately, by returning from the tour, the team released the album "Lichtjachre", and after 2 years, they had a pleasure to fans of the SEHNSUCHT disk. The latter was pleased with the Russian fans of the song "I Lost My Star in Krasnodar". It contained 2 purchases performed in Russian.

The album "SchattenSpiel" has included all the compositions created by Lacrimosa. Then the disk called "Revolution", which still produced the personal Label Tiloff. Over the record, a musician colleague from other teams, as well as a philharmonic orchestra. She wore Havi-Metal taste ahead with academic music. In 2012, a tour was started in support of the disk. Artists visited Germany and England, Switzerland, Poland, the Czech Republic, Spain and Russia.

Russian fans often visit the speeches of idols, because the group does not forget to include in its touring tour not only metropolitan megacities, but also less large cities. Thus, in 2014, Tilo and Anna performed on the scenes of Krasnodar, Yekaterinburg, Omsk, Novosibirsk and Rostov-on-Don.

Lacrimosa now

The group remains popular, regardless of the change of global musical trends. Lacrimosa removes clips and records new hits. His fans about the nearest plans, musicians inform through the official website. The team will avoid social networks, so she has no official account in "Instagram".

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In March 2019, Anna Nurmi and Tiloff again visited Russia with a concert. As part of the tour Time Travel World Tour - 2019, the musicians performed compositions from the Testimonium album, which came out in 2017. Fans saw favorite artists in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Nizhny Novgorod.

Lacrimosa is a prolific musical group that follows the selected direction once. Among the fans of creativity - listeners of different generations and worldviews, which unites love for lyrics, vocals Tilo and Anna and their bright image. Among the hits of the team today the songs "Kelch Der Liebe", "Halt Mich" and others.


  • 1991 - "Angst"
  • 1992 - "Einsamkeit"
  • 1993 - "Satura"
  • 1995 - "Inferno"
  • 1997 - "Stille"
  • 1999 - "ELODIA"
  • 2001 - "Fassade"
  • 2003 - "Echos"
  • 2005 - "Lichtgestalt"
  • 2009 - "Sehnsucht"
  • 2012 - "Revolution"
  • 2015 - "HOFFNUNG"
  • 2017 - "Testimonium"


  • "Morning Glory"
  • Schakal
  • "Copycat"
  • "The Phantom of the Opera"
  • "Stolzes Herz"
  • "Satura"

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