Richard Morgan - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Books 2021



In 2007, the literature was replenished with another "black man." The Maxim Gorky himself was crying for the penetration of the Yesenian poem, and the British science of Richard Morgana was added to the novel by the Russian writer Vasily Golodacheva. This work was not left without a high marks, having received the Arthur Clark award a year after the first publication. By the way, in three years before, the author fought for the same award, but with another creation - "market strength".

Childhood and youth

At the end of the first autumn month of 1965, September 24, in the capital of Great Britain, John and Margaret had a son - a future writer, whose full name sounds like Richard Kingsley Morgan. However, the childhood of the child was not in London, but in Heathersette - a village located near Norija.

Subsequently, recalling about the early years, a man told about them in his own unsurpassed manner:

"The county of Norfolk spread around me, like damn. Beautiful sunsets pumped out in case of endless sky and endless fields, but there was nothing that could be called a dramatic landscape. Behind me, thanks to my parents - a calm happy rustic childhood. "

The boy was dissuisible to peers - he was a single nature, spent time reading and familiarizing with music, did not like team games and did not understand why his few friends attached great importance to beer and search for girlfriends.

Everything changed as agreed - closer to the majority, the guy has learned the taste of alcoholic beverages, grass and emotions from the first and unfortunate love, than noticeably spoiled his first year of study in Queens' College Cambridge.

Richard Morgan

On the 2nd course, Richard was settled, considering that it was stupid to abandon his life and privileges provided to him. With double energy, he began to study the story, with a bias in politics and philosophy, completely changing the circle of communication.

At the end of the educational institution, Morgan took up the teaching of a foreign language to carry out his two cherished dreams - to travel and write. As a result, after almost 15 years of pedagogy at the University of Glasgow, where he found himself after Istanbul, Madrid and London, his first printed work was born, which was preceded by stories, articles in newspapers and scenarios for cinema.


The debut great work of Richard is the first part of the trilogy about the acquisition of the "modified carbon" for aware "- immediately fell in love with the reader's public, and critics who were awarded the author of the literary award.

Master cinematic affairs also left away from a fantastic novel. The rights to the decree for a solid amount was bought by Joel Silver - the Hollywood director, who gave the world two "strong nuts", 4 parts of the "deadly weapons" and "matrix".

In 2003, the light saw the continuation of the abutopia "broken angels", and after another 2 years, "awakened fursions" appeared. Between them took place the publishing of a thriller "Market forces". Further, the bibliography of the writer was replenished with the "black man" and a cycle "Country, worthy of his heroes", which includes three works.

In the rich creative biography of Morgan there was a place and cooperation with Marvel Comics, Liber Primus Games and Starbreeze.

Personal life

As for personal life, he knows about it - he is happily married in Spaniard Virginia Jame Kottitelly-Herrero. Favorite woman gave her husband a sole heir. Before the prologue to its creations (for example, besides, "carbon") Morgan did not forget to mention expensive native people - parents, spouse, the best friend, Caroline Morgan (presumably, sister) and others.

Richard Morgan and his wife
"For his iron patience and the extraordinary hardness of the spirit in the face of adversity," the words of gratitude were sounded. And the mother - "For the hot, the rage, in which there was a place for both compassion and imbibular resistance."

It was possible to implement the second passionate desire - numerous photographs from traveling and traveling in different cities and countries of the world, his page on the social network Twitter.

To May 2019, he managed to enjoy a refreshing lemonade and a tuna steak under the bow in Lisbon, admire the ingoing neighborhood of salt cucumbers and olives with sweets in Spain. Each of his picture was accompanied by a comic witty comment, and sometimes a strong senior.

Richard Morgan in Travel

In view of the originality, the official website of the British deserves separate attention. Here Richard is divided with its fans with relevant news (for example, about preparing online sales), contacts for feedback, the necessary links and reflections on the burning topics, sometimes not embarrassed in expressions.

In October 2018, Richard admitted that now he reads her 7-year-old son The Weirdstone of Brisingamen Alan Garner and both men of the Morgan family are truly fascinated by the plot.

Richard Morgan now

In 2018, on the joy of fans of the creativity of Richard Morgan, published the long-awaited "hot air", telling about life on Mars. In an interview after the release of the book, the author admitted that no artistic works about the Red Planet after the way he did not read with writing, except for Robert Heineine almost half a century ago."The main idea of ​​the book is that Mars has a long history of permissiveness and lack of regulation. The lack of a high density of the human population and an important biosphere was the cause of complete criminalization of the industrial development of Mars, which enriched people involved in this, "he added.

At the end of May 2019, the graphic version of the novel was planned in the form of comics. A year earlier, in February 2018, there was a premiere of the series based on "modified carbon" on the NetFlix TV channel. The actor Yuel Kinnaman, who played in the "suicide detachment" and the "girl with a dragon tattoo". And already in July it became known that the creators of the multi-sized film extended it to the 2nd season.


  • 2002 - "Modified carbon"
  • 2003 - "Broken Angels"
  • 2004 - "Market forces"
  • 2005 - "Awakened Furi"
  • 2007 - "Black Man" ("Thirteen")
  • 2008 - "Steel remains"
  • 2011 - "Cold command"
  • 2014 - "Darkness Declaring"
  • 2018 - "Spilled Air"

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