Beatldjus - character biography, Bitljus film, actors and roles, photos


Character History

In 1988, a film called "Bitljus" was released on large screens. The tape is based on the legend about the Centrawille Ghost. The director spoke Tim Burton, whose directorial career was at the stage of active development. The story of the friendship of the ghost of Bittlejus and the girls Lydia conquered the hearts of the audience.

History of character creation

Initially, the script of the film was created by Michael McDauell, prevented more severe conditions. The picture was supposed to get a gloomy and bloody, but Tim Burton carefully worked on the idea of ​​the project. Having left the horror movie, he added to the story of the humor to the story, making it a highlight of the film.


Beatldjus has undergone changes, turning from a terrible creature into something human like. The scripts offered to present it in the form of reptiles with wings. The aggressive behavior of the hero before the shooting decided to soften.

Contrary to the first version of the script, the ghost planned not to kill the new residents at home, but to evict them. Lydia girl was the object of Bitldjus's frills, and the character himself was described as a rude hero that sewers to the honor of the girl. The dark atmosphere of the tape strengthened and anatomical details, the description of which was encountered, for example, in the scene of the car accident.

Docted details and negative load were made by screenwriter to a project for no accident. He was fond of mystics and collect items related to death. The gloomy storyteller Burton, being a novice director, decided that such details would not be a public, and took up work on the scenario on their own.

Tim Burton

Allevant the scenario, setting the story a light and cheerful tone, Burton began to choose the name for the painting. The Disney Studio refused to make the name of the main character in the title. The director tried in every way to find the appropriate option, but nothing came to mind.

Having decided to poisonize, he called the picture "Scared Sheetless", which means "frightened to the mustache ** chki." Studio unexpectedly agreed to use this option. As a result, the name in honor of the character was dismanded by Burton.

The name Bitljus is translated as "cheeky juice". It is curious that such a name is a star in the constellation Orion. She was repeatedly mentioned in the novels of the "Planet Monkeys" and "hitchhiking in the Galaxy". Casting for the role of the main character was not easy.

Michael Kiton as Bittlejus

The work in the way could entrust the actor Bill Murray, the comic was to Muur or singer Sammy Davis, but fate ordered otherwise. Michael Kyton appeared as Bittlejus.

The release date of the tape was appointed for the spring of 1988. Contrary to the predictions of critics and expectations of producers, Bitljus gained incredible popularity. The public loved the film. He became the leader of home rental at the end of the year, received the Oscar and Saturn Awards premiums. This means that the picture has become not just a horror, but a multifaceted project with a high-quality idea and deep thought.

Frame from animated series

Burton immediately expressed the desire to launch the sequel paintings, but instead on television came out a cartoon series. Viewers watched his four seasons, until the closure took place in 1991. After that, the trailers of the project did not appear on the screen, and the producers and directors were not taken for creating a remorse.

In 2016, rumors appeared in the press of the possibility of renewing work on the biography of Bittlejus and about the release of a new film, but Tim Burton quickly refuted them. According to the director, the self-sufficient picture did not require the second series.

Appearance and nature

Beatldjus and Lidia

Bitljus - crazy ghost. In the animated series, he is friends with the girl Lydia, and her shakes. Lydia and Differences are two passions of the main character. A terrifying smile accompanies every appearance, and the transformation into a snake scares Lydia's parents.

Humorist Beatldjus loves to make fun of the inhabitants of the afterlime world, although it is often punished for it. A permanent visitor of prison, a couple of times he almost turned out to be older for sandy worms because of his behavior. Lydia's parents and her cat are also victims of the unbridled sense of humor ghost.

Anime Interpretation of Bittlejus

Beatldjus is able to take various appearance. Becoming any subject, it masks and remains unnoticed. But the spells cease to work if the hero turns out to be injured or loses some of the parts of the body. And each of his limbs tends to live separate from the owner.

The representative of the afterlife accompany insects, an unpleasant smell and disgust to all kind, bright and clean. He is accustomed to the dark, does not know what purity is incapable of work and liability.

Bitljus and Lydia in the animated series

Beatldjus is not recognized in sympathy for anything and does not thank for the help, but this does not mean that the ghost does not feel feelings and is not capable of love. The description of his relationship with Lydia confirms: the ghost knows how to be friends. He is attracted to the personality of a friend, so the hero always tries to please her, although most of the actions lead to trouble. The main dream of Bitldjus is to become a rich and gain glory.

Ghost dressed in a striped suit. His leather is fatally pale, the crooked teeth sticks out the mouth, the hair on the head is unwinding, and on the body, then traces of decomposition can be seen. Beatldjus appears before the public, it is worth three times in a row to call his name.


Barbara and Adam Meteland

The plot of the paintings "Bitljus" tells about the family living in the old mansion in a small provincial town. Barbara and Adam Meteland are thinking about children. The peaceful course of their lives and plans for a vacation crashes Jane's arrival, Barbara sisters. The girl persuades the spouses to organize trading and sell the house.

Maitland go on a trip to the store and on the way fall into an accident. Returning home, they understand that they became ghosts. The reflection of the heroes does not appear in the mirror, and it became impossible to go beyond the limits of the house. Jane sells home Ditz family who came from New York. Spouses Charles and Delia brings with them daughter Lidia.

Frame from the film

After some time, the sides discover the existence of bringing and cause an exorcist of Bitldjuce, capable of expelled spirits. "Specialist on the exile of living" quickly turns out to be unnecessary, as Maitland became friends with Lydia and gave her family home.

But the main problem was Bitljus, exhausting the obsolence and delivered troubles. Adam and Barbara are expelled with an exorcist and pay all attention to the upbringing of Lydia, which was very loved.

Interesting Facts

Bitljus (ART)
  • Michael Kiton agreed to the role of Bittlejus after the second sentence. For the first time, Burton received a refusal for the invitation to cooperate.
  • Even Arnold Schwarzenegger was invited to the role of Ghost.
  • Winon Rider refused the proposed role of Lydia, as she saw the Satanic motifs in the script of the picture.
Figure of Bittyjus and Lydia
  • The scenes involving Michael Kiton in the role of Betldjus were removed in two weeks. The total time of the presence of the artist in the frame was 17 minutes.
  • In the final of the film, Beatldjus turns into a strange creature, on the head of which a carousel is crowned with a skull. It will appear in the cartoon of Berton "Nightmare Before Christmas", released in 1993.
  • The song Danny Eifman became a soundtrack for film.
Bitljus and Joker
  • The appearance of the Beatldjus is a bit like the appearance of Joker. The character image is often used on Halloween. It is trying on cosplay meetings. The description of the hero is found not only in the authentic film. Fans create art fan fiction, providing their photos and pictures from a cartoon or full-length movie. The character became a hero of the game for the prefix "Dandy".

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