Joe Fraser - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Boxing



American Heavyweight Joe Fraser Along with Mohammed Ali and Mike Tyson recognized as the greatest champion and the best boxer of modernity. The winner of a quick and accurate impact was the first winner of the title competition in the history of WBA and one of the prototypes of the main character of the Rokki cult militant. After the fight, known as the "Triller in Manila", the athlete left the world series, and the last fight with his participation took place in 1981.

Childhood and youth

Joseph William (Joe) Fraser was born on January 12, 1944 and became the 12th child in the family of Ruben Freizer and Dolly Olxton. Living in a small town of South Carolina, parents were engaged in the manufacture of corn moonshine and illegally sold this product to feed not yet matured children. Another source of father and mother's income was work on plantations, where the "white" neighbors grown cotton and watermelons.

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In the 1950s, Fraises managed to achieve relative financial stability, and the head of the family bought a black and white TV, which, among other programs, showed boxing. In the evenings, relatives and neighbors gathered in front of a small screen and had a gambling for popular at the time Rocky Marchiano, Willie Pepa, Shugar Ray Robinson and others.

Once during the broadcast, the uncle of the future athlete said that from Joe could well manage a good fighter, and this phrase was remembered by the boy and turned his youth biography.

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The first fights of the future champion spent on the school yard, where the sandwich or a small coin defended the weak comrades from the hooligans. Having learned about this, relatives with their own hands built a boxing pear, and a teenager for a few hours a day hung off strikes, knocking down his fists about the contents of a shusching bag.

An unexpected injury caused by the furious Borov, for several months interrupted the workout, but when the hand healed, Joseph continued to hook hooks, swings and uppercots. Continuing to interfere with the black friends, Fraser periodically entered conflicts with wealthy "white" neighbors. In order to avoid punishments, the worst of which could be imprisonment, the mother sent a son from the city, providing money on the road to New York.

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The new life began with the profession of handyman at Coca-Cola factory and participation in amateur fights organized by promoters of small sports companies. From 1962 to 1964, Joe, who moved to Philadelphia, won the Golden Gloves in the competitions of heavyweights three times, and only once failed defeat from the athlete named Baster Mathis.

Such results helped a framework to participate in the qualifying competitions of the US Olympic team on boxing and in the final of the Main Games of the 4th anniversary with a broken right hand to win the Gold Medal in the fight against the representative of the German team.


The victory at the 1964 Olympic Games led to the fact that the Yansi Jank Trainer found sponsors who had investigated money to the professional sports career Joe. When the preparation was daily and regulated, the boxer was able to join the American Association and on a par with the famous fighters to participate in the drawing of the world champion title.Embed from getty images

For the most powerful blows, from which the opponents have a purple and dark in their eyes, Fraser soon got a nickname smoker, which liked fans for an intriguing double meaning. In 1965, Fraser in the new status appeared in the ring and the technical knockout won the opponent named Wooddi State, and then hit the accident, which led to numerous bruises and partial vision loss.

During the medical examination, the doctors did not notice this injury, and Joe was able to continue their workouts to which Assistant Darama was connected - the famous mentor Eddie Fatch. With his help, the young boxer moved to Los Angeles and took part in 3 fights ending with two knockouts and victory on the unanimous decision of the judges.

Despite this, the new coaching staff did not like the style of an athlete, which had an increase in 182 cm and weighing 92-95 kg. Jank and Eddie made adjustments to the preparations aimed at developing defensive tactics and the effective use of a rather impressive scope of the hands.

By 1967, the Fraser fully complied with the requirements of the mentors, but they still dissuaded the ward from participation in the title match against Mohammed Ali. Soon it became known that the illustrious heavyweight was deprived of the title and called for military service, and Joe was offered to fight for the vacant championship with the former rival by the Baster Mathis. That fight was not recognized as official, and the Fraister had to be content with the glory of incontended heavyweight.

The following year, the boxer did not come to the number of applicants, and the title played Boxers Jerry Kvari and Jimmy Ellis. The latter became a champion, but could not confirm this high status when I met in the ring with a matured and trained Fraser. In 1970, Joe became an absolute world champion in heavyweight and managed to defend the title in battles with Bob Foster, Terry Daniels, Ron Standler and Mohammed Ali.

However, soon there was a person who could cope with the incredible pressure of the Fraser and send it to the technical knockout. The American boxer George Foreman became this hero, which won all the status awards in 1973. Joe was not morally ready for such a turn of the events and unexpectedly failed for herself a few more fights.

Such results were associated with increased problems with vision and trend towards extra weight. Despite this, Fraser managed to revive and defeat Jerry Kvari in the Arena "Medison Square Garden" and Jimmy Ellis on one of the best Melbourne Ringgi. The last victory again made a boxer by the champion of the champion title and led him to the 3rd battle with an irreconcilable opponent Mohammed Ali.

The match, subsequently called "Triller in Manila", took place on October 1, 1975 in the Philippine city of Keson City. Boxers fought not for life, but to death. Ali brushed the Fraser for the neck several times, but the explicit violation of the rules was left without attention and fines from judges. As a result, after 14 rounds, the Fatch coach, referring to numerous wards injuries, stopped the fight, and dubious victory went to the absolute world champion of 1964-1967.

After that, the Fraser announced his care from professional sports and dedicated himself to the upbringing of young athletes and shooting in art films, talk shows and serials. True, in 1981, the former champion tried to reanimate the professional career, but after a draw, in the match with a little-known fool, Floyd Cummings spread with a cap and gloves and left the boxing ring forever.


In the filmography of Fraser, which has tens of works, fictional characters can be counted on the fingers. In the mid-1970s, the boxer appeared in the series "Moving", and then received episodic roles in the paintings "The Abode of Angels", "in pursuit of the ghost" and "Balls for Bachi".

In the rest of the artistic and television projects, Joe represented his own person, which organically fit into the Rocky militant script and pairs of the Simpsons cartoon series.

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In addition to the movie, Fraser was fond of music and together with the Joe Frazier and the Knockouts group released singles and toured in the cities of America and Europe.

Having left the sport, the owner of the title of the absolute champion of the world decided to tell his story and wrote the autobiographical book "Smokin 'Joe: The Autobiographic of the World, Smokin' Joe Frazier" and a tutorial called "Box Like The Pros".

Personal life

The details of the personal life of the Fraser still remain a mystery for sports journalists and numerous fans. It was believed that in his youth the boxer marked with a woman named Florence, and by the end of his life the couple had six joint children.Embed from getty images

In an interview with Joe, he told about the career and rivals, tactfully by the topic of relationships with sons, daughters and his wife. But once the press found out that 2 children of Fraser - Marvis and Jackie - went in the footsteps of the Father: fighting in the ring and train in the gym belonging to him.

Probably, at some point, the family life collapsed, and the last years of his life Fraser spent alone in a small apartment near the Philadelphia Railway.


In the late 2000s, the athlete was discovered diabetes and hypertension. On the last photos it is clear that Joe lost weight and began to look lower than the growth.

Soon the incurable liver cancer was added to existing diseases, which caused the most painful death of the famous fighter on November 7, 2011.

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Fraudes Fraser took place in a quiet environment at Ivey Hill Cemetery in Philadelphia. In addition to relatives and friends, the ceremony attended the stars of sports in the face of Mohammed Ali, Larry Holmes, Magic Johnson, Dennis Rodmanan and others.

Awards and achievements

  • 1964 - Olympic champion
  • 1970-1973 - Absolute World Champion in a heavy weight category according to WBC
  • 1970-1973 - Absolute World Champion in a heavy weight category according to WBC
  • 1971 - "Boy of the Year" according to the Ring magazine
  • 1974 - Champion NABF in heavy weight category


  • 1976 - "Rocky"
  • 1986 - "In pursuit of the ghost"
  • 1989 - "Champions forever"
  • 1994 - "Abode of Angels"
  • 1998 - "Speculant"
  • 1999 - "Hurricane"
  • 2008 - "Triller in Manila"
  • 2009 - "Face to face with Ali"

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