Pavel Vorozhtsov - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actor, Films, Filmography, Wife, Series 2021



Pavel Vorozhov is a successful and in demand theater and movie actor. He succeeds and comedy, and dramatic roles. Directors are convinced that there is no such character that he could not play. A man himself considers himself a good performer.

Childhood and youth

Pavel Vladimirovich Vorochov was published on the last April 1980 day in the capital of the Estonian SSR - Tallinn. His parents had no relation to the actor's environment: the Father worked as a programmer, the mother was the operator of the first computer. Pavel dad died of heart attack when it was 7 years old. As a child, up to 12 years old, the boy's life did not differ from the pastime of the peers: hooliganil, played football, went to secondary school, - but then everything changed.

Mom, who heard the son during the game in the ball, was clever gave out obscene abuse, decided to put an end to this and took him to the theater studio "Pinocchio", which was led by Irina Tomingas. According to Voorzov, he did not dreamed about the scene, but after the first lessons, he was noticed that he had, and surrounding him with curiosity and interest.

"Irina Tomingas put ingenious performances, and we drove around all schools Tallinn. Most often, the production ended with sincere applause. Thanks to this, I was noticed, and I began to play in adult performances - in the Russian Drama Theater of Estonia, where Edward Toman invited me, "the artist added.

At the end of the educational institution, the graduate filed documents at the Faculty of Philology of the Local Pedagogical University, and then hit the MCAT Studio School to Igor Zolotovitsky and Sergey Zemtsov. In the Russian theater, Paul shone in the "Chamber No. 6", "do not part with your loved ones", "Dancing on the harvest festival" and "do not play today", and in 2007 settled in the MHT named after A. P. Chekhov, where it serves and now.

Theater and films

The cinema took a talented novice artist with open arms - he was invited to the "cadets", where they immediately entrusted the major role of Alyosha Shavel. The guy's partners on the set were Andrei Chadov, Ivan Stebunov, Elena Yakovleva, Yuri Belyaev and others.

In the future, the actor's filmography was enriched by works, where he had repeatedly had to try military epaulets: "Zonnentau", "Forty-first. Opus Posth, "Liquidation", "Capture", "Brown War".

In 2015, the Vorozhtsov appeared in the image of Savelyev in the Duhless 2 drama on the same platform with Danila Kozlovsky, Maria Andreva and Milosebi Bikovich.

Also, the audience could see Paul and in noticeable Russian series: "Kitchen", "Superbobrov", "Call Dicaprio!".

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In 2017, an arth-house comedy "Lalay-Balalay" appeared, which became the owner of the prize of the competition "Kinotavr. Short meter. "

In 2018, the premiere of the "Former" melodrama, where Vorozhov appeared in the form of Tennisist Konstantin Reshetnikov. In 2019 and 2021, the 2nd and 3rd seasons of the series came out.

In the historical saga "Godunov", Pavel played Mikhail Nagogo, Brother Mary. The tape caused contradictory reviews, but in general, he was warm. The empires presented such stars as Sergey Bezrukov, Svetlana Khodchenkova, Victor Sukhorukov, Sergey Makovetsky and others.

In 2019, the creative biography of Vorozhtsov was replenished with the full-length filmmakers "loyalty" and "Union of salvation", the "Biheppi", "epidemic", "ricochet" and "dead lake" and a short film "I pay with you." Also, the actor was involved in the "beauty in the strike", "Dyatlov Pass" and "Good Man."

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And in the 2020th, the premiere of the comedy series "Raincom" on the activities of the school parent committee took place. Olga Lerman, Victor Horinyak, Ekaterina Kuznetsova and other actors, became partners of Paul. Also came out the series "Phantom" with Denis Swedov, Evgenia BRIC and Angelina. In a mystical detective, Paul appeared in the lead role.

In January 2021, the premiere of the Comedy "Day of the City" was held, where the vorozhtsov reincarnated in the precinct. The screen appeared to Katerina Spitz, Anton Filipenko and Olga Dibseva. Funny situations, jokes, bright characters - all this is accompanied by hits. The tape caused interest and positive reviews from the audience.

However, at this actor talents did not end up - he is the author of the music for the "Ivanov" spectrum of Yuri Butusov.

In the native Moscow Art Theater, with the participation of Paul, performances are played: "North wind", "Month in the village", "Chaika", "Run" and others.

Personal life

The first serious relationship among Paul happened in his youth, with an artist of Alina Karmazina. By 18 years old, young people were almost families. Then their paths were separated: the girl went to enter Petersburg, and Vorozhtsov - to Moscow. Now the actors are friends with families.

Pavel Vorozhtsov took to the wife of theatrical director Alain Anokhin ("Sleeping and his aunt" in the Marijing, "Unnamed Star" and "Rosencranc and Guiludsterns are dead" at the Studio School of MCAT).

Pavel Vorozhtsov and Ernest Matskavičius look like

Acquaintance has come back at the time of the student, passed to cooperation, and then in mutual love and family. Subsequently, the spouse became parents of two children, Barbara and Fedor. In Instagram-Account, Vorozhtov photo of loved ones and from personal life is not found, but pictures from work are often published on the social network.

Native Paul - mother and brother with his family - live in Tallinn, but often come to the actor to Moscow.

Vorozhtsov actively plays in the cinema, and in the theater, which allows him to stay in good physical form - high growth (186 cm) is combined with taut and harmony, the actor does not have excess weight.

Pavel Vorozhtsov now

At 2021, the premiere of the Mercenary Drama "Jetlag" is scheduled. Pavl's partners on the site were Irina Star'shenbaum, Philip Avdaev and Ksenia Rappoport.

In the same year, the audience was waiting for the premieres of the crime detective "Marlene" (1st season), "Boomeranga" with Dmitry Nagiyev in the lead role and screening of Drama Vyacheslav Shishkov "Ugryum-River".


  • 2004 - "Cadets"
  • 2007 - "Liquidation"
  • 2012 - "Zonentau"
  • 2014 - "Demons"
  • 2015 - "Spirieless-2"
  • 2015 - "Kitchen"
  • 2016 - "Superbobrov"
  • 2017 - "Myths"
  • 2018 - "Godunov"
  • 2018 - "Call Dicaprio!"
  • 2018 - "Trainer"
  • 2019 - Biheppi
  • 2019 - "loyalty"
  • 2019 - "Salvation Union"
  • 2019 - "Epidemic"
  • 2020 - "Phantom"
  • 2020 - "Good man"
  • 2021 - "Marlene"

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