Alexander Biryukov - Photo, Biography, News, Personal Life, Books 2021



The writer and blogger Alexander Biryukov considers the Mission to be a male enlightenment, which leads to a noble goal - the revival of the family. Alexander writes books in which men build healthy relationships, confront female manipulations and correctly build a traditional family hierarchy, where the chapter is managed.

Childhood and youth

Alexander Nikolaevich was born on July 30, 1982 in Ryazan. Judging by his early biography, Biryukov did not think to become a writer and life mentor. After graduating from school, the guy entered Ryazan State Medical University. Pavlova, where he studied on the medical faculty and continued to education in graduate school.

As a doctor always interested him, the human brain was always interested, and the scientific research of Alexander dedicated neuroncology, which was defended by the dissertation and wrote hundreds of articles. On a man's account, a number of patented inventions. Interested in politics, the author left medicine and began to develop social activities. Now Biryukov calls himself a family psychologist, a writer and a publicist.


The first attempt to become a writer was taken by the doctor in 2007, when he offered a manuscript publishers "How to manipulate men (according to the experience of men themselves)". As the author explains, the book market turned out to be oversaturated materials for the education of the "real bitch", and therefore it was denied the publication.

Biryukov did not lower his arms and published the "instruction" at his own expense, holding it independently distribute it through acquaintances and the Internet.

In the same way, another books of Alexander were published - "a man and a woman: war or world?" (2011), "Anatomy of Love and Fakes" (2014), "Unreal Man" (2014), a man and a woman: a table book of a healthy relationship "(2017)," Male - Soul Naraspack! "(2018).

In his writings, the author advocates for the construction of honest relationships, and therefore the main goal considers the disclosure of female manipulations, which contain hidden aggression in terms of strong sex. The writer compares a modern man with a prisoner who goes through a mine field with his hands-related hands, without suspecting his rights and hidden forces. Biryukov seeks to turn the brothers in mind from the "service personnel" in confident, self-sufficient and purposeful personalities.

Personal life

Judging by the status on the personal page in Vkontakte, the Mentor on interpersonal relationship is not married. Here, he explains in detail that in the modern world to find a decent girlfriend of life is very difficult, and compares the acquisition of the loyal wife with the find of the real treasure. Evaluating the risks of hasty choice, Biryukov as an argument puts forward a crippled fate of children, and therefore says that "choose it is very careful."

So far, being in the process of choice, Alexander asks women to contact him exclusively with business issues, avoiding network flirting and complaints about its special attention. At the same time, the author is sure that he knows the laws for which a happy personal life is being built, and therefore calls for followers and not to lower his hands.

The man leads "Instagram", also his photo posted in Vkontakte, where Biryukova has a personal account and public dedicated to male enlightenment. The same topic publicist reveals on a personal site and YouTube channel, which has thousands of subscribers. Alexander specializes not only on the secrets of the life of real men, but also on the writer, which is leading another site, where the literary skills and the right speech are popular.

Alexander Biryukov now

Alexander continues to lead educational work with a male audience, addressing her publishing and video information. Biryukov with enviable perseverance is trying to turn "dry-off matties" in the "dominant males", which are able to become a support of the family and build a strong civilization.

The specialist teaches men not only to choose the right women, but also to deal with the laws, to form a positive environment, invest in cryptocurrency and fight obesity. These and other topics in 2019, Alexander posted tens of rollers and streams on Youtube. In the same year, the author's bibliography was replenished with another book "Male V. 3.0".


  • 2008 - "How to manipulate men (according to the experience of men themselves)"
  • 2011 - "Man and woman: war or world?"
  • 2014 - "Anatomy of Love and Fakes"
  • 2014 - "Unreal Man"
  • 2015 - "Women's Manipulations"
  • 2017 - "Man and Woman: Desktop Book of Healthy Relationship"
  • 2017 - "Women's and Mens Manipulations"
  • 2018 - "Male - Soul Machine!"
  • 2019 - "Male v. 3.0

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