Anton Momot - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



The actors played by the "Union of Salvation" were lucky enough to reincarnate in outstanding historical personalities. Maxim Matveyev became Prince Sergei Trubetsky, Leonid Bichevin - Sergey Muravyovy-Apostol, Anton Shagin - Konda Ryleev, and Anton Momot - headquarten Dmitry Schepino-Rostov. The latter is known for bringing together with Alexander Bestuzhev and Mikhail Bestuzhevaya Soldier of the Moscow Regiment on the Senate Square, while wounding five people who tried to stop them.

Childhood and youth

In mid-October 1990, the 12th, the spouses of Oksana and Sergey Momot, who lived in the city in the south of Ukraine - Severodonetsk, a younger son of Anton appeared. The firstborn Dmitry came to this world four years earlier, in the Orthodox holiday of the Nativity of Christ.

At the time limit, the boy went to the local school number 11, at the end of which he was waiting for the move to St. Petersburg with his family. In the native artist of the soul does not make up - photos of parents, older brother, nephew and grandmothers often flashed in his social networks.

They also publishes archival pictures from childhood, thanks to them fans learned that the early biography of the idol is connected with kickboxing, and he himself well kept skating.

In the Northern capital, the applicant took the assault on the current RGISI and came to the course of the titled director Grigory Kozlov, who became the winner of the premium named after Konstantin Stanislavsky in 2017. After in 2014, the guy released from the university, virtuoso playing in the diploma performance "Turandot", his theater "Workshop" was accepted with open arms, founded by a mentor.


The cinematic debut of momism took place in 2012 - a young actor starred in "PPS-2". And the next year it was lit up in the "Foundiny", reincarnated in Brother Yermolin, "Kitchen", having tried the form of the waiter of the restaurant of French cuisine Claude Mone, the second "chef", the third "stranger" and "team".

Subsequently, he declared himself in the "Uppercote for Hitler", Trotsky and "Alien Face", starring with Olga Pavlyukova. Along with the series in Anton filmography, there was a place and full-length film photography - "Kitchen in Paris", "Gogol. Beginning "and" Two "with Tatiana caustic.

Personal life

On November 25, 2019, in the personal life of the premium laureate of the 1st festival of provincial theaters "Factory Stanislavsky" received from the hands of Sergey Bezrukova, there were ambitious changes - in the Tavrichesky Garden Anton played a wedding with Sofia Karabulina.

A happy wife - her attentive viewer could see in a "flying carriage", "Petrice" and "letters on glass" - shared festive photographs in his "Instagram".

As for individual preferences, Momot (height 178 cm with weight 79 kg) loves to travel, play football, ride a bike and fish.

Anton Momot now

In 2019, in addition to the mentioned historical "Salvation Union", Anton played in the Triad and Brotherhood. On the day of the premiere of the last filmtte, the TV MAG magazine published an interview with the executor of the Role of Greg, who admitted how he worked with Pavel Longin and what was the most difficult scene:"For me, this picture is anti-war. And not about how to properly be strong and carry out military orders, but about the fact that the war is scary and abnormally. I am sure that now, nothing can be more expensive than human life, no idea. My character saves, but forced to kill - it is hard and not needed. "

It is also known that Momot is engaged in the films "Resident" on the novel of Zakhar Prilepina, "what was, not to be", "White Shaman" and "From the School". In the same year he tried himself and as a director, removing the short "witness" marked with a special prize at the Samara Film Festival 70/30.


  • 2012 - "PPS-2"
  • 2013 - "Foundry-8"
  • 2013-2015 - "Kitchen"
  • 2014 - "Major Sokolov's heterlers"
  • 2014 - "Kitchen in Paris"
  • 2015 - "Nevsky"
  • 2016 - "Uppercot for Hitler"
  • 2017 - "Gogol. Start"
  • 2017 - "Trotsky"
  • 2017 - "Alien face"
  • 2018 - "Two"
  • 2018 - "Traces in the past"
  • 2019 - "Brotherhood"
  • 2019 - "Salvation Union"
  • 2019 - "Triad"

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