Tatyana Society - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Career actresses Tatiana story stored on theatrical layouts, and in cinema. Her face is familiar with the viewers of the post-Soviet space, who love to conduct leisure over look at the Russian TV series, detectives and melodram. The story stories looks in all amplua, so the spectrum of the roles of the artist is very wide.

Childhood and youth

The actress was born in Latvian Ventspils in 1958. There is no information about her family - the story thoroughly protects everything that concerns personal life and home space. It is only known that with the profession of Tatiana determined early. Since childhood, she felt like an artist, in the matinee in kindergarten declared poems, sang and danced. The school continued the "creative way", becoming a "nail" of all events.

Recognition received in childhood and youth pushed not to turn off the selected path. After graduating from school, the girl went to the city on the Neva, where from the first attempt to join the ranks of the institute of the theater, music and cinematography. Tatyana Storyzov was enrolled on the course Arkady Katzman and Lion Dodina. Soon she ranked among the best students and favorites of teachers of theatrical university.


In 1983, the story was awarded a diploma. There was no problem with the employment of problems: Tatyana was taken to the theater's troupe. Lensovet, where she served for 6 years. Staging "Ah, these stars", in which the beginner artist was reincarnated immediately in three images - Ella Fitzgerald, Mirey Mathieu and Alla Pugachev - removed on the film. The film was released on screens in 1983.

Then the story was played by Paul in the "three-china opera", Valentine in "Whose, Starichier?", Queen of England in Levshev.

In 1989, the story was replaced by the stage, going to the theater of Europe. Spectators and critics highly appreciated her game in the formulations of "demons", "Running Wanderers", "Cherry Garden" and "Moscow Choir". For the role in the last performance, the artist was awarded the Golden Sofit Prize.

In 2003, Tatyana became the laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation. Work on the stage and the shooting area alternates: to abandon the theater and live communication with the viewer for the sake of cinema can not. After 5 years, the story awarded the next theatrical award.


The cinematic biography of the actress started in the mid-1980s. In the films "lived, the doctor ...", "Iron Rain" and "Shura and Prosvirnyak" said the leadership.

In the 1990s, the artist's filmography was paused - Tatyana Dmitrievna starred only in the children's tape "Ring". But in the 2000 kinocarier went up. Spectators often see the story in popular TV series: "Sea Devils", "Secrets of the Consequence", "Feather and a sword", "White Guard", "Goryunov" - everywhere she, though not the main, but bright roles.

In 2014, Tatiana Storyzov was invited to the Master Series Project "Pregnancy Test". The first season was successful, so the continuation of the melodrama soon came. At the set of tape actress worked until 2019. Fans of the series again saw the story of Evgenia Mishina's midwife.

In September 2019, the premiere of the detective series Mark Gorobets "Shadow behind his back" was held on the NTV television channel, in which Ivan Oganesyan, Karina Andoltenko and Ksenia Lavrov-Glinka played key characters. Appeared on the screen and Tatyana Dmitrievna, who entrusted the role of Mom of one of the heroines.

Personal life

Tatiana Ratazovas is one of the actresses that are reluctant to share personal information. Family secrets canopy slightly open pages in "Instagram" and "Facebook". Here Tatiana is divided with subscribers with fresh photos, among which you can find the son's shots and granddaughters of Masha, who was born on the last shooting day of the test for pregnancy.
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Photo of her husband in "Instagram" is not. Data on the growth and weight of the story is also not found, but from the films in which it is removed in recent years, it is clear that Tatiana has not fallen victim to new-purpose diets and plastic operations.

Tatyana Society now

In September 2019, the premiere of the mini-series Boris Khlebnikov "Storm", Alexander Robak, Maxim Lagashkin and Anna Mikhalkov played the main characters. Tatiana Ratzazzazov appeared in Islety Tape. Spectators learned her in the rector of the university.

Now the artist continues to go to theatrical scene and film. For her fans, the appearance of lovers in the detective TV series "Diver" became a pleasant surprise, the release of which was scheduled for 2020.


  • 1984 - "lived a doctor ..."
  • 1987 - "Iron Rain"
  • 1987 - "Shura and Prosvirnik"
  • 1991 - "Ring"
  • 2002 - "Golden Bullet Agency"
  • 2003 - "Streets of broken lamps - 5"
  • 2006 - "Maze Maze"
  • 2007 - "Feather and sword"
  • 2010 - "House of a big river"
  • 2012 - "White Guard"
  • 2014-2019 - "Pregnancy Test"
  • 2016 - "River Memory"
  • 2017 - "CARP frostbitten"
  • 2019 - "Storm"
  • 2020 - "Diver"

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