Sergey Uryan - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Sergey Uman did not plan to become an actor, but his heart conquered the theater. Soon he began to act on television and became famous for participating in criminal series.

Childhood and youth

Sergey Konstantinovich Uman was born on May 1, 1972 in Leningrad (St. Petersburg). He grew up in the usual Soviet family and did not think about the career in the cinema. Little Seryozha collectable plastic figures, engaged in boxing and chess, dreamed of growing a real man.

Sergey Uman in childhood

After the 8th grade Uman, he enrolled in vocational school to learn the profession of the joiner. However, the young man became interested in creativity, he took the lessons of acting skills and participated in amateur amateur. At 17, Sergey joined the troupe of the Saturday Theater, and then entered the St. Petersburg Academy of Theatrical Art (now RGISI).

When studies in the university came to an end, the young man collaborated with different theaters, but nowhere was delayed for a long time. He served in the "Clown School", "shelter of the Comedian", played in performances under the leadership of Georgy Torztynetskoy. Only in 1999, Uman managed to find the refuge in the small dramatic theater of Lion Ehrenburg (NDT). The artist participated in the production "Three sisters", "Wizard of Oz" and "At the bottom". High growth (180 cm) and Charisma Sergey allowed him to embody different characters, skillfully changing images.


In 2000, Sergey joined the acting of the detective comedy "Agency" NLS "," where he fulfilled the role of criminal authority on nicknamed Katya. After the release of the series on the television screens, the hero Uman became a pet spectators, and his witty jokes and stinging comments were dismantled by quotes.

Sergey Uman in

When shooting detective came to an end, the artist's filmography continued to be replenished with new projects. He appeared in small roles in the "slaughter strength", "Code of Parts" and "Mental Wars". Sergey was remembered by the audience thanks to the images of marginal personalities who skillfully embody on the screen.

Over the years, the man began to offer the role of representatives of the law. He played a bailiff in the 10th season of the "Gangster Petersburg", the investigator in the continuation of the "two of the Larz", the policeman in the "gingerbread" and the head of the department for combating organized crime in "State Protection".

In 2013, the actor starred in five episodes of the series "Sea Devils. Tornado, "where I embodied the character named Pete. In the center of the plot of the adventure drama - an elite land division, created to confront terrorist threats. And in the film "Mentor" Uman played Major OSB Igor Borovoy.

The next successful project, in which the actor managed to participate, was the criminal film "Kupchino". The series tells about the joint work of an experienced policeman and a young trainee who dreamed of becoming a musician. Also, the artist starred in the drama "History of one destination" based on the biography of Lion Tolstoy.

Personal life

Sergey rarely gives an interview and does not like to talk about a personal life, the presence of a man's wife or children is not known anything.

Sergey Uryan in 2019

According to information from the media, he lived with his mother, who helped him to conduct a household, but after her death, the artist remained alone.

Sergey Uman now

In 2019, the film "Union of salvation" was added to the list of work of the actor, telling about the events of the Decembrist uprising. Uman fell away to play the junction of Essay.

Now a man continues to film. He does not lead a page in "Instagram", but divides news and photos with fans in Vkontakte.


  • 1999 - "National Security Agent"
  • 2001-2003 - "Agency" NLS ""
  • 2006 - "Collection"
  • 2007 - "Payback"
  • 2010 - "Secrets of the investigation - 9"
  • 2014 - "Letters on the glass"
  • 2014 - "Mentor"
  • 2015 - "Gastrors"
  • 2018 - "Kupchino"
  • 2018 - "History of one destination"
  • 2019 - "Salvation Union"

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